This page (revision-6) was last changed on 03-Feb-2023 15:21 by Florian Dingler 

This page was created on 20-Dec-2010 19:35 by Carsten Strotmann

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
6 03-Feb-2023 15:21 715 bytes Florian Dingler to previous
5 23-Oct-2015 16:39 687 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
4 23-Oct-2015 16:37 699 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
3 23-Oct-2015 16:34 486 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
2 23-Oct-2015 16:34 484 bytes Florian Dingler to previous | to last
1 20-Dec-2010 19:35 151 bytes Carsten Strotmann to last

Page References

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Version management

Difference between version and

At line 3 changed one line
PEEK(43234) will give a result of 162 for Revision A, 96 for Revision B, and 234 for Revision C.
With the BASIC cartridge put into your 400/800 or BASIC switched on, type (e.g. after the READY prompt)
? PEEK(43234)
and then press RETURN.
The computer will give you an result.
|162|Revision A|First Atari BASIC cartridge, 8K ROM.
|96|Revision B|Found built-in on the 600XL and early 800XLs. Never supplied on cartridges.
|234|Revision C|Found on later 800XLs, the 800XLF, XEGS and all XE computers. Limited cartridge production run.
For an description of the known errors, see the Wikipedia Article on ATARI Basic:
See also [OS Versions]