!!!4-color Characters The color of each pixel (4 in a line instead of the usual 8) depends on the bit combination of the byte in the character definition. ||Bit Pair||Color||Address dec||Address hex||comment |00|[COLOR4] BAK|712|$02C8| |01|[COLOR0] PF0|708|$02C4| |10|[COLOR1] PF1|709|$02C5| |11|[COLOR2] PF2|710|$02C6|if bit 7 of character code = 0 |11|[COLOR3] PF3|711|$02C7|if bit 7 of character code = 1 !!!Example character "A" (code=65) would be displayed as {{{ 00000000 BAK BAK BAK BAK 00011000 BAK PF0 PF1 BAK 00111100 BAK PF2 PF2 BAK compare with line 3 below 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 01111110 PF0 PF2 PF2 PF1 compare with line 6 below 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 00000000 BAK BAK BAK BAK }}} character "inverse A" (code=193, Bit 7 set because inverse video is on!) would be displayed as {{{ 00000000 BAK BAK BAK BAK 00011000 BAK PF0 PF1 BAK 00111100 BAK PF3 PF3 BAK compare with line 3 above 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 01111110 PF0 PF3 PF3 PF0 compare with line 6 above 01100110 PF0 PF1 PF0 PF1 00000000 BAK BAK BAK BAK }}} To try this, type (works only on an ATARI XL or XE): {{{ GRAPHICS 13:? #6;"A A A":? #6;"A A A":REM the second 3 "A"s are inverse video! }}} [{Image src='GR13DEMO.png' width='..' height='..' align='left' style='..' class='..' }] ---- see also: [Color topics|Color_topics], [topic list]