!!!6502 Assembler for VolksForth

See [6502 Assembler in Forth] for the original FIG-Forth version of this assembler

\ 6502 Assembler  clv10oct87 
\ Basis: Forth Dimensions VOL III No. 5) 
\ internal loading         04may85BP/re) 
\ Forth-6502 Assembler        clv10oct87 
\ Basis: Forth Dimensions VOL III No. 5) 

CR .( Loading 6502 Assembler...) CR

Onlyforth  Assembler also definitions    

\ Forth-83 6502-Assembler      20oct87re 

: end-code   context 2- @  context ! ;   

Create index
$0909 , $1505 , $0115 , $8011 ,
$8009 , $1D0D , $8019 , $8080 ,
$0080 , $1404 , $8014 , $8080 ,
$8080 , $1C0C , $801C , $2C80 ,

| Variable mode

: Mode:  ( n -)   Create c,  
  Does>  ( -)     c@ mode ! ;

0   Mode: .A        1    Mode: # 
2 | Mode: mem       3    Mode: ,X
4   Mode: ,Y        5    Mode: X)
6   Mode: )Y       $F    Mode: )
\ upmode  cpu                  20oct87re 

| : upmode ( addr0 f0 - addr1 f1)
 IF mode @  8 or mode !   THEN
 1 mode @  $F and ?dup IF
 0 DO  dup +  LOOP THEN 
 over 1+ @ and 0= ;

: cpu  ( 8b -)   Create  c, 
  Does>  ( -)    c@ c, mem ;

 00 cpu brk $18 cpu clc $D8 cpu cld
$58 cpu cli $B8 cpu clv $CA cpu dex
$88 cpu dey $E8 cpu inx $C8 cpu iny
$EA cpu nop $48 cpu pha $08 cpu php
$68 cpu pla $28 cpu plp $40 cpu rti
$60 cpu rts $38 cpu sec $F8 cpu sed
$78 cpu sei $AA cpu tax $A8 cpu tay
$BA cpu tsx $8A cpu txa $9A cpu txs
$98 cpu tya
\ m/cpu                        20oct87re 

: m/cpu  ( mode opcode -)  Create c, ,   
 dup 1+ @ $80 and IF $10 mode +! THEN
 over $FF00 and upmode upmode
 IF mem true Abort" invalid" THEN
 c@ mode @ index + c@ + c, mode @ 7 and  
 IF mode @  $F and 7 <
  IF c, ELSE , THEN THEN mem ;

$1C6E $60 m/cpu adc $1C6E $20 m/cpu and  
$1C6E $C0 m/cpu cmp $1C6E $40 m/cpu eor  
$1C6E $A0 m/cpu lda $1C6E $00 m/cpu ora  
$1C6E $E0 m/cpu sbc $1C6C $80 m/cpu sta  
$0D0D $01 m/cpu asl $0C0C $C1 m/cpu dec  
$0C0C $E1 m/cpu inc $0D0D $41 m/cpu lsr  
$0D0D $21 m/cpu rol $0D0D $61 m/cpu ror  
$0414 $81 m/cpu stx $0486 $E0 m/cpu cpx  
$0486 $C0 m/cpu cpy $1496 $A2 m/cpu ldx  
$0C8E $A0 m/cpu ldy $048C $80 m/cpu sty  
$0480 $14 m/cpu jsr $8480 $40 m/cpu jmp  
$0484 $20 m/cpu bit

\ Assembler conditionals       20oct87re 

| : range?   ( branch -- branch )
 dup abs  $7F u> Abort" out of range " ; 

: [[  ( BEGIN)  here ;
: ?]  ( UNTIL)  c, here 1+ - range? c, ; 
: ?[  ( IF)     c,  here 0 c, ;
: ?[[ ( WHILE)  ?[ swap ;
: ]?  ( THEN)   here over c@  IF swap !  
 ELSE over 1+ - range? swap c! THEN ;    
: ][  ( ELSE)   here 1+   1 jmp
 swap here over 1+ - range?  swap c! ;   
: ]]  ( AGAIN)  jmp ;
: ]]? ( REPEAT) jmp ]? ;    

\ Assembler conditionals       20oct87re 
$90 Constant CS     $B0 Constant CC
$D0 Constant 0=     $F0 Constant 0<>
$10 Constant 0<     $30 Constant 0>=
$50 Constant VS     $70 Constant VC

: not    $20 [ Forth ] xor ;

: beq    0<> ?] ;   : bmi   0>= ?] ;
: bne    0=  ?] ;   : bpl   0<  ?] ;
: bcc    CS  ?] ;   : bvc   VS  ?] ;
: bcs    CC  ?] ;   : bvs   VC  ?] ;

\ 2inc/2dec   winc/wdec        20oct87re 

: 2inc  ( adr -- )
 dup lda  clc  2 # adc 
 dup sta  CS ?[  swap 1+ inc  ]?  ;

: 2dec  ( adr -- )        
 dup lda  sec  2 # sbc
 dup sta  CC ?[  swap 1+ dec  ]?  ;

: winc  ( adr -- )
 dup inc  0= ?[  swap 1+ inc  ]?  ;

: wdec  ( adr -- )
 dup lda  0= ?[  over 1+ dec  ]?  dec  ; 

: ;c: 
 recover jsr  end-code ]  0 last !  0 ;  

\ ;code Code code>          bp/re03feb85 


: Assembler
 Assembler   [ Assembler ] mem ;

: ;Code
 [compile] Does>  -3 allot
 [compile] ;      -2 allot   Assembler ; 

: Code  Create here dup 2- ! Assembler ; 

: >label  ( adr -)
 here | Create  immediate  swap , 
 4 hallot heap 1 and hallot ( 6502-alig) 
 here 4 - heap  4  cmove 
 heap last @ count $1F and + !  dp !     
  Does>  ( - adr)   @ 
  state @ IF  [compile] Literal  THEN ;  

: Label   
 [ Assembler ]  here >label Assembler ;  

