General Information \\ Author: Bob Sander-Cederlof \\ Assembler: generic \\ Published: APPLE Assembly Line 01/82 \\ Download: [Apple Assembly Line Archive|] \\ Programs that are already assembled usually must be loaded at a specific memory address to execute properly. If you want to run it somewhere else, you have a problem. All the data references, JMP's, and JSR's will have to be examined to see if they need to be modified for the new location. If you don't have the source code, you can't re-assemble it. The other way, patching, can be quite a tedious operation! Fortunately, way back in 1977, the WOZ (Steve Wozniak to you newcomers) wrote a program to do the work automatically. If you have the Programmer's Aid ROM then you have his RELOCATE program. You who have Apple II Plusses with the Language Card (also called 16K RAM card) can also use his program, because it is in the INTBASIC file along with Integer BASIC. (The latter group of people probably don't have the manual, though, because they didn't buy the ROM.) I would like to see the RELOCATE program made more widely available, but it cannot be used as is unless you have Integer BASIC. Why? Because it uses SWEET-16 opcodes. RELOCATE also is itself tied to running at whatever location it is assembled for, so it can be a little trouble to find a place for it sometimes. By now you have probably guessed that I have recoded RELOCATE to solve both of these problems! Paul Schlyter's article elsewhere in this issue of AAL shows RELOCATE put to good use. You can examine his instructions and learn most of what you need to know to use RELOCATE on your own programs. Basically, there are four steps: 1. Initialize. This sets up the control-Y monitor command. If RELOCATE is on a file, you do this with "BRUN RELOCATE". 2. Specify the program start and end addresses (where it now is in memory), and the new starting address (where you want it to be relocated to). This is done with the monitor command: {code}target<start.end^Y*{code} where "target" is the new starting address, and "start" and "end" are the addresses of the program where it is now. "^Y" means "control-Y". The "\*" after the control-Y signals RELOCATE that you are in step 2 rather than step 3 or 4. 3. Specify the FIRST block to be copied "as-is" or to be "relocated" to the destination area. This is done with the monitor command: {code}target<start.end^Y{code} or {code}target<start.endM{code} where "target" is the starting address in the new area for this block, and "start" and "end" define the block itself. Note that there is no trailing asterisk this time. Use control-Y if you want this block relocated, or M if you want it copied as-is. 4. Specify the NEXT block to be copied as-is or relocated. You do this with the monitor command: {code}.end^Y{code} or {code}.endM{code} where the target and start addresses are assumed to immediately follow the previously handled block, and "end" specifies the end of this new block. Use control-Y to relocate the block, or M to copy it as-is. Obviously, step 4 above is repeated until the whole program has been copied/relocated. For each block of your program that is to be copied as-is, with no modification at all, you use the "M" command; for each block to be relocated you use the "control-Y" command. If you need more detailed instructions and explanation, I must refer you to the manual. The Programmer's Aid #1 Manual is sold at most computer stores separately from the ROM package. Pages 11-28 explain why and how to use RELOCATE, and pages 80 and 81 contain the assembly listing. Now here is my new version, which can be BRUN anywhere you have 134 ($86) bytes available. I have eliminated the SWEET-16 usage; this made the program slightly bigger, and a lot faster. Lines 1260-1380 are the initialization code. They build the control-Y vector at $3F8-3FA. A JMP opcode is stored at $3F8; if you have DOS up this is redundant, but it won't hurt. Next I have to try to find myself. That is, where in memory am I (the program RELOCATE) located? JSR MON.RETURN (which is only an RTS instruction, so it comes right back without doing anything) puts the address of the third byte of the JSR instruction on the stack. Lines 1290-1370 use that address to compute the address of RELOC, and store it in $3F9 and $3FA. When you type in a control-Y command, the monitor will now branch to RELOC at line 1400. Lines 1400-1430 look at the character after the control-Y in the command input buffer; if it is an asterisk, then you are trying to do step 2 above. If not, then you are on step 3 or 4. Lines 1440-1500 handle step 2, and lines 1510-1990 handle steps 3 and 4. The part which used to be coded in SWEET-16 was lines 1690-1880. The SWEET-16 version took only 14 bytes, while the 6502 code takes 34 bytes. The 6502 version may take about 100 microseconds to execute, and the SWEET-16 version on the order of 1000 microseconds (for each instruction relocated). ---- {{{ 1000 * 1010 * 6502 RELOCATION SUBROUTINE 1020 * 1030 * MAY BE LOADED ANYWHERE, AS IT IS SELF-RELOCATABLE 1040 * 1050 * ADAPTED FROM SIMILAR PROGRAM IN PROGRAMMERS AID #1 1060 * ORIGINAL PROGRAM BY WOZ, 11-10-77 1070 * ADAPTED BY BOB SANDER-CEDERLOF, 12-30-81 1080 * (ELIMINATED USAGE OF SWEET-16) 1090 * 1100 MON.YSAV .EQ $34 COMMAND BUFFER POINTER 1110 MON.LENGTH .EQ $2F # BYTES IN INSTRUCTION - 1 1120 MON.INSDS2 .EQ $F88E DISASSEMBLE (FIND LENGTH OF OPCODE) 1130 MON.NXTA4 .EQ $FCB4 UPDATE POINTERS, TEST FOR END 1140 MON.RETURN .EQ $FF58 1150 STACK .EQ $0100 SYSTEM STACK 1160 INBUF .EQ $0200 COMMAND INPUT BUFFER 1170 * 1180 A1 .EQ $3C,3D 1190 A2 .EQ $3E,3F 1200 A4 .EQ $42,43 1210 R1 .EQ $02,03 1220 R2 .EQ $04,05 1230 R4 .EQ $08,09 1240 INST .EQ $0A,0B,0C 1250 * 1260 START LDA #$4C JMP OPCODE 1270 STA $3F8 BUILD CONTROL-Y VECTOR 1280 JSR MON.RETURN FIND OUT WHERE I AM FIRST 1290 START1 TSX 1300 DEX POINT AT LOW BYTE 1310 SEC +1 1320 LDA STACK,X LOW BYTE OF START1-1 1330 ADC #RELOC-START1 1340 STA $3F9 1350 LDA STACK+1,X HIGH BYTE OF START1-1 1360 ADC /RELOC-START1 1370 STA $3FA 1380 RTS 1390 * 1400 RELOC LDY MON.YSAV COMMAND BUFFER POINTER 1410 LDA INBUF,Y GET CHAR AFTER CONTROL-Y 1420 CMP #$AA IS IT "*"? 1430 BNE RELOC2 NO, RELOCATE A BLOCK 1440 INC MON.YSAV YES, GET BLOCK DEFINITION 1450 LDX #7 COPY A1, A2, AND A4 1460 .1 LDA A1,X 1470 STA R1,X 1480 DEX 1490 BPL .1 1500 RTS 1510 * 1520 RELOC2 LDY #2 COPY NEXT 3 BYTES FOR MY USE 1530 .1 LDA (A1),Y 1540 STA INST,Y 1550 DEY 1560 BPL .1 1570 JSR MON.INSDS2 GET LENGTH OF INSTRUCTION 1580 LDX MON.LENGTH 0=1 BYTE, 1=2 BYTES, 2=3 BYTES 1590 BEQ .3 1-BYTE OPCODE 1600 DEX 1610 BNE .2 3-BYTE OPCODE 1620 LDA INST 2-BYTE OPCODE 1630 AND #$0D SEE IF ZERO-PAGE MODE 1640 BEQ .3 NO (X0 OR X2 OPCODE) 1650 AND #$08 1660 BNE .3 NO (80-FF OPCODE) 1670 STA INST+2 CLEAR HIGH BYTE OF ADDRESS FIELD 1680 * 1690 .2 LDA R2 COMPARE ADDR TO END OF SOURCE BLOCK 1700 CMP INST+1 1710 LDA R2+1 1720 SBC INST+2 1730 BCC .3 ADDR > SRCEND 1740 SEC COMPARE ADDR TO BEGINNING OF SRC 1750 LDA INST+1 1760 SBC R1 1770 TAY 1780 LDA INST+2 1790 SBC R1+1 1800 BCC .3 ADDR < SRCBEG 1810 TAX 1820 TYA ADDR = ADDR-SRCBEG+DESTBEG 1830 CLC 1840 ADC R4 1850 STA INST+1 1860 TXA 1870 ADC R4+1 1880 STA INST+2 1890 * 1900 .3 LDX #0 COPY MODIFIED INSTRUCTION TO DESTINATION 1910 LDY #0 1920 .4 LDA INST,X NEXT BYTE OF THIS INSTRUCTION 1930 STA (A4),Y 1940 INX 1950 JSR MON.NXTA4 ADVANCE A1 AND A4, TEST FOR END 1960 DEC MON.LENGTH TEST FOR END OF THIS INSTRUCTION 1970 BPL .4 MORE IN THIS INSTRUCTION 1980 BCC RELOC2 END OF SOURCE BLOCK 1990 RTS }}} ---- Comment: Bob Sander-Cederlof | 19.11.2007 at 03:59 PM Thank you for republishing my article. The Apple Assembly Line newsletter was published from monthly October 1980 through May 1988. All the issues are available online at