!!! ATARI The Communicator II CX488
!! The ATARI The Communicator II box was sold in the USA only along with the Telelink II.
!! Box content:
! - 835 Direct Connect Modem
! - Power Adaptor C060479 (CO60479) (unit) / CA060535 (box)
! - SIO cable and phone cable
! - TeleLink II Computer Communcations cartridge CXL4016 
! - Telelink II Owner's Guide C061183 (CO61183)
! - The Communicator II Getting Started C024438 (CO24438) and information from CompuServe Information Service, Dow Jones News/Retrieval Service, and The Source
! - Sold by Atari in the USA only
!! Image:
[{Image src='communicator2.jpg' width=581 height=223 }]
ATARI The Communicator II box \\