!!!Atari 815 Dual Disk Drive

* [Atari 815 Dual Disk Drive Owner's Manual|https://archive.org/details/atari815manual/mode/2up] ; size: 8.5 MB ; the best manual for the 815 available, thank you so much Kay Savetz, that is of great help! Thank you.\\
* [Atari 815 Dual Disk Drive Owner's Manual|http://www.atarimuseum.com/archives/pdf/computers/8bits/atari815ownersmanual.pdf] ; size: 55 MB ; page 19 in the manual is missing here ; thanks to [atarimuseum.com|http://www.atarimuseum.com] for providing the manual!\\

* [Atari DOS II Vers. 2.0D.atr] ; software shipped with the 815 drive, first double density format

[{Image src='815-1.jpg' width=400 height=522 }]\\
[{Image src='815-2.jpg' width=400 height=517 }]\\
[{Image src='815-info_1981.jpg' width=400 height=522 }]\\
Atari Personal Computer-Product Catalog 1981, page 20\\
[{Image src='815-3.jpg' width=350 height=258 }]\\
[{Image src='815-5.jpg' width=438 height=495 }]\\
[{Image src='Atari815-1.JPG' width=320 height=252 }]\\
[{Image src='Atari815-2.JPG' width=320 height=319 }]\\
[{Image src='Atari815-3.JPG' width=320 height=394 }]\\
[{Image src='ebay-815er.jpg' width=623 height=203 }]\\
Atari 815 - ebay 2017