!!!Atari Home Accounting System; Copyright (C) 1982 Atari, Inc.
As of 2017 there is still no trace to this package, which is the successor to the Atari Accountant System. The main advantage of this package is, that an Atari 815 double disk drive isn't necessary! Therefore, any help of any kind, even a single trace is very welcome at any time. Please help us. Thank you. :-)
[{Image src='Atari_Home_Accounting_System.jpg' width=1117 height=325 }]
[Atari Home Accounting System introduced in InfoWorld from 10/19/1981|https://books.google.de/books?id=Gj0EAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA37&lpg=PA37&dq=Atari+Home+Accounting+System&source=bl&ots=Yb0lxfzFtB&sig=riKw6-YyKVlovhim-pywBjUhGH4&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihs_bg3rrRAhUXdFAKHT4xCf8Q6AEIIzAB#v=onepage&q=Atari%20Home%20Accounting%20System&f=false]
* [S1E6 Synapse SynFile+ – Supplement podcast by Ripdubski|https://inverseatascii.info/2014/12/16/s1e6-synapse-synfile/] ; Thanks Wade for finding this ultra rare artifact! :-)))