!!! Atari Home Finance with Checkbook Cartridge CXL8001 showing Personal Finance after starting: status: unclear
The status of this cartridge is not known for sure. According to Michael Current (Atari faq): Home Finance (later: Personal Finance; never shipped). On the other hand, we could see here:

!! BIN-Images:
*[checkbook8KB.bin] ; a big, big thank you to the owner of the cartridge for sharing with the community! We really appreciate your help very much! :-)
*[checkbook16KB.bin] ; a big, big thank you to the owner of the cartridge for sharing with the community! We really appreciate your help very much! :-)

!! Screenshots
[{Image src='atari000.jpg' width=336 height=240 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 startscreen 1\\
[{Image src='Personal Finance.jpg' width=385 height=304 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 startscreen 2

!! ADs
[{Image src='ROM Cartridges.jpg' width=594 height=298 }]
ROM Cartridges 1979 - Life -> Video Easel, Super Bug -> Space Invaders, Home Finance ?\\
[{Image src='Atari Home Finance-Fall 1980.jpg' width=476 height=593 }]
Atari Home Finance box from Playboy Guide-Electronic Entertainment-Fall 1980

!! Images
[{Image src='Checkbook CXL8001-2.jpg' width=497 height=570 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 Cartridge 1\\
[{Image src='Checkbook CXL8001-3.jpg' width=600 height=508 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 Cartridge 2\\
[{Image src='Checkbook CXL8001-4.jpg' width=459 height=465 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 Cartridge 3\\
[{Image src='Checkbook CXL8001-5.jpg' width=600 height=477 }]
Atari Home Finance CXL8001 Cartridge 4