!!!Atari SCRAM-A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation CX4123 (Basic) by Chris Crawford
!!Please take into account how visionary this program was in 1981(!)
!!Here are some visions for further developments:
!- [A program like: NUKEMAP from Alex Wellerstein|http://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/]
!- [A similar program like the above for zero-point bombs using the Casimir effect|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir_effect]

* [Atari CX4123-Scram-A Nuclear Power Plant Simulation-Users Manual.pdf]\\
* [Scram 24K-Version (english) (Basic).atr] CX4123\\
* [Scram 24K-Version (deutsch) (Basic).atr] TXG4123\\
* [SCRAM (16K).cas]\\
* [SCRAM (24K).cas]\\
[{Image src='scram_k7.jpg' width=300 height=381 }]
Box Cover of SCRAM\\
[{Image src='scram_2.gif' width=336 height=240 }]
SCRAM running on the Atari\\