!!! Atari The Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX412
!! Sold in the US only. Just works with a modem and a stand by-telephone-line to Wall Street
!! CX8124 Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
!! CX8125 Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
!! CX8127 Dow Jones Investment Evaluator
!! Manual:
*[Dow_Jones_Information_Services-Users_Guide.pdf] ; size: 4 MB ; A big thank you goes to Kevin Savetz for giving us the manual
!! Images:
[{Image src='Dow_Jones_Information_Services-User_s_Guide.jpg' width=407 height=550 }]
Dow Jones Information Services-User's Guide - Cover
[{Image src='Dow Jones Investment Evaluator 1.jpg' width=681 height=649 }]
Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX412 - description 1 \\
[{Image src='Dow Jones Investment Evaluator 2.jpg' width=557 height=883 }]
Dow Jones Investment Evaluator CX412 - description 2 \\