Atari Calculator
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Atari Calculator CX8102#

the Atari Calculator is an advanced non-programmable as well as programmable calculator that supports RPN, ALG and ALGN calculation modes. Calculator goes far beyond the limits of Atari Basic’s mathematical capabilities, precision and has no bugs. Calculator has 100 memory registers, additionally a 42 number stack and is fully programmable up to 3072 bytes. Programs and memory registers can each be stored separately on disk or tape. It was the 'Mathematica', 'Maple', Mathcad' etc. of its time.


The Calculator requires 24K of RAM.

Please do not use MEM.SAV with DOS. Instead use the SAVEM as well as the LOADM command of Calculator to store and load the user memory to other programs and/or devices.

In the content pages (page vii to xii in the manual or page 5 to 10 in the PDF-file) it is possible through a click on the line to directly jump to the desired page. The same is true for the index (page 187 to 190 in the manual or page 197 to 200 in the PDF-file).

Atari Calculator disk image: Atari Calculator/Calculator.atr(info)

Atari Calculator disk image with CX85 driver: Atari Calculator/Calculator-CX85.atr(info)

Atari Calculator disk images with colored versions: Atari Calculator/

Atari Calculator disk image for the Commodore 64:

Incredible porting from Dr. N. Kehrer, creator of the Atari Asteroids Emulator. Highly recommended!

Screen optimized manual (22 MB): Atari Calculator/Atari_Calculator_Manual_Optimized.pdf(info)

Printer optimized manual (117 MB):

Atari Calculator on the 14th Vintage Computer Festival Europe: AtariCalculator-VCFe14


Boxcover from the Atari Calculator

Calculator after starting

Calculator after a little calculation

The different modes of Calculator

Calculator in programming mode

Calculator after return from programming mode

Calculator with $00 in $02C5 and $0F in $02C6

Calculator with $0F in $02C5 and $00 in $02C6
Calculator with $00 in Sector 6, Byte 17 from the file above
Calculator with $00 in Sector 87, Byte 3F from "Calculator with CX85 black.atr" of the file above

"Atari Blue"-Calculator with $94 in Sector 6, Byte 17 from the file above

Calculator with $90 in Sector 6, Byte 17 from the file above

Calculator with $C3 in Sector 6, Byte 17 from the file above

Calculator with $46 in Sector 6, Byte 17 from the file above

Calculator with $FF in $02C5 and $00 in $02C6

Precision of Calculator against Atari Basic

Precision of Calculator against different Basic versions

Precision of Calculator (1979) in comparison with Visicalc (1980) and SpeedCalc (1986)

Precision of Calculator (1979) in comparison with MS Excel PC (2010) Mac (2011) (German edition)

Calculator program example no. 2

Number of commands: Atari Basic (Rev. A) vs. Atari Calculator

Author: Carol Shaw, creator of River Raid, 3D Tic-Tac-Toe and many other programs.

Under support from Roland B. Wassenberg