!!!Atari TrueType Font for PC and Mac Atari Classic TrueType Font created by [Mark L. Simonson|http://www2.bitstream.net/~marksim/atarimac/] (v.2.0-2016) ; Copyright (C) 1998, 2016 by Mark L. Simonson\\ \\ Thank you so much Mark, we really would like to thank you for your work. Especially for the German version. The German users are really happy about it and appreciate your contribution very much. Please go ahead!\\ \\ [{Image src='ico_goteam.gif' width=99 height=29 }] Thank you in the name of Germany! !!Fonts * [AtariClassic-Regular.ttf.zip] ; Regular Font ; version 2.0 * [AtariClassic-Regular-German.ttf.zip] ; Regular Font with German special letters ; version 2.0 * [acttfpc.zip] ; version 1.2 * [acttfmac.zip] ; version 1.2 !!Pictures [{Image src='version2set.gif' width=608 height=616 }] Version 2 character set\\ \\ [{Image src='chunky.gif' width=456 height=143 }] Atari Classic Chunky\\ \\ [{Image src='smooth.gif' width=456 height=143 }] Atari Classic Smooth\\ \\ [{Image src='xsmooth.gif' width=456 height=143 }] Atari Classic Extrasmooth\\ \\ [{Image src='atascii.gif' width=135 height=134 }] Old ATASCII font - version 1.2\\ \\ [{Image src='German.jpg' width=567 height=206 }] Atari Classic Regular with German special letters ; thank you so much Mark! !!References - [Mark's website|http://members.bitstream.net/marksim/atarimac/fonts.html] with a lot of more info on this subject\\ - [Read_Me.pdf] ; Read Me file from Mark about version 2.0\\ - [ReadMe.rtf] ; Read Me file from Mark about version 1.2