!!!Atmas I - Editor and Macroassembler; Copyright (C) 1982 Ing. W. Hofacker GmbH, Tegernseerstr. 18, (old:8150) 83607 Holzkirchen ; ELCOMP PUBLISHING, INC., 53 Redrock Lane, Pomona, CA 91766 ; Winfried Hofacker
Elcomp / Hofacker ATMAS Editor and Macro Assembler program with free program descriptions and book (114 pages). This is one of the most powerful Editor / Assemblers for 8 bit Atari Computers. The Editor is fully screen oriented and can be used as a word processor, too. Assembly can be started directly from the Editor. The Assembler interprets all existing opcodes of the 6502 language set as well as a few pseudo opcodes. It translates 12K of source code in about 5 seconds. Only runs on the Atari 800 Computer.

!!ATR image

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Atmas I - Editor and Macroassembler - Box Cover\\
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Atmas I - Editor and Macroassembler - Program Disk\\
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Atmas I - Editor and Macroassembler - Box Back