!!!Dorsett Atari Auto Mechanics KA ; Copyright (C) 1983 Dorsett Educational Systems, Inc.
!!Source from archive.org
* [Auto Mechanics KA|https://archive.org/details/DorsettAtariAutoMechanics]
This is an archive of the "Auto Mechanics" educational program published by Dorsett Educational Systems, Inc. in 1983. This was originally packaged as a set of 8 cassette tapes for use with Atari 400 and 800 computers and the Educational System Master Cartridge.\\
The main files (ka1 through ka16) are likely the versions you want to use with your Atari or emulator. These have been split into 16 files (one per tape side). The audio levels have had their volume normalized, as well as any pops and clicks removed, and subsequently repaired on the data tracks. Each tape has been verified to work on the Altirra emulator.\\
Finally, photos of the cassette tapes are included.\\
Album: Auto Mechanics\\
Original Format: Atari Educational System (Dorsett Talk & Teach)\\
Digital Format: Microsoft WAV, 2 channel, 16-bit 44100Hz sample rate\\
Digitized by: Kevin Savetz/Thomas Cherryhomes\\
Ka1	Checking out a used car\\
Ka2	Overhauling the Car's Engine\\
Ka3	Increasing the car's Performance\\
Ka4	Facts About the Car's Mechanism\\
Ka5	Terms a Mechanic Uses\\
Ka6	The Car's Electrical System\\
Ka7	The Automobile Mechanic--Career\\
Ka8	The Mechanic and His Tools\\
Ka9	Safety in the Shop--Color Code\\
Ka10	The Diagnostic Center\\
Ka11	Engine Displacement in Cubic Inches\\
Ka12	Converting to the Metric System\\
Ka13	Mileage--fuel Performance\\
Ka14	Computing Changes and Labor Costs\\
Ka15	Replacing a Burned-out Fuse\\
Ka16	Credit interest,Paycheck Deductions
[{Image src='AM.jpg' width=400 height=200 }]
Dorsett Atari Auto Mechanics package - front view\\
[{Image src='kaA_.jpg' width=612 height=816 }]
Dorsett Atari Auto Mechanics - cassettes with uneven numbers\\
[{Image src='kaB_.jpg' width=612 height=816 }]
Dorsett Atari Auto Mechanics - cassettes with even numbers