!!!Basic XE by OSS
[{TableOfContents }]\\

[Basic XE/BasicXE.png]

!!BASIC XE source code
[BASIC_XE_4.2-1_master_with_DOS_2.0D.atr] ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here\\
[BASIC_XE_4.2-2_slave_with_DOS_2.0D.atr] ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here\\
[BASIC_XE_4.2-3_fp_with_DOS_2.5.atr] ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here\\
To enable building BASIC XE 4.2 for M091 cartridges, a change has to be made in the D1:MASTER2 file: in line 290, change the value of _27128 to 1. Then follow the normal assembly steps. It results in an object file that loads the four banks to the $3000-$6FFF area in the "1M09" order. Retrieving the bank data in a correct order results in an M091 ROM image.\\
Thank you so much Tomasz 'Kr0tki' Krasuski for the info in building the runtime, we owe you so much. :-)))
[Basic XE 4.1.car]\\
[Basic_XE_4.2.car] ; '034M'-version created by a good soul from AtariAge ; thank you so much good soul! :-)))

[BASIC XE 4.1.rom]\\
[OSS Basic XE 7.2 (universal).rom] Should work with SpartaDOS

[Basic_XE_v4.2_(1986-02-09)(Lawrow,_Stephen_D.)(US)(034M).bin] ; '034M'-version created by a good soul from AtariAge ; thank you so much good soul! :-)))\\
[Basic_XE_v4.2_(1986-02-09)(Lawrow,_Stephen_D.)(US)(043M).bin] ; just runs in Altirra with OSS '043M' ; thank you so much Tomasz 'Kr0tki' Krasuski for building the 1st runtime, we owe you so much. :-)))\\
[Basic_XE_v4.2_(1986-02-09)(OSS)(US)(M091).bin] ; 'M091'-version created by Tomasz 'Kr0tki' Krasuski; thank you so much Tomasz 'Kr0tki' Krasuski for building the runtime, we owe you so much. :-)))

[BASIC XE Extension Disk.atr]\\
[Some example programs|BXL_BXE_programs.zip] ; thanks to Charlie Chaplin from AtariAge. :-)

!! Manual
* [OSS-Basic XE Reference Manual|https://data.atariwiki.org/DOC/OSS_BASIC_XE_Reference_Manual.pdf] 39.0 MB, OCR, onesided, incredible quality made by GoodByteXL. Thank you so much GoodByteXL, you really make the best PDF-files available. Please go ahead with your outstanding work! :-)))
* [Optimized Systems Software, Inc. - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT|Optimized_Systems_Software_Software_License_Agreement.pdf] ; thanks to Atarimania

!! XEP80 driver for BASIC XE
[xep80bxe.arc] ; this is the driver for the XEP80 to work with OSS BASIC XE (.COM file)\\
[XEP80_BASIC_XE.atr] ; same as above on an atr-image

* [Basic XE Information on Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimized_Systems_Software#BASIC_XE]
[{Image src='BASIC_XE_4.2.jpg' width=442 height=44 }]
OSS BASIC XE 4.2 - startscreen