Basic XE
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Basic XE by OSS#

Basic XE/BasicXE.png

BASIC XE source code#

BASIC_XE_4.2-1_master_with_DOS_2.0D.atr(info) ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here
BASIC_XE_4.2-2_slave_with_DOS_2.0D.atr(info) ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here
BASIC_XE_4.2-3_fp_with_DOS_2.5.atr(info) ; please use with OSS MAC/65; Yotta-thanks to all who help us here


Basic XE ; '034M'-version created by a good soul from AtariAge ; thank you so much good soul! :-)))


BASIC XE 4.1.rom(info)
OSS Basic XE 7.2 (universal).rom(info) Should work with SpartaDOS


Basic_XE_v4.2_(1986-02-09)(OSS)(US).bin(info) ; just runs in Altirra with OSS '043M' ; thank you so much Tomasz 'Krütki' Krasuski for building the 1st runtime, we owe you so much. :-)))
Basic_XE_v4.2_(1986-02-09)(OSS)(US)L.bin(info) ; '034M'-version created by a good soul from AtariAge ; thank you so much good soul! :-)))


BASIC XE Extension Disk.atr(info)
Some example programs(info) ; thanks to Charlie Chaplin from AtariAge. :-)


OSS-Basic XE Reference Manual.pdf(info) 44.7 MB, 80 double pages, OCR

XEP80 driver for BASIC XE#

xep80bxe.arc(info) ; this is the driver for the XEP80 to work with OSS BASIC XE (.COM file)
XEP80_BASIC_XE.atr(info) ; same as above on an atr-image



OSS BASIC XE 4.2 - startscreen