!!! C and C++ [{TableOfContents }] !! OSS tiny-c Copyright (C) 1978 tiny c associates, 1982 OSS, Inc., Thomas A. Gibson and Scott B. Guthery OSS tiny-c was a small C compiler disk.\\ \\ From Atari FAQ:\\ First sold C compiler by OSS. This compiler was used to compile itself! First true language "bootstrap" on any 8-bit machine (it was also available for Apple and CP/M machines). Derived from Dr. Dobbs "Small C". Compiles to 6502 code which emulates the 8080 instruction set.\\ ! Manual * [OSS tiny-c manual|tiny-c_manual.pdf] ; size: 2.6 MB ! ATR-Images * [TINY-C_program_disk.atr] ; TINY-C+ Version 1.1 program disk ; Mega-thanks to Kyle22 from AtariAge for giving us the ATR-imgaes, we are deep in your debt! * [TINY-C_source_disk.atr] ; TINY-C+ Version 1.1 __source code__ disk with ASM-files ; Mega-thanks to Kyle22 from AtariAge for giving us the ATR-imgaes, we are deep in your debt! ! Pictures [{Image src='TINY-C_.jpg' width=788 height=134 }] OSS TINY-C+ Version 1.1 program startscreen\\ \\ [{Image src='DIR.jpg' width=294 height=293 }] OSS TINY-C+ Version 1.1 directory of program disk\\ \\ [{Image src='tiny-C_Title.jpg' width=485 height=358 }]\\ OSS tiny-c manual cover\\ \\ [{Image src='tiny-c.jpg' width=275 height=305 }]\\ OSS tiny-c ad\\ \\ !! OSS C/65 Copyright (C) 1982 OSS, Inc. C programming language for the Atari. A subset of C, C/65 only generated assembly source code. An assembly compiler (like MAC/65) is needed to generate an executable file. Marketed, not produced by OSS.\\ ! Manuals * [OSS C-65 Reference Manual-(C) 1982 OSS, Inc..pdf] full OSS C/65 Reference Manual with OCR; mega-thanks to Fuji-Man from AtariAge! * [C/65 Manual (text version)|C65Manual-Text] * [OSS C 65 Quick Start Guide.pdf] ! ATR-Images * [OSS C-65.atr] OSS C/65 * [OSS C-65 with TURBO-DOS XE.atr] OSS C/65 with TURBO-DOS XE * [C-65 (A) - C-65 with DOS XL 2.30.atr] OSS C/65 with DOS XL 2.30 - Part A with the compiler * [C-65 (B) - MAC-65 with DOS XL 2.30.atr] OSS C/65 with DOS XL 2.30 and MAC/65 as editor for creating C source files - Part B * [C-65 with OS-Aplus-1.atr] OSS C/65 with OS/A+ Disk 1 * [C-65 with OS-Aplus-2.atr] OSS C/65 with OS/A+ Disk 2 ! Picture [{Image src='c65-front.png' width=301 height=501 }]\\ OSS C/65 Cover\\ \\ !! CC65 ; CC65 is a PD C compiler for Atari 8-bit computers * [CC65 suite|CC65_suite.zip] ; size: 4.4 MB ; complete developer package from all over the internet. Working! Thanks to Carnegie Mellon University's School of Computer Science for hosting many files. :-) * [CC65 Einsteigerkurs] * [CC65 Porting ideas] * [3dMaze] A 3D Maze Program by Stefan Haubenthal * [Graphics 15plus] - This is a small example on how to use Graphics 15+ with CC65 * [Greed] - a Game in CC65 \\ !! Deep Blue C ! ATR-Images * [Deep Blue C A.atr] * [Deep Blue C B.atr] * [Deep Blue C Compiler version 1.1 (1982).atr] * [Deep Blue C (alt) A.atr] * [Deep Blue C (alt) B.atr] \\ !! Lightspeed C 1.15 ! Manuals * [Lightspeed C.pdf] Lightspeed C manual \\ ! ATR-Images * [Lightspeed C 1.15 A.atr] * [Lightspeed C 1.15 B.atr] * [Lightspeed C (s1).atr] * [Lightspeed C (s2).atr] * [Lightspeed C (s3).atr] \\ !! C++ ! ATR-Images * [Cplusplus 1.2 A.atr] * [Cplusplus 1.2 B.atr]