!!! C and C++
[{TableOfContents }]

! C Reference documents online
* [C and C++ in 5 days|http://homepages.abdn.ac.uk/m.j.kollingbaum/pages/teaching/CS3008/information/abdn.only/C-5days.pdf] by Philip Machanick

!! OSS C/65\\
C programming language for the Atari. A subset of C, C/65 only generated assembly source code. An assembly compiler (like MAC/65) is needed to generate an executable file. Marketed, not produced by OSS.\\

! Manuals
* [OSS C 65 Manual.pdf] full OSS C/65 manual
* [C/C65Manual.pdf]
* [C/65 Manual (text version)|C65Manual-Text]
* [OSS C 65 Quick Start Guide.pdf]

! ATR-Images
* [OSS C-65.atr]
* [OSS C-65 with TURBO-DOS XE.atr]
* [C-65 (A) - C-65 with DOS XL 2.30.atr]
* [C-65 (B)  - MAC-65 with DOS XL 2.30.atr]

! Picture
[{Image src='c65-front.png' width=301 height=501 }]\\
OSS C/65 Cover\\
!! CC65
* [CC65 Einsteigerkurs]
* [CC65 Porting ideas]
* [3dMaze] A 3D Maze Program by Stefan Haubenthal
* [Graphics 15plus] - This is a small example on how to use Graphics 15+ with CC65
* [Greed] - a Game in CC65
!! Deep Blue C
! ATR-Images
* [Deep Blue C A.atr]
* [Deep Blue C B.atr]
* [Deep Blue C Compiler version 1.1 (1982).atr]
* [Deep Blue C (alt) A.atr]
* [Deep Blue C (alt) B.atr]
!! Lightspeed C 1.15
! ATR-Images
* [Lightspeed C 1.15 A.atr]
* [Lightspeed C 1.15 B.atr]
* [Lightspeed C (s1).atr]
* [Lightspeed C (s2).atr]
* [Lightspeed C (s3).atr]
!! C++
! ATR-Images
* [Cplusplus 1.2 A.atr]
* [Cplusplus 1.2 B.atr]