!!!Colors !!Color names ||Hue Value dec||Hue hex||Color from ... to ||Name |0 |$0|black to white|Black |1 |$1|brown to gold|Rust |2 |$2|orange to yellow|Red-orange |3 |$3|terracotta to pink|Dark Orange |4 |$4|dark red to magenta|Red |5 |$5|violet to light blue |Dark lavender |6 |$6|indigo to white |Cobalt blue |7 |$7|sky blue |Ultramarine blue |8 |$8|royal blue to baby blue|Medium Blue |9 |$8|ultramarin to light blue |Dark Blue |10 |$A|turquois |Blue-grey |11 |$B|dark blue to aquamarin |Olive Green |12 |$C|sea green to turquois|Medium green |13 |$D|wood green to light green |Dark Green |14 |$E|olive |Orange-green |15 |$F|khaki to yellow|Orange !!Luminance ||Luminance Value||Description |0| dark|%%( color: #000 ; background-color : #000 ) black %% |2| |%%( color: #222 ; background-color : #222 ) black %% |4| |%%( color: #444 ; background-color : #444 ) black %% |6| |%%( color: #666 ; background-color : #666 ) black %% |8| |%%( color: #888 ; background-color : #888 ) black %% |10| |%%( color: #aaa ; background-color : #aaa ) black %% |12| |%%( color: #ccc ; background-color : #ccc ) black %% |14|light|%%( color: #eee ; background-color : #eee ) black %% Color = Hue + Luminance * 16 ||Bit||7||6||5||4||3||2||1||0 | |L|L|L|L|H|H|H|H see also: [Color topics|Color_topics]