Compilation B

Compilation B (TXP7101)#

Atari Corp UK released this compilation cassette in 1987. This cassette contains rereleases of the games Tennis, Chop Suey, Football, Basketball and Chess. Each game features a loading screen by Atari Corp UK which states the copyright date of 1987, except Chop Suey which was a game made by English Software.


Side: 1 Realsport Tennis, Chop Suey: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideA.cas(info)
Side: 2 Realsport Football, Basketball, Chess: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideB.cas(info)

Individual CAS-files:#

Realsport Tennis: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideA_Tennis.cas(info)
Chop Suey: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideA_ChopSuey.cas(info)
Realsport Football: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideB_Football.cas(info)
Basketball: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideB_Basketball.cas(info)
Chess: Atari_Compilation_TXP7101_SideB_Chess.cas(info)


See cover picture



Compilation A TXP7100 cover

Media pictures:#

Compilation A TXP7100 cassette