!!!Speedy 1050 Upgrades from CompyShop

* Speedy 1050 Anwenderhandbuch und ROM Listing [PDF, 7.7MB|CompyShop Speedy Upgrades/Speedy1050 Anwenderhandbuch und ROM Listing.pdf] [DJVU, 1.9MB|CompyShop Speedy Upgrades/Speedy1050 Anwenderhandbuch und ROM Listing.djvu] (German)

* [Speedy 1050 Handbuch|CompyShop Speedy Upgrades/speedy1050handbuch.pdf] (German)
* [Speedy 1050 Mini-Speedy Handbuch|CompyShop Speedy Upgrades/speedyhandbuch.pdf] (German)

* [Das SPEEDY-System] (German, CompyShop Magazin}

! Code
* [Custom Disk Format Routine] (Atari 1050 with Compy Shop Speedy)
* [Read Sector Example]
* [Write Sector Example]
* [Get High Speed parameter]
* [Drive + Display configuration]
* [Slow-Fast configuration]
* [Direct Jump into code without automatic complete]
* [Direct Jump into code with automatic complete]
* [Install custom command]
* [Remove custom command]
* [Write Track]
* [Read Track]
* [Read High-Speed SIO from Speedy 1050 drive]
* [Sector Copy]
* [Speedy 1050 Backup]