General Information
Author: Paul B. Loux
Language: ACTION!
Compiler/Interpreter: ACTION!
Published: 1986
Description: Universal string input routine, offering full control over keyboard input and screen display. Allows program to limit responses to acceptable parameters.
Calling parameters:
FIELD | The field buffer. | |
MIN | Minimum number of characters for valid response, 0-MAX. | |
MAX | Maximum number of characters, 1-36. | |
TYPEC | Type Code (see below) | |
XIT | Exit record if the first character in FIELD is ESC. | |
COL | Screen display horizontal position for input echo, 2-37. | |
ROW | Screen display vertical position for input echo, 1-22. | |
ERRPTR | Pointer variable to pass error code on record aborts (Ctrl-Z) or XIT's (above). |
Note: User entry of ESC will restart field entry, or exit (see above). Entry of Ctrl-Z aborts record. The routine uses the BYTE FUNC Fetch() to obtain the keystokes, allowing timeout control.
(Note: no range check is provided on the numeric response)
Type Codes
code | type | |
1 | Alphanumeric | |
2 | Force Upper Case | |
3 | Signed integer | |
4 | Signed real (float) | |
5 | Unsigned integer | |
6 | Unsigned real | |
7 | Yes/No check |
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ;* * ;* File "ENTRYS.LIB" * ;* * ;* Description: Universal string * ;* input routine, offering full * ;* control over keyboard input * ;* and screen display. Allows * ;* program to limit responses * ;* to acceptable parameters. * ;* * ;* Calling parameters: * ;* * ;* FIELD The field buffer. * ;* * ;* MIN Minimum number of * ;* characters for * ;* valid response, 0-MAX.* ;* * ;* MAX Maximum number of * ;* characters, 1-36. * ;* * ;* TYPEC Type Code: * ;* 1 Alphanumeric * ;* 2 Force Upper Case * ;* 3 Signed integer * ;* 4 Signed real (float) * ;* 5 Unsigned integer * ;* 6 Unsigned real * ;* 7 Yes/No check * ;* (Note: no range check * ;* is provided on the * ;* numeric response) * ;* * ;* XIT Exit record if the * ;* first character in * ;* FIELD is ESC. * ;* * ;* COL Screen display * ;* horizontal position * ;* for input echo, 2-37. * ;* * ;* ROW Screen display * ;* vertical position * ;* for input echo, 1-22. * ;* * ;* ERRPTR Pointer variable to * ;* pass error code on * ;* record aborts (Ctrl-Z)* ;* or XIT's (above). * ;* * ;* Note: User entry of ESC will* ;* restart field entry, * ;* or exit (see above). * ;* Entry of Ctrl-Z aborts* ;* record. The routine * ;* uses the BYTE FUNC * ;* Fetch() to obtain the * ;* keystokes, allowing * ;* timeout control. * ;* * ;************************************ ; ; Atari OS Variables for sound ; control and PROC Sound_reset. ; MODULE BYTE AudCtl=$D208, SKCtl=$D20F, AudC1 =$D201, AudC2=$D203, AudC3 =$D205, AudC4=$D207 PROC Sound_reset() AudCtl=0 SKCtl=3 AudC1 =0 AudC2=0 AudC3=0 AudC4=0 RETURN ; ;************************************ ; ; BYTE FUNC FetchD ; (BYTE ioch,Time_out) ; ; This function is an enhancement ; to the library routine GetD(). ; Basically it is a GetD() with a ; timeout spec. The routine uses ; the Atari System Timer 4, whose ; counter is located at $21E,$21F ; and whose zero-flag is located ; at $22C. Normally, the function ; RETURNs the same ATASCII code ; that a GetD() would. However, ; if no key is pressed prior to ; time-out, the function RETURNs ; an ATASCII value of 255. Should ; a user actually try to enter a ; character-255, the key sequence ; is ignored. ; ; Through use of the OS variable ; POKMSK, FetchD() disables the ; Break key upon each call. ; ; The value in the BYTE Time_Out ; represents the time limit in ; seconds. A value of zero means ; that there is no time limit. ; The maximum value for Time_out, ; 255, represents 4 minutes and ; fifteen seconds. If more time ; is required, try using a short ; Time_out but use a loop to make ; the call to FetchD(), or modify ; the routine to use a CARD. ; ; The BYTE ioch represents the ; IOCB channel from which input ; is to be obtained. The routine ; assumes the channel has already ; been opened for input from K:. ; ; BYTE FUNC FetchD(BYTE ioch,Time_Out) BYTE POKMSK=$10 ; IRQ nabl bits CARD CDTMV3=$21E ; timer 4 value BYTE CDTMF3=$22C ; timer 4 flag BYTE CH=$2FC ; key pressed BYTE IRQEN=$D20E ; Pokey IRQ CARD jiffies BYTE response POKMSK==&127 ; disable Break IRQEN==&127 jiffies=Time_Out*60 CH=255 CDTMF3=255 CDTMV3=jiffies DO IF CH#255 THEN response=GETD(ioch) IF response#255 THEN RETURN(response) FI FI UNTIL CDTMF3=0 OD ;POKMSK==%128 ; uncomment to ;IRQEN==%128 ; restore BRKKEY RETURN(255) ; ;************************************ ; ; This routine places a message ; at the bottom of the screen. ; PROC MSG(BYTE code) BYTE ARRAY mesag CARD ARRAY index(10) CARD ctr BYTE ROWCRS=$54,row CARD COLCRS=$55,col index(0)=" " index(1)="Too short-- continue" index(2)="Too long-- press RETURN or Edit" index(3)="Record aborted-- press ESC to clear" index(4)="Numeric input only-- continue" index(5)="Positive numbers only-- continue" index(6)="Integers only-- continue" index(7)="Value out of range-- press ESC" index(8)="Invalid date-- press ESC" index(9)="PROGRAM ERROR-- press ESC to bypass" IF code>9 THEN code=9 FI mesag=index(code) IF code>0 THEN Sound_reset() SOUND(0,20,10,10) FOR ctr=1 TO 2000 DO ; OD Sound_reset() FI row=ROWCRS col=COLCRS POSITION(1,23) PUT(156) ; delete line PRINT(mesag) IF code=9 THEN PUT(253) FI IF code=3 OR code=7 OR code=8 OR code=9 THEN DO ctr=FETCHD(7,10) ; 10 second UNTIL ctr=27 OR ctr=255 ; timeout OD FI COLCRS=col+1 ROWCRS=row PUT(30) RETURN ;************************************ ; ; This is the actual Entry routine. ; PROC ENTRYS (BYTE ARRAY field BYTE min,max,typec,xit, col,row BYTE POINTER errptr) BYTE dotflg,code,ctr,chr,intrpt,accept BYTE ROWCRS=$54 CARD COLCRS=$55 DEFINE FILLCHR="46" ; "." BYTE INVFLG=$2B6 BYTE SHFLOK=$2BE BYTE SHFTMP IF col+max> 38 OR row>22 OR col<2 OR max<min OR max<1 THEN MSG(9) RETURN FI SHFTMP=SHFLOK SHFLOK=0 INVFLG=0 dotflg=0 MSG(0) COLCRS=col ROWCRS=row FOR ctr=1 TO max DO PUT(FILLCHR) field(ctr)=32 OD field(0)=max ; needed? col==+1 ctr=0 DO accept=0 intrpt=0 COLCRS=col+ctr ROWCRS=row PUT(30) ctr==+1 DO chr=FETCHD(7,30) ; 30 second ; timeout IF chr=255 THEN ; timeout errptr^=3 intrpt=1 EXIT ELSEIF chr=155 THEN ; RETURN IF ctr<=min THEN MSG(1) ELSE intrpt=1 EXIT FI ELSEIF chr=126 THEN ; BS IF ctr>1 THEN ctr==-1 IF (typec=5 OR typec=6) AND field(ctr)=46 THEN dotflg=0 FI field(ctr)=32 PUT(30) PUT(FILLCHR) PUT(30) MSG(0) FI ELSEIF chr=26 THEN ; Ctrl-Z FOR ctr=1 TO max DO field(ctr)=32 OD ctr=0 MSG(3) errptr^=2 intrpt=1 EXIT ELSEIF chr=27 THEN ; ESC IF ctr>1 THEN COLCRS=col-1 ROWCRS=row FOR ctr=1 TO max DO PUT(FILLCHR) field(ctr)=32 OD ctr=1 dotflg=0 COLCRS=col ROWCRS=row PUT(30) ELSE IF xit=1 THEN errptr^=1 intrpt=1 EXIT FI FI ELSEIF ctr>max THEN MSG(2) ELSEIF (chr<32 OR chr>122 OR chr=96) ; Goofy Keys THEN SHFLOK=0 INVFLG=0 ELSEIF typec=7 THEN ;yes/no IF chr=110 OR ;'n chr=121 THEN;'y chr==-32 FI IF chr=89 OR ;'Y chr=78 THEN;'N accept=1 FI ELSEIF typec=2 THEN ; FORCE UC IF chr>96 AND chr<123 THEN chr==-32 FI accept=1 ELSEIF chr=45 THEN ; "-" code=4 IF ctr=1 THEN code=5 FI IF typec>4 THEN MSG(code) ELSEIF typec>2 THEN IF ctr>1 THEN MSG(4) ELSE accept=1 FI ELSE accept=1 FI ELSEIF chr=46 THEN ; "." IF typec=4 OR typec=6 THEN IF dotflg=0 THEN dotflg=1 accept=1 ELSE MSG(4) FI ELSEIF typec=3 OR typec=5 THEN MSG(6) ELSE accept=1 FI ELSEIF typec>2 THEN ; digits only IF chr<48 OR chr>57 THEN MSG(4) ELSE accept=1 FI ELSE accept=1 FI UNTIL accept OD IF intrpt=1 THEN IF chr=155 THEN ; RTN MSG(0) COLCRS=col-1 ROWCRS=row field(0)=ctr-1 PRINT(field) errptr^=0 FI EXIT ; ESC,^Z,time ELSE PUT(chr) ; accept chr field(ctr)=chr MSG(0) FI OD SHFLOK=SHFTMP RETURN MODULE ; continue ; ;************************************ ; ; END OF FILE. ; ;************************************ ;************************************ ; ; Example of usage of EntryS(). PROC Test() BYTE x,y,min,max,typec,xit BYTE ARRAY name="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", id_no="xxxx", state="xx", price="xxxxxxxx" BYTE errcde BYTE POINTER errptr errcde=0 errptr=@errcde PUT(125) POSITION(5,5) PRINT("Enter Full Name: ") x=22 y=5 min=0 max=15 typec=1 xit=1 EntryS(name,min,max,typec, xit,x,y,errptr) POSITION(5,7) PRINT("Enter I.D. Number: ") x=24 y=7 min=4 max=4 typec=5 xit=0 EntryS(id_no,min,max,typec, xit,x,y,errptr) POSITION(5,9) PRINT("Enter State: ") x=18 y=9 min=2 max=2 typec=2 EntryS(state,min,max,typec, xit,x,y,errptr) POSITION(5,11) PRINT("Enter Price: ") x=18 y=11 min=0 max=8 typec=6 EntryS(price,min,max,typec, xit,x,y,errptr) POSITION(5,14) PUTE() PRINTE(name) PRINTE(id_no) PRINTE(state) PRINTE(price) PUTE() PRINTE("Done...") RETURN
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ; ; File ENTRYYN.ACT ; ; BYTE FUNC EntryYN() ; ; Returns either one or zero ; (true/false), representing a ; one-character (Y or N) user ; response to yes/no questions ; (uses EntryS(),the universal ; string entry utility, to get ; the keystroke). ; ; The routine supports typical ; EntryS() features, including ; screen coordinates supplied ; by the calling routine; pass ; through of error codes, for ; ESC and Ctrl-Z handling; and ; timeouts. This routine also ; allows a default value for a ; null-response (if desired). ; ; Parameters: ; ; col=screen echo horiz column ; row=screen echo vert column ; ; default= 0 for null="N" ; 1 for null="Y" ; 2 to disallow null ; ; err_ptr= pointer to pass err ; to calling routine. ; ;************************************ ; INCLUDE "ENTRYS.ACT" ; ;************************************ ; ; BYTE FUNC Ask_YN(BYTE col,row,default BYTE POINTER err_ptr) DEFINE max ="1", typec="7", xit ="0" BYTE response,min BYTE ARRAY field="x" IF default=2 THEN min=1 ELSE min=0 FI DO ENTRYS(field,min,max,typec,xit, col,row,err_ptr) IF err_ptr^#0 THEN RETURN(0) FI IF field(0)=0 THEN ; null entry IF default=0 THEN PUT('N) ELSE PUT('Y) FI RETURN(default) FI response=field(1) IF response=89 THEN ; 'Y RETURN(1) ELSEIF response=78 THEN ; 'N RETURN(0) FI OD RETURN(0) ; ; ;************************************ ; ; Example of usage: PROC Test8() BYTE answer BYTE x,y,default BYTE errcde BYTE POINTER err_ptr errcde=0 err_ptr=@errcde x=33 y=5 default=0 PUT(125) POSITION(1,5) PRINT("Do you own a computer (Y/[N]): ") answer=Ask_YN(x,y,default,err_ptr) POSITION(1,7) IF answer THEN x=26 y=7 default=1 PRINT("Is it an Atari ([Y]/N): ") answer=Ask_YN(x,y,default,err_ptr) POSITION(1,9) IF answer THEN x=17 y=9 default=2 PRINT("Is it an 8-bit? (Y/N)") answer=Ask_YN(x,y,default,err_ptr) POSITION(1,11) IF answer THEN PRINT("Congratulations.") ELSE x=9 y=11 default=0 PRINT("520 ST? (Y/[N])") answer=Ask_YN(x,y,default,err_ptr) POSITION(1,13) IF answer THEN PRINT("Congratulations.") ELSE PRINTE("Must be a 1040 ST then.") FI FI ELSE PRINTE("Too bad.") FI ElSE x=32 y=7 default=1 POSITION(1,7) PRINTE("Too bad.") FI RETURN
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ; ; CARD FUNC EntryI() ; ; Universal integer-entry routine, ; requires PROC EntryS(), the ; universal string entry routine. ; Includes range check, a null- ; entry ok flag, and uses the ; the same XIT flag as ENTRYS. ; ; This routine takes input from ; K: in string form (through ; EntryS) and checks for legal ; value (<=65535) and other useful ; features before converting to ; an actual INT value. ; ; Use of EntryS allows the same ; user interface (ESC and ^-Z ; handling, timeouts, etc.) ; ; Parameters are self-explanatory; ; minval and maxval are the range ; limits for acceptable response ; (limted to +/-32767 of course); ; the XIT and nullok flags are 1 ; for yes and 0 for no. ; ;************************************ ; INCLUDE "ENTRYS.ACT" ; ;************************************ INT FUNC EntryI(BYTE col,row INT minval,maxval BYTE nullok, xeq,xit BYTE POINTER err_ptr) BYTE ARRAY u_limit(0)="32767", l_limit(0)="-32767", field(0)="......" BYTE fldlen=field BYTE accept,min,max,typec INT chk,tmp INT value,tmpval CARD temp,minchk,maxchk,offset min=0 IF nullok=0 THEN IF minval<0 THEN temp=-minval min==+1 ELSE temp=minval FI IF temp>0 THEN min==+1 FI IF temp>10 THEN min==+1 FI IF temp>100 THEN min==+1 FI IF temp>1000 THEN min==+1 FI IF temp>10000 THEN min==+1 FI FI max=1 IF maxval<0 THEN temp=-maxval max==+1 ELSE temp=maxval FI IF temp>0 THEN max==+1 FI IF temp>10 THEN max==+1 FI IF temp>100 THEN max==+1 FI IF temp>1000 THEN max==+1 FI IF temp>10000 THEN max==+1 FI IF max<min THEN tmp=max max=min min=tmp FI typec=3 ; signed int accept=0 chk=0 DO ENTRYS(field,min,max,typec,xit, col,row,err_ptr) IF err_ptr^#0 THEN RETURN(0) FI ;calling routine does error handling IF fldlen=0 THEN field(1)='0 field(0)=1 FI IF fldlen=6 THEN chk=SCOMPARE(field,l_limit) ELSEIF fldlen=5 THEN IF field(1)#45 THEN ;'- chk=SCOMPARE(field,u_limit) FI FI IF chk>0 THEN MSG(7) ELSE value=VALI(field) IF minval<0 THEN offset=-minval minchk=0 maxval==+offset maxchk=maxval tmpval=value tmpval==+offset IF tmpval<0 THEN tmpval=maxval+1 FI temp=tmpval ELSE temp=value maxchk=maxval minchk=minval FI IF temp<minchk or temp>maxchk THEN MSG(7) ELSE accept=1 FI FI UNTIL accept OD RETURN(value) ;************************************ ; ; Example of use of EntryC() PROC Test4() BYTE x,y,nullflg INT min,max,value BYTE errcde BYTE POINTER err_ptr errcde=0 err_ptr=@errcde min=-20000 max=-1000 nullflg=0 x=19 y=7 PUT(125) POSITION(5,5) PUTE() PRINTE("Enter a number between ") PRINTI(min) PRINT(" and ") PRINTI(max) PRINT(": ") value=EntryI(x,y,min,max,nullflg, 0,0,err_ptr) POSITION(5,17) PUTE() PRINTIE(value) PRINTE("Done...") RETURN
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ; ; CARD FUNC EntryC() ; ; Universal card-entry routine, ; requires PROC EntryS(), the ; universal string entry routine. ; Includes range check, execute ; on first digit flag, a null- ; entry ok flag, and uses the ; the same XIT flag as ENTRYS. ; ; This routine takes input from ; K: in string form (through ; EntryS) and checks for legal ; value (<=65535) and other useful ; features before converting to ; an actual CARD value. ; ; Includes range check, execute ; on single digit flag, a null- ; entry ok flag, and uses the ; the same xit flag as EntryS. ; Use of EntryS allows the same ; user interface (ESC and ^-Z ; handling, timeouts, etc.) ; ; Parameters are self-explanatory; ; minval and maxval are the range ; limits for acceptable response ; (limted to 0-65535 of course); ; the XEQ, XIT and nullok flags ; are 1 or yes and 0 for no. ; ;************************************ ; INCLUDE "ENTRYS.ACT" ; ;************************************ CARD FUNC EntryC(BYTE col,row CARD minval,maxval BYTE nullok, xeq,xit BYTE POINTER err_ptr) BYTE ARRAY limit(0)="65535", field(0)="....." BYTE fldlen=field BYTE accept,min,max,typec CARD value INT chk min=1 IF minval>10 THEN min==+1 FI IF minval>100 THEN min==+1 FI IF minval>1000 THEN min==+1 FI IF minval>10000 THEN min==+1 FI IF nullok THEN min=0 FI IF maxval=0 THEN maxval=65535 max=5 ELSE max=1 IF maxval>10 THEN max==+1 FI IF maxval>100 THEN max==+1 FI IF maxval>1000 THEN max==+1 FI IF maxval>10000 THEN max==+1 FI FI typec=5 ; pos int accept=0 chk=0 DO ENTRYS(field,min,max,typec,xit, col,row,err_ptr) IF err_ptr^#0 THEN RETURN(0) FI ;Calling routine does error handling IF fldlen=0 THEN field(1)='0 field(0)=1 FI IF fldlen=5 THEN chk=SCOMPARE(field,limit) FI IF chk>0 THEN chk=0 MSG(7) ELSE value=VALC(field) IF value<minval OR value>maxval THEN MSG(7) ELSE accept=1 FI FI UNTIL accept OD RETURN(value) ;************************************ ; ; Example of use of EntryC() PROC Test3() BYTE x,y,nullflg CARD min,max,value BYTE errcde BYTE POINTER err_ptr errcde=0 err_ptr=@errcde min=1000 max=2000 nullflg=0 x=17 y=7 PUT(125) POSITION(5,5) PUTE() PRINTE("Enter a number between ") PRINTC(min) PRINT(" and ") PRINTC(max) PRINT(": ") value=EntryC(x,y,min,max,nullflg, 0,0,err_ptr) POSITION(5,10) PUTE() PRINTCE(value) PRINTE("Done...") RETURN
;************************************ ;* * ;*(C)Copyright 1986 by Paul B. Loux * ;* * ;* These routines are in the public * ;* domain, and are not to be sold * ;* for a profit. They may be freely * ;* distributed, provided that this * ;* header remains in place. Use and * ;* enjoy! PBL, CIS 72337,2073. * ;* * ;************************************ ; ; FILE BYTE FUNC EntryB() ; ; Universal byte-entry routine, ; requires PROC EntryS, the ; universal string entry routine. ; This routine takes input from ; K: in string form (through ; EntryS) and checks for legal ; value (<=255) and other useful ; features before converting to ; an actual BYTE value. ; ; Includes range check, execute ; on single digit flag, a null- ; entry ok flag, and uses the ; the same xit flag as EntryS. ; Use of EntryS allows the same ; user interface (ESC and ^-Z ; handling, timeouts, etc.) ; ; Parameters are self-explanatory; ; minval and maxval are the range ; limits for acceptable response ; (limted to 0-255 of course); the ; XEQ, XIT and nullok flags are ; 1 or yes and 0 for no. ; ;************************************ ; INCLUDE "ENTRYS.ACT" ; ;************************************ BYTE FUNC EntryB(BYTE col,row,minval, maxval,nullok,xeq,xit BYTE POINTER err_ptr) BYTE ARRAY limit(0)="255", field(0)="..." BYTE fldlen=field BYTE accept,min,max, typec,value INT chk min=0 IF minval>0 THEN min==+1 FI IF minval>10 THEN min==+1 FI IF minval>100 THEN min==+1 FI IF nullok THEN min=0 FI IF maxval=0 THEN maxval=255 max=3 ELSE max=0 IF maxval>0 THEN max==+1 FI IF maxval>10 THEN max==+1 FI IF maxval>100 THEN max==+1 FI FI typec=5 ; pos int accept=0 chk=0 DO ENTRYS(field,min,max,typec,xit, col,row,err_ptr) IF err_ptr^#0 THEN RETURN(0) FI ;(calling routine does error handling) IF fldlen=0 THEN field(1)='0 field(0)=1 FI IF fldlen=3 THEN ; overflow chk=SCOMPARE(field,limit) FI IF chk>0 THEN chk=0 MSG(7) ELSE value=VALB(field) IF value<minval OR value>maxval THEN MSG(7) ELSE accept=1 FI FI UNTIL accept OD RETURN(value) ;************************************ ; ; Example of use of EntryB() PROC Test2() BYTE x,y,min,max,nullflg,value BYTE errcde BYTE POINTER err_ptr errcde=0 err_ptr=@errcde min=100 max=200 nullflg=0 x=15 y=7 PUT(125) POSITION(5,5) PUTE() PRINTE("Enter a number between ") PRINTB(min) PRINT(" and ") PRINTB(max) PRINT(": ") value=EntryB(X,Y,min,max,nullflg, 0,0,err_ptr) POSITION(5,10) PUTE() PRINTBE(value) PRINTE("Done...") RETURN