!!!Dorsett Educational System Lesson Cassettes
Lloyd G. Dorsett (Dorsett Educational Systems) produced a lot of Educational System cassettes. Besides the 16 packages from Atari [Atari Educational System Lesson Cassettes], Lloyd G. Dorsett offered the 46 packages below, too. Each course has 16 programs on 8 cassettes.\\
Thanks to Kevin Savetz, it was possible to save these courses for generations to come. Kevin, we can't thank you enough in this case in general and especially for recording and digitizing the tapes! :-)))
[{Image src='45packages.jpg' width=912 height=684 }]\\
The 'remaining' ones from the Dorsett Educational System program for the Atari. The NeverEnding Story is a fantasy film, but The NeverEnding: "Thank you Kevin Savetz" is for real! Kevin, if there is an Atari walk of fame, be sure, you deserve a star under the top 10 there!\\
* [Basic Algebra MA]
* [Office Careers]
* [Industrial Solid-State Electronics PL]
* [Statistics ST]
* [Reading-Development U]
* [Reading-Development T]
* [U.S. History HS]
* [Carpentry KC]
* [Reading-Comprehension AB]
* [Reading-Mathematics MR]
* [Decimals and Percents MP]
* [English as a second language ESL]
* [Construction OC]
* [Reading-Comprehension CD]
* [Reading-Development V]
* [Reading-Development X]
* [Spelling SP]
* [Spanish U-ES]
* [Geometry MG]
* [Digital Electronics PD]
* [Supervisory Practices SU]
* [Basic Sociology SO]
* [Reading-Development Y]
* [First Aid and Safety FA]
* [Philosophy PY]
* [World History HW]
* [General Shop OA]
* [Principles of Accounting PA]
* [Business Communications BC]
* [Economics EC]
* [Basic Psychology PS]
* [Physics PH]
* [Problems about Measurement MM]
* [Health Services Career HC]
* [Effective Writing EW]
* [Basic Electricity PE]
* [Mathematics for Electronics ME]
* [Working with Numbers MN]
* [English as a second language ESL 17-32]
* [Reading-Development Z]
* [Reading-Development W]
* [Counseling Co]
* [U.S. Government Gv]
* [Auto Mechanics KA]
* [Vocational Vocabulary VZ]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Algebra]
* [Reading-Comprehension]