!!!Dorsett Educational System Lesson Cassettes Lloyd G. Dorsett (Dorsett Educational Systems) produced a lot of Educational System cassettes. Besides the 16 packages from Atari [Atari Educational System Lesson Cassettes], Lloyd G. Dorsett offered the 46 packages below, too. Each course has 16 programs on 8 cassettes.\\ Thanks to Michael Current, Thomas Cherryhomes, and Kevin Savetz, it was possible to save these courses for generations to come. We can't thank you enough! !!Image [{Image src='45packages.jpg' width=912 height=684 }] The 'remaining' ones from the Dorsett Educational System program for the Atari. The NeverEnding Story is a fantasy film, but The NeverEnding: "Thank you Kevin Savetz" is for real! Kevin, if there is an Atari walk of fame, be sure, you deserve a star under the top 10 there!\\ \\ [{Image src='Dorsett_Educational_Systems_Graphic.jpg' width=820 height=430 }] Dorsett Educational Systems - Graphic - thanks Kevin for scanning !!Courses !1st column * [Basic Algebra MA] * [Office Careers OF] * [Industrial Solid-State Electronics PL] * [Statistics ST] * [Reading-Development U] * [Comprehension-Reading AB] * [Reading-Development T] * [U.S. History HS] * [Carpentry KC] !2nd column * [Reading-Mathematics MR] * [Decimals and Percents MP] * [English as a second language ESL 1-16] * [Construction OC] * [Comprehension-Reading CD] * [Reading-Development V] * [Reading-Development X] * [Spelling SP] * [Spanish U-ES] !3rd column * [Geometry MG] * [Digital Electronics PD] * [Supervisory Practices SU] * [Basic Sociology SO] * [Reading-Development Y] * [First Aid and Safety FA] * [Philosophy PY] * [World History HW] * [General Shop OA] !4th column * [Principles of Accounting PA] * [Business Communications BC] * [Economics EC] * [Basic Psychology PS] * [Physics PH] * [Problems about Measurement MM] * [Health Services Career HC] * [Effective Writing EW] * [Basic Electricity PE] !5th column * [Mathematics for Electronics ME] * [Working with Numbers MN] * [English as a second Language ESL 17-32] * [Reading-Development Z] * [Reading-Development W] * [Counseling Co] * [U.S. Government Gv] * [Auto Mechanics KA] * [Vocational Vocabulary VZ] !bottom * [Comprehension-Reading AB]