!!!Forth83 Benchmarks

Below is a collection of some Benchmarks for Forth83 systems like VolksForth.

I found most of these benchmarks on [comp.lang.forth|http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.forth], [Hans Bzemers|http://thebeezspeaks.blogspot.com/] [4th|http://www.xs4all.nl/~thebeez/4tH/foldtree.html] and Marcel Hendrix [benchmark collection|http://home.iae.nl/users/mhx/monsterbench.html]

[{TableOfContents }]

!!Integer Calculations 

32000 constant intMax

variable intResult

: DoInt
  1 dup intResult dup >r !
    dup intMax <
    dup negate r@ +! 1+
    dup r@ +! 1+
    r@ @ over * r@ ! 1+
    r@ @ over / r@ ! 1+
  r> drop drop

!!Fibonacci 1

: fib1 ( n1 -- n2 )
    dup 2 < if drop 1 exit then
    dup  1- recursive 
    swap 2- recursive  + ;

!!Fibonacci 2

: fib2 ( n1 -- n2 )                                                                
   dup 2 < if drop 1 else                                                           
   dup  1- recursive                                                                
   swap 2 - recursive +                                                             
 then ;   