 Newsgroups: comp.lang.forth
 Subject: Forth memory allocator
 Message-ID: <9008101347.AA02701@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
 Date: 10 Aug 90 00:08:09 GMT
 Sender: daemon@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU
 Organization: The Internet
 > In a similar vein, does anyone have a forth memory allocator/freeer?

 Here's a pretty good memory allocator that Don Hopkins and I wrote.
 I'm using it in production code, so it should be pretty solid by now.
 It strikes a reasonable balance between speed of allocation, speed of
 freeing, resistance to fragmentation, and ability to allocate arbitrary
 size pieces.

 Mitch Bradley

 \ Forth dynamic storage managment.
 \ Implementation of the ANS Forth BASIS 11 memory allocation wordset.
 \ By Don Hopkins, University of Maryland (now at Sun Microsystems)
 \ Heavily modified by Mitch Bradley, Bradley Forthware
 \ Public Domain.
 \ Feel free to include this in any program you wish, including
 \ commercial programs and systems, but please give us credit.
 \ First fit storage allocation of blocks of varying size.
 \ Blocks are prefixed with a usage flag and a length count.
 \ Free blocks are collapsed downwards during free-memory and while
 \ searching during allocate-memory.  Based on the algorithm described
 \ in Knuth's _An_Introduction_To_Data_Structures_With_Applications_,
 \ sections 5-6.2 and 5-6.3, pp. 501-511.
 \ In the following stack diagrams, "ior" signifies a non-zero error code.
 \ init-allocator  ( -- )
 \     Initializes the allocator, with no memory.  Should be executed once,
 \     before any other allocation operations are attempted.
 \ add-memory  ( adr len -- )
 \     Adds a region of memory to the allocation pool.  That memory will
 \     be available for subsequent use by allocate and resize.  add-memory may
 \     be executed any number of times.
 \ allocate  ( size -- ior  |  adr 0 )
 \     Tries to allocate a chunk of memory at least size bytes long.
 \     Returns nonzero error code on failure, or the address of the
 \     first byte of usable data and 0 on success.
 \ free  ( adr -- ior  |  0 )
 \     Frees a chunk of memory allocated by allocate or resize. adr is an
 \     address previously returned by allocate or resize.  Error if adr is
 \     not a valid address.
 \ resize  ( adr1 len -- adr1 ior  |  adr2 0 )
 \     Changes the size of the previously-allocated memory region
 \     whose address is adr1.  len is the new size.  adr2 is the
 \     address of a new region of memory of the requested size, containing
 \     the same bytes as the old region.
 \ available  ( -- size )
 \     Returns the size in bytes of the largest contiguous chunk of memory
 \     that can be allocated by allocate or resize .

 8 constant #dalign \ Machine-dependent worst-case alignment boundary

 2 base !
 1110000000000111 constant *dbuf-free*
 1111010101011111 constant *dbuf-used*

 : field  \ name  ( offset size -- offset' )
    create over , +  does> @ +

    /n field .dbuf-flag
    /n field .dbuf-size
    0  field .dbuf-data
    /n field .dbuf-suc
    /n field .dbuf-pred
 constant dbuf-min

 dbuf-min buffer: dbuf-head

 : >dbuf  ( data-adr -- node )  0 .dbuf-data -  ;

 : dbuf-flag!  ( flag node -- )  .dbuf-flag !   ;
 : dbuf-flag@  ( node -- flag )  .dbuf-flag @   ;
 : dbuf-size!  ( size node -- )  .dbuf-size !   ;
 : dbuf-size@  ( node -- size )  .dbuf-size @   ;
 : dbuf-suc!   ( suc node -- )   .dbuf-suc  !   ;
 : dbuf-suc@   ( node -- node ) .dbuf-suc  @   ;
 : dbuf-pred!  ( pred node -- )  .dbuf-pred !   ;
 : dbuf-pred@  ( node -- node ) .dbuf-pred @   ;

 : next-dbuf   ( node -- next-node )  dup dbuf-size@ +  ;

 \ Insert new-node into doubly-linked list after old-node
 : insert-after  ( new-node old-node -- )
    >r  r@ dbuf-suc@  over  dbuf-suc!   \ old's suc is now new's suc
    dup r@ dbuf-suc!                    \ new is now old's suc
    r> over dbuf-pred!                  \ old is now new's pred
    dup dbuf-suc@ dbuf-pred!            \ new is now new's suc's pred
 : link-with-free  ( node -- )
    *dbuf-free*  over  dbuf-flag! \ Set node status to "free"
    dbuf-head insert-after  \ Insert in list after head node

 \ Remove node from doubly-linked list
 : remove-node  ( node -- )
    dup dbuf-pred@  over dbuf-suc@ dbuf-pred!
    dup dbuf-suc@   swap dbuf-pred@ dbuf-suc!

 \ Collapse the next node into the current node

 : merge-with-next  ( node -- )
    dup next-dbuf dup remove-node  ( node next-node )   \ Off of free list

    over dbuf-size@ swap dbuf-size@ +  rot dbuf-size!     \ Increase size

 \ node is a free node.  Merge all free nodes immediately following
 \ into the node.

 : merge-down  ( node -- node )
       dup next-dbuf dbuf-flag@  *dbuf-free*  =
       dup merge-with-next

 \ The following words form the interface to the memory
 \ allocator.  Preceding words are implementation words
 \ only and should not be used by applications.

 : msize  ( adr -- count )  >dbuf dbuf-size@ >dbuf  ;

 : free  ( adr -- ior  |  0 )
    >dbuf   ( node )
    dup dbuf-flag@ *dbuf-used* <>  if
       merge-down link-with-free  0

 : add-memory  ( adr len -- )
    \ Align the starting address to a "worst-case" boundary.  This helps
    \ guarantee that allocated data areas will be on a "worst-case"
    \ alignment boundary.

    swap dup  #dalign round-up      ( len adr adr' )
    dup rot -                       ( len adr' diff )
    rot swap -                      ( adr' len' )

    \ Set size and flags fields for first piece

    \ Subtract off the size of one node header, because we carve out
    \ a node header from the end of the piece to use as a "stopper".
    \ That "stopper" is marked "used", and prevents merge-down from
    \ trying to merge past the end of the piece.

    >dbuf                           ( first-node first-node-size )

    \ Ensure that the piece is big enough to be useable.
    \ A piece of size dbuf-min (after having subtracted off the "stopper"
    \ header) is barely useable, because the space used by the free list
    \ links can be used as the data space.

    dup dbuf-min < abort" add-memory: piece too small"

    \ Set the size and flag for the new free piece

    *dbuf-free* 2 pick dbuf-flag!   ( first-node first-node-size )
    2dup swap dbuf-size!            ( first-node first-node-size )

    \ Create the "stopper" header

    \ XXX The stopper piece should be linked into a piece list,
    \ and the flags should be set to a different value.  The size
    \ field should indicate the total size for this piece.
    \ The piece list should be consulted when adding memory, and
    \ if there is a piece immediately following the new piece, they
    \ should be merged.

    over +                          ( first-node first-node-limit )
    *dbuf-used* swap dbuf-flag!     ( first-node )

 : allocate  ( size -- ior  |  adr 0 )
    \ Keep pieces aligned on "worst-case" hardware boundaries
    #dalign round-up                 ( size' )

    .dbuf-data dbuf-min max          ( size )

    \ Search for a sufficiently-large free piece
    dbuf-head                        ( size node )
    begin                            ( size node )
       dbuf-suc@                     ( size node )
       dup dbuf-head =  if           \ Bail out if we've already been around
          2drop -1  exit             ( ior )
       then                          ( size node-successor )
       merge-down                    ( size node )
       dup dbuf-size@                ( size node dbuf-size )
       2 pick >=                     ( size node big-enough? )
    until                            ( size node )

    dup dbuf-size@ 2 pick -          ( size node left-over )
    dup dbuf-min <=  if              \ Too small to fragment?

       \ The piece is too small to split, so we just remove the whole
       \ thing from the free list.

       drop nip                      ( node )
       dup remove-node               ( node )
    else                             ( size node left-over )

       \ The piece is big enough to split up, so we make the free piece
       \ smaller and take the stuff after it as the allocated piece.

       2dup swap dbuf-size!          ( size node left-over) \ Set frag size
       +                             ( size node' )
       tuck dbuf-size!               ( node' )
    *dbuf-used* over dbuf-flag!      \ Mark as used
    .dbuf-data 0                     ( adr 0 )

 : available  ( -- size )
    0 .dbuf-data                     ( current-largest-size )

    dbuf-head                        ( size node )
    begin                            ( size node )
       dbuf-suc@  dup dbuf-head <>   ( size node more? )
    while                            \ Go once around the free list
       merge-down                    ( size node )
       dup dbuf-size@                ( size node dbuf-size )
       rot max swap                  ( size' node )
    drop  >dbuf                      ( largest-data-size )

 \ XXX should be smarter about extending or contracting the current piece
 \ "in place"
 : resize  ( adr1 len -- adr1 ior  |  adr2 0 )
    allocate  if          ( adr1 adr2 )
       2dup  over msize  over msize  min  move
       swap free  0       ( adr2 0 )
    else                  ( adr )
       -1                 ( adr1 ior )

 \ Head node has 0 size, is not free, and is initially linked to itself
 : init-allocator  ( -- )
    *dbuf-used* dbuf-head dbuf-flag!
    0 dbuf-head dbuf-size! \ Must be 0 so the allocator won't find it.
    dbuf-head  dup  dbuf-suc! \ Link to self
    dbuf-head  dup  dbuf-pred!
