||ADR||HEXADR||NAME||Description||shadow of||OS
|623| $026F|GPRIOR|Priority Selection Register| [PRIOR] |all

!!Priority Settings
|0|1|P0-P1-P2-P3 PF0-PF1-PF2-PF3 BAK
|1|2|P0-P1 PF0-PF1-PF2-PF3 P2-P3 BAK
|2|4|PF0-PF1-PF2-PF3 P0-P1-P2-P3 BAK
|3|8|PF0-PF1 P0-P1-P2-P3 PF2-PF3 BAK
|4|16|Four Missiles add up to be 5th player
|5|32|Overlapping Players have 3rd color
|6|64|GTIA Mode see next table
|7|128|GTIA Mode see next table
P0-P3 Players [PCOLR0].../[COLPM0]...\\PF0-PF3 Playfield colors [COLOR0].../[COLPF0]...\\BAK background or border color [COLOR4]/[COLBAK]

A logical OR is done to the colors of players 0/1 and 2/3 when they overlap. Only the 0/1, 2/3 combinations are allowed; you will not get a third color when players 1 and 3 overlap, for example (you will get black instead).

!!GTIA Modes
This register can be used to select one of GTIA GRAPHICS modes 9, 10 and 11.
||GTIA Mode*||Bit 6||Bit 7||Description
|9|0|1|16 different luminances of the same hue (color)
|10|1|0|9 different colors
|11|1|1|16 different hues (colors) of the same luminance
 * the same as GRAPHICS x in BASIC

see also: [Player Missile Topics|Pm_topics]

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