|write|53774|$D20E|IRQEN|[POKMSK]|Interrupt Request Enable|all
|read|53774|$D20E|IRQST|[POKMSK]|Interrupt Request Status|all


Bit set to "0" (zero) turns interrupt off (disable)
Bit set to "1" (one) turns interrupt on (enable)

|0|1|Timer 1 (counted down to zero)|[VTIMR1] (528; $0210)
|1|2|Timer 2 (counted down to zero)|[VTIMR2] (530; $0212)
|2|4|Timer 4 (counted down to zero)|[VTIMR4] (532; $0214 - OS "B" and later ROMs only)
|3|8|Serial output transmission down|[VSEROC] (526; $020E)
|4|16|Serial Output data needed|[VSEROR] (524; $020C)
|5|32|Serial input data ready|[VESRIN] (522; $020A)
|6|64|Other key pressed|[VKEYBD] (520; $0208)
|7|128|Break key pressed|[BRKKY] (566; $0236 - OS "B" and later ROMs only) 

see also: [Keyboard topics|Keyboard_topics]