!!! Implementations of NEXT in Forth Systems for the 6502 CPU ! FIG-FORTH (also X-FORTH, ANTIC FORTH and other derivatives of FIG-FORTH ...) {{{ NEXT LDY #1 LDA (IP),Y ; Hi-Byte of wordaddress STA W+1 ; store in W-Reg DEY LDA (IP),Y ; Lo-Byte of wordaddress STA W ; store in W-Reg CLC LDA IP ; increment IP by 2 ADC #2 STA IP BCC L54 INC IP+1 L54 JMP W-1 ; indirect jump to (W) }}} ! 64FORTH (Tom Zimmer) {{{ NEXT LDY #1 LDA (IP),Y STA W+1 DEY LDA (IP),Y STA W LDA (W),Y STA TMP INY LDA (W),Y STA TMP+1 DEY CLC LDA IP ADC #2 STA IP BCC L816E INC IP+1 L816E JMP (TMP) }}} See [http://groups.google.de/group/comp.lang.forth/browse_thread/thread/19f7f2102e020583/8d1b52cf069d1258] ! FOCO65 {{{ next ldy #0 lda (ip),y ; lade naechste Adresse (IP=Instruction Pointer) sta w ; und speichere in die Speicherstelle "w" iny lda (ip),y sta w+1 lda #2 ; den Instruction-Pointer um zwei erhoehen, so das clc ; dieser auf den naechsten Befehl zeigt adc ip sta ip lda #0 adc ip+1 sta ip+1 ldy #0 lda (w),y ; Sprung-Adresse des naechsten Befehls laden sta z ; und in die Speicherstelle "z" schreiben iny lda (w),y sta z+1 jmp (z) ; indirekt an die Adresse in Speicherstelle "z" ; springen }}}