!!!Atari In Store Demo Program CXL4019 and CX8117 !!CAR image * [Atari Store Demo Cartridge CXL4019.car] !!BIN image * [Atari Store Demo Cartridge CXL4019.bin] !!ATR image * [CX8117-In_Store_Demo_Program.atr] !!Manual * [In-Store Demonstration Cartridge Instruction Guide-OCR.pdf] ; size: 1 MB ; thank you so much Allan Bushman for scanning and sharing with us! :-) !!Pictures [{Image src='atari-instore-demo-box-front_.jpg' width=418 height=569 }] Atari In Store Demo Program CXL4019 - box front - thanks to Bill Lange for scanning and sharing with us! :-)\\ \\ [{Image src='atari-instore-demo-box-back_.jpg' width=425 height=577 }] Atari In Store Demo Program CXL4019 - box back - thanks to Bill Lange for scanning and sharing with us! :-)\\ !!Youtube * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyirpGphysg] ; thanks to Kevin Savetz for making the movie :-) !!References and thanks * [In-Store Demonstration Program Instruction Guide on archive.org|https://archive.org/details/InStoreDemonstrationCartridgeInstructionGuide] * [In-Store Demonstration Program images|https://archive.org/details/atari-instore-demo-box-back] * [https://archive.org/details/@allan52] * [https://archive.org/details/@billlange1968]