!!!Commands collected and documented by UNIXcoffee928 on [AtariAge|http://www.atariage.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=116093] {{{ =============================================================================== INTERLISP LANGUAGE USAGE =============================================================================== # (equivalent to LISP NUMBERP) > (equivalent to LISP GREATERP) ' (cons 'a 'b) ---> produces (A . B) the syntactic abbreviation (quote x) ( OPEN PARENS ) CLOSE PARENS * (* 8 4) / (/ 8 4) + (+ 8 4) or (+ a (+ b (+ c))) AND (AND T T) or (AND 1 1) for true APPEND ****************** probably adds to an existing file, if not adds to an existing list APPLY ASSOC ATOM BACKTRACE (BAKTRACE) Used in error mode to trace BREAK CAR CDR CLOSE ****************** BASIC I/O COL ****************** BASIC COLOR - To set the color # for PLOT or DRAW COND ****************** Sets up a conditional statement, like if-then-else CONS (cons (quote a) (quote b)) ---> produces (A . B) DEFINE DEFINEQ (DEFINEQ LS '(LAMBDA NIL (DIR))) ---> creates the command 'ls' to be used as (LS), thus providing a disk directory for the default drive. DIR (DIR) or (DIR . D1:) DRAW (DRAW 10 10) EQ (EQ 3 3) --> TRUE (EQ 3 3.0) --> FALSE NOTE: (EQ 3 3.0) --> TRUE (does not distinguish floating point difference) EVAL To call a value set with SETQ (EVAL X) EXP (EXP 3) --> 20.0855365 same as BASIC GET GO GR (GR 23) IN# INT (INT -4.5) --> -5 Rounds to integer LAMBDA LAST LENGTH LIST LOAD ****************** to load a file. can't figure out syntax of command yet LOG (LOG 100) MACRO MEM (MEM) reports 16022 with all RAM settings... not good. MEMBER ****************** probably member of a list NEW ****************** not the same as BASIC NIL FALSE NLAMBDA NOTE ****************** BASIC I/O NSUBR OBLIST ****************** guessing object list OPEN ****************** BASIC I/O OR (OR F F) or (OR 0 0) for false PACK ****************** think its pack all of the atoms, check PAGE PEEK (PEEK 755) PLOT (PLOT 7 7) POINT ****************** BASIC I/O (POINT 0 0) ---> 146 (might be the error # fro undefined handler function) POKE (POKE 77 127) PR# ****************** might be BASIC PRINT# command like ?#7 PRIN1 PRIN2 PRINT PROG PROGN ****************** Seems to execute a command, as in (PROGN (DIR)) QUOTE (QUOTE "HELLO WORLD") ---> HELLO WORLD same as ' READ READA READC RESET (RESET) clears whatever was set with SETQ RETURN ****************** seems to b used to return from a subroutine, maybe like gosub RPLACA RPLACD SAVE ****************** to save a file. can't figure out syntax of command yet SET SETCOL (SETCOL 1 15 15) SETQ (SETQ X '10) sets X as 10, to call it in immediate mode type X on a line, to call it in a program: (EVAL X) SOUND (SOUND 0 0 0 0) STICK (STICK) STRIG (STRIG 0) SUB (SUB 8 4) SUBR ****************** probably initiatiates a subroutine T TRUE TAB (TAB 10) TERPRI (TERPRI) TERminate PRInt line. To output a newline. The TERPRI function prints a new-line to the specified <destination>. This will terminate the current print line for <destination>. NIL is always returned as the result. The <destination> may be a file pointer or a stream. If there is no <destination>, *STANDARD-OUTPUT* is the default. UNPACK ****************** think its unpack all of the atoms, check XIO ****************** BASIC I/O =============================================================================== Edit Commands: NOTE: Editor must be loaded to use these commands. =============================================================================== EDIT E EF H L S C X PASTE EQUAL GETCMD MAPCAR COMMANDS PSET SETP R A D B LI RE CONZ PRE I DEL G PP P PPRINT PPAUX MULTARGS PPARGS TABRET FORMATS LPAR BLANK RPAR LINE-WIDTH NCONC PU LOCK UNLOCK GETLST =============================================================================== MACLISP add-on Commands: NOTE: MACLISP must be loaded to use these commands. =============================================================================== FUNCALL DEFPROP PUTPROP NCONC GET MAPCAR EQUAL DELETE SUBST REVERSE REMPROP CONZ GENSYM DEFUN MACFNS =============================================================================== CLISP add-on Commands: NOTE: CLISP must be loaded to use these commands. =============================================================================== CLISP TRANSLATE WEIGHT OPCODE }}}