!!!Logo Programming Language

[{Image src='ATARI LOGO (C) 1983 LCSI.jpg' width=594 height=88 }]

[{Image src='Logo.gif' width=150 height=185 }]
ATARI LOGO RX8032 (C) 1983 Logo Computer Systems, Inc. (LCSI), All Rights Reserved\\
* [Atari Logo.rom]
* [Logo (1983) (LCSI).rom]

* [ATARI LOGO (C) 1983 LCSI.car]

* [Logo (1983) (LCSI).bin]

* [Atari_Logo_LCSI.atr]

* [Atari LOGO.cas]

* [Atari LOGO Introduction To Programing Through Turtle Graphics (1-sided).pdf]\\
* [Atari LOGO Introduction To Programing Through Turtle Graphics (2-sided).pdf]\\
* [Atari Logo Quick Reference Guide|AtariLogoQuickReferenceGuide.pdf] (1-sided)\\
* [Atari LOGO Quick Reference Guide (2-sided).pdf]\\
* [Atari Logo Reference Manual|Atari LOGO Reference Manual.pdf] (1-sided)\\
* [Atari_Logo_Geerman.pdf] ; Größe: 1.9 MB ; deutsches Script zu Atari Logo. Großer Dank an: Atarifriend :-)\\


* [Computer Science Logo Style|http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/] by Brian Harvey (free PDF books, highly recommended)

!! Box Pictures
[{Image src='atari_logo_box_front.jpg'}]
Box Atari Logo front\\
[{Image src='atari_logo_box_back.jpg'}]
Box Atari Logo back\\