!!!MAE Assembler (C) 1996 by John Harris

* [MAE-1_with_DOS_2.5_MD.atr] ; created ATR with all files-part 1
* [MAE-2_with_DOS_2.5_SD.atr] ; created ATR with all files-part 2

* [MAE Assembler-Online manual|http://www.mixinc.net/atari/mae.htm#tableofcontents]
* [MAE_Manual.pdf] ; Online manual printed in a pdf file
* [mae120.pdf] ; Manual for version 1.2
* [MAE_0.95.pdf] ; Manual for version 0.95
* [HISTORY.txt] ; History file of MAE Assembler
* [Install.txt] ; Install file of MAE Assembler
* [MAE.txt] ; MAE file of MAE Assembler
* [ASM.txt] ; ASM file of MAE Assembler
* [DEBUG.txt] ; DEBUG file of MAE Assembler
* [HYP.txt] ; HYP file of MAE Assembler

From [Atari FAQ|http://www.faqs.org/faqs/atari-8-bit/faq/section-69.html] we find:\\
MAE (disk)\\
version, year  : .96, 1996\\
author/company : John Harris\\
available..... : umich\\
package....... : assembler, menu, editor, monitor, docs\\
features...... : macros, source include, data include, conditional assembly\\
Two pass 6502/65816 assembler with integrated editor/monitor. Extra RAM supported.\\

[{Image src='MAE-Start.jpg' width=433 height=262 }]
MAE Assembler 1.1 start screen\\