|54017|$D301|PORTB| | [STICK2] [STICK3] [PTRIG4] [PTRIG5] [PTRIG6] [PTRIG7]| all

Read or write data from the control ports (joystick ports), depending on how the data direction is set (default: 0 "read/input"). To set the direction, set Bit 2 of [PACTL] to "0" and define the direction by setting the bits of PORTA (0=read, 1=write) for each input/output line. Then set Bit 2 of [PACTL] to "1" again.

PACTL=PACTL && %11111011 ;set Bit 2 to 0
PORTA=%11110000          ;set Port 2 to output/write, Port 1 is input/read
PACTL=PACTL %% %00000100 ;set Bit 2 to 1

||Bit||Function||Description||Joystick direction||Paddletrigger
|7|PA7|Joystick Port 4 Pin 4|Right|Paddle 8 [PTRIG7]
|6|PA6|Joystick Port 4 Pin 3|Left|Paddle 7 [PTRIG6]
|5|PA5|Joystick Port 4 Pin 2|Down|not used
|4|PA4|Joystick Port 4 Pin 1|Up |not used
|3|PA3|Joystick Port 3 Pin 4|Right|Paddle 6 [PTRIG5]
|2|PA2|Joystick Port 3 Pin 3|Left|Paddle 5 [PTRIG4]
|1|PA1|Joystick Port 3 Pin 2|Down|not used
|0|PA0|Joystick Port 3 Pin 1|Up|not used

Joystick direction sets Bit=0 when pushed in that direction

Paddletrigger Bit=0 when pressed
see also: [Controller topics|Controller_topics]