!!! Abbuc Music Challenge The ABBUC Musci challenge is a small game used during the ABBUC annual meeting in 2003. We had a MP3 music player with 8 Atari game music tracks. The player is presented with the game while listening to the music and must use a Lightpen to select the 8 tracks on the MP3 player. The program stores the score in PEN.DAT. All tracknames with an "*" appended are correct, all others are not correct. The program changes the default font to make the "*" invisible on the screen. This game was a quick hack, it is not necessary beautiful code. But it shows how to access the lightpen, how to store data and change a font using X-Forth. Download ATR: [pen.atr] (start PEN.COM from DOS) {{{ DECIMAL : CUROFF 1 752 C! ; : CURON 0 752 C! ; : RTCLOCK 18 C@ 19 C@ 256 * 20 C@ + SWAP ; : 0. ( n -- ) ( print number with leading zero ) DUP 10 < IF 48 EMIT 1 .R ELSE 2 .R THEN ; : MINUTES RTCLOCK 50 M/ SWAP DROP 3600 /MOD DROP 60 /MOD SWAP DROP ; : TIME RTCLOCK 50 M/ SWAP DROP 3600 /MOD 0. 58 EMIT 60 /MOD 0. 58 EMIT 0. ; : 2DUP OVER OVER ; : $ @ ; ( ATARI++ no fetch ) : C$ C@ ; : .. DUP . CR ; ( Misc Routines ) : POS ( y x -- ) 85 ! 84 C! ; : @POS ( -- y x ) 84 C@ 85 @ ; : STRIG0 644 C@ ; : DELKEY ( k addr -- ) DUP C@ IF DUP C@ 1 - SWAP C! EMIT ELSE DROP THEN ; : INKEY ( k addr -- ) DUP C@ 1+ SWAP 2DUP C! + ROT SWAP C! ( Store Keyvalue ) ; : GETIN ( addr l -- ) 2DUP BLANKS @POS 663 ! 662 C! ( save curs pos ) 667 C! ( store l ) DUP 0 SWAP C! ( count byte = 0 ) 665 ! ( store addr ) BEGIN KEY DUP DUP 126 = IF 665 @ DELKEY ELSE 667 C@ 665 @ C@ - 0 > ( check l ) IF 665 @ INKEY 662 C@ 663 @ POS 665 @ COUNT TYPE ELSE DROP THEN THEN 155 = UNTIL ; : CLS 125 EMIT ; ( Lighpen routines and Music Competition ) HEX : RANDOM ( -- r ) D20A C@ 100 * D20A C@ + ; : RAND ( n -- r ) RANDOM SWAP MOD ABS ; 9 VARIABLE FNAME 44 C, 3A C, ( D: ) 50 C, 45 C, 4E C, 2E C, 44 C, 41 C, 54 C, 00 C, ( Filename D:PEN.DAT ) 0 VARIABLE FILEID 0 VARIABLE SELCOUNT 0 VARIABLE NAME 19 ALLOT 9B C, : SCORE NAME 19 + ; : CLOCK NAME 15 + ; : SCREEN 0 2C6 C! F 2C5 C! 0 52 C! ; : TITEL 1 1 POS ." ABBUC RAF ATARI Music Challenge 2003" 2 1 POS ." ------------------------------------" ; DECIMAL : TRACKNAMES CLS TITEL 05 01 POS ." PacMan*" 05 21 POS ." DropZone" 06 01 POS ." T.G.C.C.R.R" 06 21 POS ." BallBlazer" 07 01 POS ." Eidolon*" 07 21 POS ." Koronis Rift" 08 01 POS ." Aramroute*" 08 21 POS ." Captain USA" 09 01 POS ." Boulder Dash*" 09 21 POS ." Seven Cities o.G." 10 01 POS ." Gyruss*" 10 21 POS ." Master of the Lamp*" 11 01 POS ." Donkey Kong*" 11 21 POS ." Asteroids" 12 01 POS ." Mario Bros." 12 21 POS ." Atari Pirates" 13 01 POS ." Flight Simulator" 13 21 POS ." River Raid*" 14 01 POS ." Pitfall" 14 21 POS ." Defender" 15 01 POS ." Ms PacMan" 15 21 POS ." Cervi" 16 01 POS ." Master Blaster" 16 21 POS ." Arkanoid" ; : SETFONT 756 C@ 256 * ( address of int. font ) 32768 1024 CMOVE ( copy to $8000 ) 32768 80 + 8 ERASE ( clear '*' ) 128 756 C! ( enable new font ) ; : NUM2ADDR ( n -- addr ) 12 /MOD 20 * SWAP 5 + 40 * + 88 @ + ( add screen address ) ; : EXCHANGE ( n1 n2 -- ) ( exchanges two track entries ) NUM2ADDR SWAP NUM2ADDR DUP PAD 20 CMOVE ( n1 -> PAD ) OVER SWAP 20 CMOVE ( n2 -> n1 ) PAD SWAP 20 CMOVE ( PAD -> n2 ) ; : SHUFFLE 20 10 POS ." Tracks werden gemischt" 60 0 DO 24 RAND 24 RAND EXCHANGE LOOP ; HEX : LOGIN CLS TITEL 0A 0A POS ." Name:" NAME 13 GETIN ; : LPENH 234 C@ ; : LPENV 235 C@ ; : PEN LPENH LPENV ; DECIMAL : PEN2CORD ( Calculates Screen Coord ) ( for LP ) ( y x -- y2 x2 ) 16 - 4 / SWAP 72 - 4 / SWAP ; : CORD2ADDR 40 * + 88 @ + ; : INVERT ( x y -- ) CORD2ADDR DUP C@ 128 XOR SWAP C! ; : LTRIG? 632 C@ 14 = ; : CONSOL 53279 C@ 7 XOR ; : TRACKPEN PEN PEN2CORD 2DUP INVERT 23 08 POS TIME 23 25 POS SELCOUNT @ . INVERT ; : INVSEL PEN PEN2CORD SWAP 20 / 20 * DUP 19 + SWAP DO DUP I SWAP INVERT LOOP DROP ; : SELECT PEN PEN2CORD CORD2ADDR C@ 128 AND IF SELCOUNT @ DUP IF 1 - SELCOUNT ! INVSEL ELSE DROP THEN ELSE SELCOUNT @ DUP 8 = IF DROP ELSE 1 + SELCOUNT ! INVSEL THEN THEN ; : CHOOSE 20 10 POS ." Waehle die 8 Tracks " 21 08 POS ." <START/OPT/SELECT>=ENDE" 23 02 POS ." Zeit:" 23 20 POS ." Ausw:" BEGIN TRACKPEN LTRIG? IF SELECT THEN CONSOL MINUTES 2 = OR UNTIL ; : CLEARSCORE 0 SCORE ! ; : CLEARSEL 0 SELCOUNT ! ; : GETSCORE 24 0 DO I NUM2ADDR DUP 20 + SWAP DO I C@ DUP 128 XOR I C! 138 = IF SCORE C@ 1+ SCORE C! THEN LOOP LOOP ; : CLEARCLOCK 18 3 ERASE ; : GETCLOCK 18 CLOCK 3 CMOVE ; : STRIGWAIT BEGIN STRIG0 0= UNTIL ; : KEYWAIT BEGIN KEY 155 = UNTIL ; : OK? DUP 0= IF ." [OK]" DROP ELSE ." [FAIL] " . THEN ; : SAVEFILE 13 10 POS ." Open File : " FNAME 2 + 0 W/O 1+ OPEN-FILE DUP 170 = IF DROP FNAME 2 + 0 W/O OPEN-FILE THEN OK? FILEID ! 14 10 POS ." Write Data : " NAME 28 FILEID @ WRITE-FILE OK? 15 10 POS ." Close File : " FILEID @ CLOSE-FILE OK? 16 10 POS ." Verify File: " FNAME 2 + 0 R/O OPEN-FILE OK? CLOSE-FILE OK? ; : RESULT CLS TITEL 08 10 POS ." Zeit : " TIME GETCLOCK 10 10 POS ." Wertung : " SCORE C@ . 12 10 POS ." Speichern... " SAVEFILE 20 06 POS ." RETURN fuer naechsten Spieler" ; : START BEGIN SCREEN CURON LOGIN CUROFF SETFONT TRACKNAMES SHUFFLE CLEARSCORE CLEARSEL CLEARCLOCK CHOOSE GETSCORE RESULT KEYWAIT AGAIN ; ." PEN loaded ... " }}}