!!! ATARI Pilot CX405 Educators' Package and ATARI Super PILOT
!! ATARI Pilot CX405 Educators' Package:
!! CAR-Images

!! ROM-Images
[{Image src='pilot.jpg' width=113 height=140 }]
Atari Pilot Cartridge CXL4018\\
* [Atari PILOT.rom]
* [PILOT-Home Package CX4018.rom]
* [PILOT-Educators Package CX405.rom]

!! BIN-Images
* [Pilot (1981).bin]

!! ATR-Images
* [Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-A and B-Side 1 and 2.atr]
* [Language 1.atr]
* [Language 2.atr]
* [Pilot 1.atr]
* [Pilot 2.atr]
* [Pilot 3.atr]

!! Manuals
* [Atari Pilot Primer.pdf] The PILOT Programming Language Instruction Manual
* [Atari Pilot Demonstration Programs-Users Guide.pdf]
* [Atari Student Pilot-Reference Guide.pdf]
* [PILOT-Pocket Reference Card.pdf]

!! Atari Pilot Cassettes CX4113
With Giga-Thanks to Allan Bushman (he will never be forgotten!), we are now at 100 % of the Atari Pilot CX405 Educators' Package, the complete(!) box.\\
The package includes two Demonstration Program Cassettes:\\

- Atari Pilot Cassette CX4113 A:\\
Side 1: PILOT Programs for Children\\
Side 2: A PILOT Teaching Program\\
- Atari Pilot Cassette CX4113 B:\\
Side 1: PILOT "Turtle Graphics" Demonstration\\
Side 2: PILOT Do-It-Yourself Slide Show\\
Both cassettes just include program data only! No audio! Therefore, we prefer to have it on diskette, please see above under: ATR-Images

!! Atari Pilot Cassettes CX4113 Program Pictures
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-01.jpg' width=443 height=266 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-01\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-02.jpg' width=438 height=268 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-02\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-03.jpg' width=438 height=264 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-03\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-04.jpg' width=435 height=269 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-04\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-05.jpg' width=438 height=270 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-05\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-06.jpg' width=437 height=274 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-06\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-07.jpg' width=438 height=261 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-07\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-08.jpg' width=433 height=252 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-08\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-09.jpg' width=409 height=277 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-09\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-10.jpg' width=441 height=280 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-10\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-11.jpg' width=437 height=255 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-11\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-12.jpg' width=438 height=265 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-12\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-13.jpg' width=434 height=264 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-13\\ \\
[{Image src='Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-14.jpg' width=447 height=262 }]
Atari PILOT Demonstration Program Cassettes CX4113-14\\
!! ATARI Super PILOT: AED80043 48K Diskette
!! ATARI Super PILOT as of April 1984 was never shipped and unreleased for the general public. It was used in the Atari summer camps for educational purposes and delivered on diskette.
[{Image src='ATARI Super PILOT.jpg' width=483 height=418 }]\\
[{Image src='Super_Pilot_1.jpg' width=444 height=441 }]\\
[{Image src='Super_Pilot_2.jpg' width=458 height=397 }]\\