!!! USB Coding Workout 27.05.2006 in Frankfurt Heddernheim Participants: * Harry Reminder (Host) * Thomas Grasel * Florian Dingler !! Pictures * Harry Reminder: [{Image src='HarryCoding.jpg' }] * Thomas Debugging SIO Protocol: [{Image src='ThomasDebugging.jpg' }] * Thoms Grasel found a bug?: [{Image src='ThomasFoundBug.jpg' }] * Florian Dingler and Thomas Grasel: [{Image src='FlorianThomas.jpg' }] * Florian writing the Firmware Flasher: [{Image src='FlorianCoding.jpg' }] * Florian again....: [{Image src='Florian.jpg' }] * Harry and Florian working on Support Tools: [{Image src='HarryandFlorian.jpg' }] * SIO2USB Revision 3: [{Image src='SIO2USBv3.jpg' }] * thomas.jpg: [{Image src='thomas.jpg' }] * Florian2.jpg: [{Image src='Florian2.jpg' }]