General Information
Author: Carl D. Howe
Language: BASIC
Compiler/Interpreter: Atari Basic
Published: 28 Oct 1981 19:35:38 EST (Wednesday)
The following is my DSKRPM program that I described in a previous message. It is not entirely deterministic; I assume that this is because of heterodyning between BASIC execution and the disk rotation. However, I have not really verified this fact; if anyone has any ideas any ideas, please let me know.
Carl cdh@BBN-UNIX
P.S. The proper number to get is about 292 RPM.
01 LET READS=25 05 DIM BUF$(256),PROG$(20) 10 GOSUB 2000:GOSUB 1000 15 P1=PEEK(18):P2=PEEK(19):P3=PEEK(20) 20 FOR I=1 TO READS 30 GOSUB 1000 40 NEXT I 43 Q1=PEEK(18):Q2=PEEK(19):Q3=PEEK(20) 45 BGTIME=P1*65536+P2*256+P3 50 DNTIME=Q1*65536+Q2*256+Q3 60 PRINT 3600*READS/(DNTIME-BGTIME);" RPM" 70 GOTO 10 1000 REM THIS IS THE READ SECTOR ROUTINE 1010 DCB=3*256 1030 POKE DCB+1,1 1040 POKE DCB+2,5*16+2 1050 HIADDR=INT(ADR(BUF$)/256) 1060 LOWADDR=ADR(BUF$)-HIADDR*256 1070 POKE DCB+4,LOWADDR 1080 POKE DCB+5,HIADDR 1090 POKE DCB+10,1 1100 POKE DCB+11,0 1110 A=USR(B):RETURN 1900 REM THIS ROUTINE GENERATES A 1902 REM SMALL MACHINE LANGUAGE 1904 REM ROUTINE AS FOLLOWS: 1906 REM PLA 1908 REM JSR DSKINV 1910 REM RTS 2000 B=ADR(PROG$)+1 2010 POKE B,6*16+8 2020 POKE B+1,2*16 2030 POKE B+2,5*16+3 2040 POKE B+3,14*16+4 2050 POKE B+4,6*16 2060 RETURN