!!!ACTION! Relocator !!RELGEN.ACT {{{ MODULE ;RELGEN.ACT ;COPYRIGHT 1984, QMI, JS DeMar ;REV. 1.1, March 20, 1984 ;OBJECT CODE RELOCATION GENERATOR for ;ACTION! compiled binary-load files. ;WARNING!!! This program requires ;four OPEN files simultaneously. ;Be sure that DOS is configured for ;this. With DOS 2.0, set $709 equal ;to at least 4, rewrite DOS and ;reboot. ;Requires the second file compiled ;at any even page increment higher ;than the first file, for example: ;$3000 and $3100. ;Generates a table of the locations ;that require relocating and saves ;it in a ".GEN" file in ACTION!. ; The ".REL" file is the original ;object code with an origin of "0". ;The actual relocator is compiled ;from the generic relocator source ;called "RELOC.ACT" merged with the ;".GEN" file generated here. Append ;".REL" file to that code and it ;will load and relocate to MEMLO. DEFINE in1="1", in2="2", out1="3", out2="4" BYTE abrt ;--------------------------------- PROC MyError(BYTE a,x,y) IF y=170 THEN PrintE("ERROR File not found!") ELSE Print("ERROR! ") PrintBE(y) FI abrt=1 RETURN ;--------------------------------- PROC Ferror() BYTE t,clock=$14 PrintE("ERROR in Output filespec!") t=clock-$80 DO UNTIL t=clock OD RETURN ;--------------------------------- PROC EndIt() Close(in1) Close(in2) Close(out1) Close(out2) RETURN ;--------------------------------- PROC Main() CARD start1,start2,end1,end2 CARD offsets,offsete,i,count,hits CARD test1,test2,old1,old2,old3,old0 BYTE x,z,j,wnum,d1,d2, sthigh BYTE ARRAY fname1(18),fname2(18), fnameout1(18),fnameout2(18) DO PrintE("} †“ÂÏÔ„·ÙÈÔÓ†√ԉ†«ÂÓÂÚ·ÙÔÚ†……†") PrintE(" † ”†ƒÂÕ·Ú¨†∏Ø∏¥†") PutE() PrintE(" Requires two code files compiled") PrintE(" with an offset of $0100.") PutE() Print("Filespec for code A >") InputMD(device,fname1,18) PutE() Print("Filespec for code B >") InputMD(device,fname2,18) PutE() Scopy(fnameout1,fname1) SCopy(fnameout2,fnameout1) j=1 IF fnameout1(1)#'D OR fnameout1(0)<4 THEN Ferror() ELSEIF fnameout1(2)=': THEN z=0 ELSEIF fnameout1(3)=': THEN z=1 FI DO x=fnameout1(j) j==+1 IF x=$20 THEN EXIT ELSEIF x='. THEN EXIT ELSEIF j>fnameout1(0) THEN j==+1 EXIT ELSEIF j>11+z THEN Ferror() FI OD fnameout1(j-1)='. fnameout1(j)='G fnameout1(j+1)='E fnameout1(j+2)='N fnameout1(0)=j+2 j=1 IF fnameout2(1)#'D OR fnameout2(0)<4 THEN Ferror() ELSEIF fnameout2(2)=': THEN z=0 EXIT ELSEIF fnameout2(3)=': THEN z=1 EXIT FI OD DO x=fnameout2(j) j==+1 IF x=$20 THEN EXIT ELSEIF x='. THEN EXIT ELSEIF j>fnameout2(0) THEN j==+1 EXIT ELSEIF j>11+z THEN Ferror() EXIT FI OD fnameout2(j-1)='. fnameout2(j)='R fnameout2(j+1)='E fnameout2(j+2)='L fnameout2(0)=j+2 Print("Generation file = ") PrintE(fnameout1) Print("Relocation file = ") PrintE(fnameout2) Error=MyError abrt=0 Close(in1) Close(in2) Close(out1) Close(out2) Open(in1,fname1,4) Open(in2,fname2,4) IF abrt=1 THEN Close(1) Close(2) RETURN FI Open(out1,fnameout1,8) Open(out2,fnameout2,8) x=GetD(in1) ;throw away two $FF's. x=GetD(in1) PutD(out2,$FF) PutD(out2,$FF) x=GetD(in1) PutD(out2,x) start1=x ;start addr of file1. x=GetD(in1) PutD(out2,x) start1==+(x*256) x=GetD(in1) PutD(out2,x) end1=x x=GetD(in1) PutD(out2,x) end1==+(x*256) ;end addr of file1. x=GetD(in2) ;throw away two $FF's. x=GetD(in2) x=GetD(in2) start2=x ;start addr of file2. x=GetD(in2) start2==+(x*256) x=GetD(in2) end2=x x=GetD(in2) end2==+(x*256) ;end addr of file2. offsets=start2-start1 sthigh=start1/256 offsete=end2-end1 PrintDE(out1,"MODULE") PrintD(out1,";For file ") PrintDE(out1,fnameout2) PrintDE(out1,"") Print("Code starts at ") PrintD(out1,"CARD start=[") PrintCE(start1) PrintCD(out1,start1) PrintDE(out1,"]") Print(" and ends at ") PrintD(out1,"CARD finish=[") PrintCE(end1) PrintCD(out1,end1) PrintDE(out1,"]") Print("Compile offset was ") PrintCE(offsets) IF offsete#offsets THEN PrintE("Diferrent size files!") PrintE("ABORTED!") EndIt() RETURN FI PrintDE(out1,"") PrintD(out1,"CARD ARRAY otable=[") wnum=0 hits=0 count=0 FOR i=start1 TO end1 DO d1=GetD(in1) d2=GetD(in2) IF d1#d2 THEN hits==+1 IF wnum=0 THEN PrintD(out1," ") Print(" ") ElSE PrintD(out1," ") Print(" ") FI PrintCD(out1,count) Print(" ") PrintC(count) wnum==+1 IF wnum>4 THEN PrintDE(out1,"") PrintE("") wnum=0 FI d1==-sthigh FI PutD(out2,d1) count==+1 OD FOR i=0 TO 2 DO d1=GetD(in1) d2=GetD(in1) OD test1=d1 test1==+(d2*256) IF test1>=start1 AND test1<=end1 THEN PrintDE(out1,"]") PrintE("]") PrintD(out1,"CARD hits=[") PrintCD(out1,hits) PrintDE(out1,"]") PrintDE(out1,"") Print("CARD hits=[") PrintC(hits) PrintE("]") PrintE("") PrintD(out1,"CARD runaddr=[") Print("CARD runaddr=[") test1==-start1 PrintCD(out1,test1) PrintC(test1) PrintDE(out1,"]") PrintE("]") ELSE PrintE("No Run Address! - ABORTED!") FI PrintE("") PrintDE(out1,"") EndIt() PrintE("Finished!˝") RETURN }}} !!RELOC.ACT {{{ MODULE ;RELOCATE.ACT ;Run-time Relocator Code. ;For use with RELGEN.ACT ;COPYRIGHT 1984, JS DeMar ;Rev. 2.0, August 17,1984 ;--------------------------------- SET 14=$6000 SET $0491=$6000 ;--------------------------------- ;The beginning of the relocator ;table and code should be higher ;than the end of the original ;compiled program. But, there must ;be enough space left for the table ;and the relocator code itself! ;--------------------------------- ;--------------------------------- ;Read the ".GEN" file above here. ;--------------------------------- ;Compile this after reading in the ;".GEN" file above. Then append this ;code to the ".REL" file using the ;DOS C (COPY) command with /A after ;the filenames: ; PROGRAM.OBJ,PROGRAM.REL/A ;Then rename the ".REL" file to ;AUTORUN.SYS to run at boot-time. ;--------------------------------- PROC Relocate() BYTE offset,memlohi=$02E8,x,y CARD memlo=$02E7,i,j,top,entry CARD POINTER p BYTE ARRAY newplace [$8E y $4E y $4E y $4E y $4E y] newplace=memlo newplace==&$FF00 offset=memlohi i=memlo&$00FF IF i#0 THEN newplace==+$0100 offset==+1 FI j=0 FOR i=start TO finish DO p=i x=p^ newplace(j)=x j==+1 OD FOR i=0 TO hits-1 DO entry=otable(i) newplace(entry)==+offset OD runaddr==+newplace [$6C runaddr] }}}