||ADR||HEXADR||NAME||Description||shadow||OS |634| $027A|STICK2|Joystick 3| [PORTB] |A This denotes the direction of Joystick 3, where 15 means "centered". It is the lower nibble of [PORTB] 54017 $d301. Joystick 3 is only available on ATARI 400/800 machines. In XL and XE OS's this register has the same content as [STICK0]. ||dec ||left|| ||right |up|10|14| 6 | |11|15| 7 |down| 9|13| 5 ||hex ||left|| ||right |up|$0A|$0E|$06 | |$0B|$0F|$07 |down|$09|$0D|$05 ||bin ||left|| ||right |up|1010|1110|0110 | |1011|1111|0111 |down|1001|1101|0101 ---- see also [Controller topics|Controller_topics] previous: [Joystick 2|STICK1] next: [Joystick 4|STICK3]