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SpartaDOS is a completely different command-line DOS modelled after MS-DOS, though it is perfectly capable of reading all Atari DOS and MyDOS disks. There are many versions available. Hopefully this list will help keep them all straight.


Sparta-DOS 3.2x#

Anmerkung: die letzte offizielle Version war 3.2g; Sparta-DOS bietet eine Datums- und Zeit- Funktion; für den Betrieb mit einer XF551 muss das DOS und/oder der Formatter (XINIT.COM) gepatcht werden, da man sonst beim Booten immer die Nachricht "Error - no DOS!" erhält. Dazu sind mehrere Patch-Programme erhältlich...

Sparta DOS 3.3x:#

Es existieren die Varianten 3.3a, 3.3b und 3.3c. Diese Versionen von Sparta-DOS wurden speziell für den Betrieb von Mailboxen mit dem Programm BBS-Express-Pro hergestellt. Es gibt nach wie vor Diskussionen darüber, wer der offizielle Rechte-Inhaber von 3.3x ist. Das DOS besteht aus einem File X33x.DOS und ist zu Atari DOS 2.x inkompatibel; Atari-DOS 2.x Formate können aber intern gelesen und angezeigt werden. Ein Programm kann via Batchfile-Verarbeitung (ein einfach selbst zu erstellendes Textfile mit dem Namen STARTUP.BAT) automatisch geladen werden. Eine XE-Ramdisk wird via externem Treiber bis zu einer Größe von 1024k unterstützt (der Treiber muss aber entweder manuell oder via Batchfile geladen werden).

Sparta DOS X-Cartridge (4.x):#

Infos von Andreas Magenheimer.

SpartaDOS X (SDX) cartridge#

Greatly enhanced/expanded compared to disk- based SpartaDOS; completely different source code. Several versions produced:

4.22 11-05-95 released by Fine Tooned Engineering (FTe)
4.21 7-10-89 released by ICD
4.20 2-06-89 released by ICD
4.19 1-16-89 released by ICD
4.18 10-29-88 released by ICD
4.17 ?-?-88 released by ICD

SpartaDOS Pro 3.3a, 3.3b, and 3.3c - 1994-#

The SpartaDOS Pro 3.3 versions were developed by Stephen J. Carden, based upon a dissembled copy of the older (more stable?) 3.2c release from ICD.

According to Lance Ringquist: K-Products contracted FTe to develop SpartaDOS Pro 3.3 for exclusive use and distribution with K-Products' BBS Express! Pro, to provide this BBS system with the most stable platform possible. As Video 61 now owns the rights to BBS Express! Pro, SpartaDOS Pro 3.3 is therefore now a product of Video 61.

According to Stephen Carden: The SpartaDOS Pro 3.3 versions were never owned by K-Products, and are technically shareware owned by FTe, although FTe had no connection with the specific development of the 3.3 versions.

SpartaDOS 3.2g and 3.2gx - Dated 6/4/94.#

Last official disk-based versions, released as shareware by Fine Tooned Engineering (FTe), who had purchased the rights from ICD. 3.2g is the primary version; 3.2gx differs only in that it locates the disk buffers under the OS to save RAM. 3.2gx is intended for use in systems that include a PBI device (MIO, Black Box); it is not compatible with BASIC XE or any other programs using RAM under the OS.

First shareware release from FTe: 3.2f.

Earlier major releases from the original developer, ICD: 3.2d, 3.2c, 2.3, 1.1

Only the SDX cartridges and the original version 1.1 are compatible with the 400/800 computer models; SpartaDOS 2.x, and 3.x require an XL/XE.

Many disk-based SpartaDOS versions are available for download here, Thunderdome, kept by SysOp Fox-1:

One source of SpartaDOS documentation is Russ Gilbert's page at: