!!!Star Raiders source code by Lorenz Wiest
Lorenz Wiest did a tremendous must see job with a complete commented Star Raiders source code at the highest level possible! Highly recommended!!!\\
Every assembly source code should look like this. The reader can take his work as a template on how to do it the right way!
!!Source Code in TXT-Format



During the last years, as a hobby afterhours project, I reverse-engineered a complete, extensively documented assembly language source code of STAR RAIDERS for the Atari 8-bit Home Computer System directly from the binary file of the ROM cartridge.

I was absolutely thrilled to learn that recently (October 2015) [scans of the original STAR RAIDERS source code](https://archive.org/details/AtariStarRaidersSourceCode) re-surfaced from which a team created a [plain text file on GitHub](https://github.com/XioNYC/StarRaiders).

So it's high time to put my own version on GitHub! You may find it useful if you are curious about the internals of STAR RAIDERS.

In the meantime, I'm very much looking forward to comparing my version with the original source code!

Enjoy -- Lorenz