!!!The Atari Bookkeeper CX414 Copyright (C) 1982 by Atari, Inc. Home Computer Division

[{TableOfContents }]

In 1982 Atari, Inc. decided to migrate The Atari Accountant into The Atari Bookkeeper, please see below. Please take into account, that The Atari Accountant consists out of 3 packages with in sum 13 diskettes in true DD format, single sided. Transfer to SD formatted diskettes, we have to expect therefore 26 diskettes, but we just see the following 4 ones.

!!ATR images
* [] ; The Atari Bookkeeper-Data Entry Diskette CX8131
* [] ; The Atari Bookkeeper-Data Base Diskette CX8132
* [] ; The Atari Bookkeeper-Reporting Diskette CX8133
* [] ; The Atari Bookkeeper-Sample-Data Diskette (Benson) CX8134

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[{Image src='bookkefront.jpg' width=425 height=551 }]
The Bookkeeper box CX414 front \\
[{Image src='bookkeback.jpg' width=425 height=551 }]
The Bookkeeper box CX414 back \\
[{Image src='disk1.jpg' width=425 height=550 }]
The Bookkeeper box CX414 Diskettes CX8131 and CX8133 \\
[{Image src='disk2.jpg' width=425 height=542 }]
The Bookkeeper box CX414 Diskettes CX8132 and CX8134 \\