!!!The Atari Accountant series (by Arthur Young & Co.)
!!CX401: General Accounting System (never shipped according to Michael Current)
!- General Accounting System - Users’s Manual
!- Business Manager’s Companion Guide
!- Reference Card
!- 2 Data Entry Program Diskettes (Model CX8203) Master and Backup
!- 2 Posting Program Diskettes (Model CX8204) Master and Backup
!- 1 Sample Master Data Diskette (Model CX8205)
!- 1 Sample Training Data Diskette (Model CX8206)
!- 1 Blank Diskette (Model CX8202)
!- 4 new disks, Atari 815 Dual Disk Drive required!, Atari 825, Atari 850 Interface Module
!!CX402: Accounts Receivable System; 4 disks; (never shipped according to Michael Current); the one and only trace we have, is the picture below.
[{Image src='CX402.jpg' width=402 height=280 }]
The Atari Accountant - proof for CX402: Accounts Receivable? You are the judge. \\
!!CX403: Inventory Control Program/System, 5 disks (never shipped according to Michael Current)
!!Images from the The Atari Accountant: box CX401 only up to now (2015):
[{Image src='Atari Accountant.jpg' width=661 height=360 }]
The Atari Accountant description \\
[{Image src='box.jpg' width=397 height=405 }]
The Atari Accountant box CX401 \\
[{Image src='binder.jpg' width=385 height=442 }]
The Atari Accountant binder CX401 \\
[{Image src='back.jpg' width=447 height=427 }]
The Atari Accountant back of box CX401 \\
[{Image src='Disk1.jpg' width=473 height=189 }]
The Atari Accountant Diskette CX8203 \\
[{Image src='Disk2.jpg' width=476 height=209 }]
The Atari Accountant Diskette CX8204 \\
[{Image src='Disk3.jpg' width=505 height=223 }]
The Atari Accountant Diskette CX8205 \\
[{Image src='Disk4.jpg' width=564 height=263 }]
The Atari Accountant Diskette CX8206 \\
[{Image src='Disk5.jpg' width=565 height=227 }]
The Atari Accountant Diskette CX8202 \\