!!!The Learning Phone RX8080

Atari Corp.\\
1196 Borregas Avenue\\
Sunnyvale, CA 94086\\
(408) 745-2000\\
$24.95, 16K cartridge\\

!!ROM image
* [The Learning Phone.rom] ; Thank you so much Atarimania!

* [The Learning Phone-User's Guide.pdf|The Learning Phone.pdf] ; size: 7.7 MB ; Thank you so much Atarimania!
* [PLATO Homelink Program Titles.pdf] ; size: 980 KB ; Thank you so much Atarimania!
* [Telephone Numbers for Accessing PLATO Homelink Service.pdf] ; size: 476 KB ; Thank you so much Atarimania!
* [PLATO Service Offerings.pdf] ; size: 637 KB ; Thank you so much Atarimania!
* [PLATO Service Offering Enrollment Card.pdf] ; size: 1.5 MB ; Thank you so much Atarimania!

* [The Learning Phone at Atarimania|http://www.atarimania.com/utility-atari-400-800-xl-xe-learning-phone-_32571.html] ; Thank you so much Atarimania!
* [PLATO RISING from ANTIC VOL. 3, NO. 3 / JULY 1984|https://www.atarimagazines.com/v3n3/platorising.html]
* [PLATO LEARNING PHONE from ANTIC VOL. 4, NO. 12 / APRIL 1986|https://www.atarimagazines.com/v4n12/PLATO.html]

[{Image src='TheLearningPhone_front.jpg' width=600 height=854 }]
The Learning Phone Box\\
[{Image src='the_learning_phone_cart.jpg' width=400 height=514 }]
The Learning Phone - cartridge RX8080\\
[{Image src='Welcome to The Learning Phone 2400 Baud.png' width=695 height=587 }]
Successful connection at 2400 baud with The Learning Phone software