xBIOS is like a programmers version of DOS. With it you can easily access files from your programs without using Atari DOS. It is smaller than DOS and therefore saves memory in your programs. You can even run programs from as low as $0200, however $0800 or $2000 are more common.
In this section you will find some general notes about xBIOS and how it functions.
‘FILE TXT’ (4 letters, 4 spaces and a 3 character extension)
xBIOS is case insensitive.
a) New files cannot be created.
b) Existing files cannot be extended in length.
c) New directories cannot be created.
$0000-$00FF Free $0200-$06FF Free $0700-$07FF xBIOS I/O buffer $0800-$0BFF xBIOS $0C00-$CFFF Free $D000-$D7FF Atari H/W $D800-$FFFF Free
A disk image is a file which simulates a disk. It will contain 1 or more files which can be used by your programs.
In order to prepare them, an external tool needs to be used.
‘dir2atr’ : http://www.horus.com/~hias/atari
A tool for creating an ATR file from a folder.
‘franny’ : http://atariage.com/forums/topic/159325-program-to-add-to-and-extract-files-from-atr/
Allows the additional of individual files to an ATR file.
In order to have a disk which is usable, a project build system should complete the following steps:
a) Make a copy of the xBIOS.atr file, renaming the new file to something relevant for your project.
b) Add all the new files to the file. ‘franny’ and ‘dir2atr’ are good tools for this. Ensure that the program which you want to initially run is named ‘XAUTORUN’.
Example Windows batch file:
mads myProg.asm copy /Y myProg.obx myatr\XAUTORUN dir2atr -md -B xboot.obx myatr.atr myatr pause
xBIOS now also needs adding into the development project which is being created.
There are two ways of achieving this:
Option 1: The following code needs to be pasted into a project:
(Valid for xBIOS v4.3)
xBIOS equ $800 xBIOS_VERSION equ xBIOS+$02 xBIOS_RENAME_ENTRY equ xBIOS+$03 xBIOS_LOAD_FILE equ xBIOS+$06 xBIOS_OPEN_FILE equ xBIOS+$09 xBIOS_LOAD_DATA equ xBIOS+$0c xBIOS_WRITE_DATA equ xBIOS+$0f xBIOS_OPEN_CURRENT_DIR equ xBIOS+$12 xBIOS_GET_BYTE equ xBIOS+$15 xBIOS_PUT_BYTE equ xBIOS+$18 xBIOS_FLUSH_BUFFER equ xBIOS+$1b xBIOS_SET_LENGTH equ xBIOS+$1e xBIOS_SET_INIAD equ xBIOS+$21 xBIOS_SET_FILE_OFFSET equ xBIOS+$24 xBIOS_SET_RUNAD equ xBIOS+$27 xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE equ xBIOS+$2a xBIOS_OPEN_DIR equ xBIOS+$2d xBIOS_LOAD_BINARY_FILE equ xBIOS+$30 xBIOS_OPEN_DEFAULT_DIR equ xBIOS+$33 xBIOS_SET_DEVICE equ xBIOS+$36 xBIOS_RELOCATE_BUFFER equ xBIOS+$39 xBIOS_GET_ENTRY equ xBIOS+$3c xBIOS_OPEN_DEFAULT_FILE equ xBIOS+$3f xBIOS_READ_SECTOR equ xBIOS+$42 xBIOS_FIND_ENTRY equ xBIOS+$45 xBIOS_SET_BUFFER_SIZE equ xBIOS+$48 xDIRSIZE equ xBIOS+$3e5 ; current directory size in sectors (1 byte) xSPEED equ xBIOS+$3e6 ; STANDARD SPEED (1 byte) xHSPEED equ xBIOS+$3e7 ; ULTRA SPEED (1 byte) xIRQEN equ xBIOS+$3e8 ; User IRQ (1 byte) xAUDCTL equ xBIOS+$3e9 ; AUDCTL xFILE equ xBIOS+$3ea ; File handle (2 bytes) xDIR equ xBIOS+$3ec ; Root directory handle (2 bytes) xIOV equ xBIOS+$3ee ; I/O module entry (2 bytes) xBUFFERH equ xBIOS+$3f0 ; Buffer adr hi byte (1 byte) xBUFSIZE equ xBIOS+$3f1 ; Buffer size lo byte $100-SIZE (1 byte) xDAUX3 equ xBIOS+$3f2 ; Buffer offset (1 byte) xSEGMENT equ xBIOS+$3f3 ; Bytes to go in binary file segment (2 bytes) xNOTE equ xBIOS+$3f5 ; File pointer (3 bytes) xDEVICE equ xBIOS+$3fc ; Device ID xDCMD equ xBIOS+$3fd ; CMD (1 byte) xDAUX1 equ xBIOS+$3fe ; Sector lo byte (1 byte) xDAUX2 equ xBIOS+$3ff ; Sector hi byte (1 byte)
Each entry in this jump table specifies where in memory that the code for each function resides. Replace the $xxxx at the start with a starting address. $0800 should a be safe address for all purposes. If you ever wish to start from a different address, simply change the value for ‘xBIOS’.
Option 2: From xBIOS v4.2 and above, you can use the xBIOS.cfg file which is as below.
opt h- .byte $43 ; config for v4.3 version .byte c'XAUTORUN ' ; autorun file fname .byte >$0800 ; xB adress for relocator .byte >$0700 ; xB buffer adress for relocator .word $02e2 ; INITAD .word $02e0 ; RUNAD .word $0000 ; custom I/O module - $0000 means use internal xB SIO .word $0000 ; relocator for custom I/O module .byte $ff ; PORTB - you can't swith off BASIC this way .byte $40 ; NMIEN - config at start .byte $c0 ; IRQEN - config at start
Please note that xBIOS do not use page zero. Now that the above exists, the following examples can be used to access files in the ATR file.
Here are some of the examples taken from http://xxl.atari.pl and other online sources, but with a few extra/modified comments in English.
This function allows you to rename a file or directory. There is no limit to the characters used in the filename apart from that they must fit a case insensitive “8.3” format without the dot. If your filename is not 8 characters long, pad it out with spaces.
ldy <fname ldx >fname JSR xBIOS_RENAME_ENTRY fname .byte c'FILENAMESRC '; 11 char ATASCII (8.3 without the dot, space padded) .byte c'FILENAMEDST '; 11 char ATASCII (8.3 without the dot, space padded)
Load and run the file, INIT and RUN headers are supported. "Boot Loader" has an analogous function xBOOT_LOAD_FILE. In the case of the boot loader if the file does not have a defined block RUN will be launched from the beginning of the first block.
ldy <fname ldx >fname JSR xBIOS_LOAD_FILE fname .byte c'MYFILE COM'; 11 characters ATASCII (8.3 without the dot, space padded)
ldy <fname ldx >fname JSR xBIOS_OPEN_FILE fname .byte c'MYFILE COM'; 11 characters ATASCII (8.3 without the dot, space padded)
Load data from file to a specified address. You can set the file offset (FILE_OFFSET) and the amount of data to be loaded (SET_LENGTH). If you do not define these values, data will be loaded from the current position of the file pointer to the end of the file. If you want to load a binary file using the headers defined in it or use the functions xBIOS_BINARY_LOAD or xBIOS_LOAD_FILE.
ldy <dest ldx >dest JSR xBIOS_LOAD_DATA
Save data from memory to a file, starting from the current position in the file. You can set the file pointer offset current (FILE_OFFSET) and the amount of data to be saved (SET_LENGTH). If you do not define these values, data from the current file position to the end of the file is written to the file.
ldy <src ldx >src JSR xBIOS_WRITE_DATA
The byte value in the accumulator is written to a file at it’s current pointer location.
All write operations are cached, use this to flush the buffer to the current file.
Defines the amount of data to process while reading or writing. If your OPEN_FILE value is not defined this operation will be carried out until the end of the file.
ldy <len ldx >len JSR xBIOS_SET_LENGTH
Allows you to change the init address vector INITAD ($2E2) for loaded binary files.
ldy <addr ldx >addr JSR xBIOS_SET_INIAD
Sets the current read/write position in the current file with a value stored in A, X, Y. This item is calculated relative to the beginning of the file. In DOS speak, the operation is called "POINT".
ldy <pos ldx >pos lda ^pos JSR xBIOS_SET_FILE_OFFSET
Allows you to change the run address vector RUNAD ($2E0) for loaded binary files.
ldy <addr ldx >addr JSR xBIOS_SET_RUNAD
Restores the standard IO device.
ldy <fname ldx >fname JSR xBIOS_OPEN_DIR
Note that the directory cannot be created by xBIOS and therefore must be created with an external tool such as ‘franny’.
Load and run the binary file from the current read/write position. INIT and RUN headers are supported.
Opens the default directory.
Change the IO device.
ldy <dev ldx >dev JSR xBIOS_SET_DEVICE
Change address IO buffer. If before the call to set the marker C = 1, the relocation can be carried out even during IO. The data will not be lost. If the marker before calling C = 0, buffer contents will not be copied to a new location.
Gets another entry in the directory. The X register returns the index to the filename or folder (byte of buffer address is stored in the variable xBUFFERH). The accumulator is set with the status. The carry flag is set when the end of the directory is found.
Opens the default file. The function does not search the directory, the file handle is derived from the variable 'Xfile'.
Load a sector into a buffer. lda >sector ; High byte of the sector number ldy <sector ; Low byte of the sector number
This function allows you to find the specified directory entry. The X register returns the index to the filename or folder (byte of buffer address is stored in the variable xBUFFERH). The accumulator is the status byte. If an entry is not found, the carry flag is set.
ldy <fname ldx >fname JSR xBIOS_FIND_ENTRY
This feature allows you to set the buffer size for IO operations. Buffer Size is also stored in the variable xBUFSIZE in bytes format. lda # $ 100-SIZE
xIRQEN equ xBIOS+$3ea ; User IRQ (1 byte) xSEGMENT equ xBIOS+$3f4 ; Bytes to go in binary file segment (2 bytes) xNOTE equ xBIOS+$3f6 ; File pointer (3 bytes) PUPBT1 equ $033D ; Power-up validation byte 1 icl 'atarihw.ah' opt h+o+l+ org $c00 start_sio sei lda #$00 sta nmien sta irqen sta xIRQEN sta dmactl lda #$fe sta portb lda <MyNMI sta nmiv lda >MyNMI sta nmiv+1 lda <mydlist sta dlistl lda >mydlist sta dlisth jsr xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE ; SIO drive ldx >RESETV ldy <RESETV jmp xBIOS_SET_RUNAD ; new runad vector ini start_sio org RESETV .word run_adr ; RUN org PUPBT1 .byte d'xxl' ; Let the RESET key work as a RESET key org $0000 run_adr lda #$74 sta colbak _stop jmp _stop ; Endless loop mydlist :12 .byte $70 .byte $46,<counter,>counter .byte $06 .byte $41,<mydlist,>mydlist counter .byte d'SEGMENT: ' .byte d'FILE OFFSET: ' start sei ldx #3 ldy #0 @ inc PORTB lda $e000,y _csrc equ *-1 dec PORTB sta (_csrc-1),y _cdst equ *-1 dey bne @- inc _csrc dex bpl @- @ lda vcount bne @- lda #$22 sta dmactl lda #$40 sta nmien rts MyNMI sta nmiA sty nmiY inc licz lda #0 licz equ *-1 lsr @ bcc secondnmi firstnmi ldy #16 lda xSEGMENT+1 jsr puthex lda xSEGMENT jsr puthex jmp endnmi secondnmi ldy #20+14 lda xNOTE+2 jsr puthex lda xNOTE+1 jsr puthex lda xNOTE jsr puthex endnmi lda #0 nmiA equ *-1 ldy #0 nmiY equ *-1 rti puthex pha lsr @ lsr @ lsr @ lsr @ jsr nibble pla and #$0f nibble cmp #$0a sed adc #$10 cld sta counter,y iny rts ini start org $0c00 :$c300 .byte $ff
opt h+o+l+ org PUPBT1 .byte d'xxl' ; Let the RESET key work as a RESET key org $c00 start_sio sei lda #$00 sta nmien sta irqen sta xIRQEN sta dmactl lda #$fe sta portb lda <MyNMI sta nmiv lda >MyNMI sta nmiv+1 lda #$40 sta nmien jmp xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE ; SIO drive MyNMI sta vbisaveA+1 stx vbisaveX+1 speed lda #0 bne wp loadpat ldx #0 lda pat,x bmi pass asl @ asl @ asl @ asl @ sta wp+1 pass inx lda #$3f sax loadpat+1 wp ldx #0 lda ins,x sta audc1 lda frq,x sta audf1 inc wp+1 dec speed+1 bpl pass2 lda #5 sta speed+1 wp1 lda #$20 sta pass2+1 eor #$60 sta wp1+1 pass2 ldx #0 lda ins,x sta audc2 inc pass2+1 vbisaveA lda #0 vbisaveX ldx #0 rti ins .byte $0F,$AF,$AC,$A7,$A2,$00,$04,$A3 .byte $22,$21,$A1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $AF,$AF,$09,$07,$05,$04,$04,$03 .byte $03,$03,$02,$02,$02,$01,$01,$00 .byte $87,$84,$83,$82,$81,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $84,$84,$84,$84,$84,$84,$83,$83 .byte $83,$83,$82,$82,$81,$81,$00,$00 .byte $83,$82,$81,$81,$81,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 frq .byte $04,$C0,$D0,$E0,$F0,$00,$04,$C0 .byte $D0,$E0,$F0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $98,$A8,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 .byte $03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 pat .byte $00,$80,$00,$80,$01,$80,$00,$00 .byte $80,$00,$00,$80,$01,$80,$03,$80 .byte $00,$80,$00,$80,$01,$80,$02,$02 .byte $00,$80,$01,$01,$80,$00,$03,$80 .byte $00,$80,$00,$80,$01,$80,$00,$00 .byte $80,$00,$00,$80,$01,$80,$03,$80 .byte $00,$00,$00,$80,$01,$00,$00,$80 .byte $00,$80,$01,$01,$80,$00,$01,$00 ini start_sio org $1000 :$C000 .byte $ff org $D800 :$2700 .byte $ff run_adr lda #$74 sta colbak _stop jmp _stop ; endless loop run run_adr
xFILE equ xBIOS+$3ec ; File handle xDAUX3 equ xBIOS+$3f3 ; Buffer offset if AtariDOS FS xDAUX2 equ xBIOS+$3fd ; Sector hi if AtariDOS FS xDAUX1 equ xBIOS+$3fe ; Sector lo if AtariDOS FS PUPBT1 equ $033D ; Power-up validation byte 1 myscr equ $8150 myscr1 equ $9000 colour equ myscr+$1e01 fhandle equ $80 org PUPBT1 .byte d'xxl' ; Let the RESET key work as a RESET key org $c00 Mydlist .byte $70,$70,$70 .byte $4e,a(myscr) :93 .byte $0e .byte $4e,a(myscr1) :97 .byte $0e .byte $41,a(Mydlist) myinit lda #$00 sta DMACTLS lda <Mydlist sta DLISTLS lda >Mydlist sta DLISTHS lda #%00100010 sta DMACTLS load_index ldx load_gfx+1 lda xDAUX1 sta fhandle,x lda xDAUX2 sta fhandle+1,x lda xDAUX3 sta fhandle+2,x cpx #$0c bne skip lda #$100-(ldgfx+2-load_gfx) sta ldgfx+1 bne skip load_gfx ldx #0 lda fhandle,x sta xFILE lda fhandle+1,x sta xFILE+1 jsr xBIOS_OPEN_DEFAULT_FILE ldx load_gfx+1 lda fhandle+2,x sta xDAUX3 skip lda #%1111 sbx #$100-$04 sax load_gfx+1 lda <myscr sta dest lda >myscr sta dest+1 jsr unlz4 ldx #$02 @ lda colour,x sta COLPF0S,x dex bpl @- ldgfx bmi load_index unlz4 icl 'unlz4.asm' ini myinit opt h- ins 'DRUID.LZ4',$0b,.FILESIZE 'DRUID.LZ4'-$0b-$06 ins 'LOADING.LZ4',$0b,.FILESIZE 'LOADING.LZ4'-$0b-$06 ins 'SHPOON2.LZ4',$0b,.FILESIZE 'SHPOON2.LZ4'-$0b-$06 ins 'POTATERR.LZ4',$0b,.FILESIZE 'POTATERR.LZ4'-$0b-$06
When you first load xBIOS, you can complete a check to see if your disk drive is ultraspeed (see next example). If so, save a value to xHSPEED. When loading data, copy the value of xHSPEED to xSPEED and use the following code:
lda xHSPEED bmi no_hispeed sta xSPEED
This works in conjunction with: "jsr xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE" If you are using the AtariOS I/O module, speed control is not possible.
If you want to detect if the user’s disk drive has high speed capabilities, you can detect it’s high speed status using this code.
xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE equ xBIOS+$2A xBUFSIZE equ xBIOS+$3f1 ; Buffer size lo byte $100-SIZE (1 byte) xDEVICE equ xBIOS+$3fc ; Device ID xIOV equ xBIOS+$3ee ; I/O module entry (2 bytes) xBSIO jmp (xIOV) start jsr xBIOS_SET_DEFAULT_DEVICE ; I want to use xB SIO I/O lda #$100-$01 ; set buffer size sta xBUFSIZE lda #'1' ; AtariOS device '1' = DOS device D1: sta xDEVICE ; you can use '2', '3' and so for D2: D3: ... ldx #$3F ; set command GET HI SPEED FROM DRIVE jsr xBSIO bcs DRIVE_HAS_NO_HIGH_SPEED_FUNCTIONS lda $7ff ; get HiSpeedIndex byte from buffer ; (xBUFSIZE = lo byte,xBUFFERH = hi byte)
Remember to preserve old xBUFSIZE and xDEVICE values if these are required later in your code.
If you are using disk drives other than the default D1:, you can save values into xDEVICE in order to refer to the other disk drives.
xDEVICE equ xBIOS+$3fc ; Device ID lda #2 ; Use disk drive number 2 sta xDEVICE
Apply this code to check if a particular disk drive exists (1-8).
lda #device_number sta xDEVICE jsr status
xBIOS can handle directories of varying sizes as per the directories of different versions of DOS. ‘xDIRSIZE’ (xBIOS+$3e5 in xBIOS 4.3) is used as a read only way to find out the current directory size in sectors. It is one byte in length and is read-only.
A directory entry within Atari DOS 2 / MyDOS and similar DOS’s uses up 16 bytes and looks like this:
.byte status ; Byte 1 .word size ; - in standard directories always $08 ; Bytes 2 and 3 .word first_sector ; Bytes 4 and 5 .byte c'FILENAMEEXT' ; Byte 6 to 16
A standard directory uses 8 sectors (size = $08) which means 8 sectors * 8 entry = 64 max. Top DOS / Bibo DOS with sector sizes of 256 bytes may looks like 8 sectors * 16 entry = 128 maximum. You can make subdirectories of differing sizes eg. size=$02 (16/32 entry) or size = $ff (2040 / 4080 entry). There is no tool to make different size catalogues, if at any time such a tool appears, xBIOS will handle it.
This isn’t xBIOS as such but a related loader mechanism which is simpler than xBIOS. Simply download xBOOT from http://xxl.atari.pl and add it to your disk using an external tool such as ‘franny’. Name the first file to load ‘AUTORUN’. This will auto-load. Within this executable, have the following code to load the next file in a chain.
xBOOT_LOAD_FILE equ $5f1 ldy <fname ldx >fname jmp xBOOT_LOAD_FILE fname .byte c'NEXTPARTCOM' ; 11 chars ATASCII
xBOOT uses 384 bytes at $480 and $f9-$ff in page zero.
Original document from Steve Nicklin (snicklin at AtariAge). Imported into AtariWiki (23/01/2016) to allow peer feedback and improvement.