!!!XIO Command Codes DOS Handler (D:) || code || ATARIDos 2.5 || MyDOS || BeweDOS || TurboDOS || XDos || BiboDos || SpartaDOS 2.3/3.2 || SpartaDOS X || Real.DOS[3] | 3 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | 5 | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | GET RECORD | 7 | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | GET CHARACTERS | 9 | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | PUT RECORD | 11 | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | PUT CHARACTERS | 12 | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | CLOSE | 13 | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | STATUS REQUEST | 32 | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | RENAME | 33 | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | DELETE | 34 | | CREATE DIRECTORY | | CLEAR DISK | GET DENSITY | | LOCK DISK | LOCK DISK | LOCK DISK | 35 | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | LOCK FILE | 36 | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | UNLOCK FILE | 37 | POINT[1] | POINT[1] | POINT[2] | POINT | POINT[1] | POINT | POINT[2] | POINT[2] | POINT[2] | 38 | NOTE[1] | NOTE[1] | NOTE[2] | NOTE | NOTE[1] | NOTE | NOTE[2] | NOTE[2] | NOTE[2] | 39 | | LOAD BINARY FILE | GET FILE LENGTH | | EXEC COMMAND | | GET FILE LENGTH | GET FILE LENGTH | GET FILE LENGTH | 40 | | LOAD BINARY FILE | (0)LOAD (128)L&RUN | | LOAD BINARY FILE | | | | | 41 | | CHANGE DIRECTORY | | | | | SAVE BINARY FILE | SAVE BINARY FILE | SAVE BINARY FILE | 42 | | CREATE DIRECTORY | CREATE DIRECTORY | | | | CREATE DIRECTORY | CREATE DIRECTORY | CREATE DIRECTORY | 43 | | | DELETE DIRECTORY | | | | DELETE DIRECTORY | DELETE DIRECTORY | DELETE DIRECTORY | 44 | | | CHANGE DIRECTORY | | | | CHANGE DIRECTORY | CHANGE DIRECTORY | CHANGE DIRECTORY | 45 | | | | | | | SET BOOT FILE | SET BOOT FILE | SET BOOT FILE | 46 | | | | | | | UNLOCK DISK | UNLOCK DISK | UNLOCK DISK | 47 | | | GET DISKINFO | | | | | | | 49 | | | | | | | | SET FILE ATTRIBUTES | | 251 | | | | | FORMAT QUAD DENS. | | | | | 252 | | | | FORMAT QUAD DENS. | FORMAT DOUBLE DENS. | | | | | 253 | FORMAT SINGLE DENS. | | | FORMAT DOUBLE DENS. | FORMAT SINGLE DENS. | | | | | 254 | FORMAT DISK (MD/SD) | FORMAT DISK | | FORMAT MEDIUM DENS. | FORMAT MEDIUM DENS. | FORMAT MEDIUM | | | | 255 | | | | FORMAT SINGLE DENS. | CLEAR DISK | | | | * XIO 254 under DOS 2.5 tries to format MD and if the drive doesn'tsupport MD, it formats in SD, other DOS-Versions try only to format MD. * XIO 254 under MyDos works as following: If AUX1, Bit 7 is set, the disk is only cleared (empty directory written to disk). If AUX1 Bit 6-0 and AUX 2 are zero, the formatted disk will have the current density setting of the drive, if not, AUX1&AUX2 define the number of available sectors. * BeweDOS has no format commands in the FMS. The note and point commands deliver a relative file position rather than an absolute sector/byte position as the other DOS versions do. * You can use XIO 33 to delete (empty) MYDOS-directories. * MyDOS allows to ignore INIT- and RUN-addresses (in XIO39/40) by setting an appropriate AUX1-value (4=do Run & Init, 5=Run only, 6=Init only, 7=ignore Run and Init). * In XDOS this is possible via XIO 39, e.g. XIO 39,#1,0,0,"D1:LOA file" * XDOS allows the execution of every DUP command (DIR, LOA, SAV, COP,...) via XIO 39 and the density of a disk can be checked via XIO 34. We need an update on this list for * MyDOS (Versions) * Turbo-DOS * Bibo-Dos * Bewe-DOS * other DOS Versions you use 1.1 Credits * Stefan Dorndorf * Mathy van Nisselroy * Freddy Offenga * Ron Hamilton for finding the Error in Command "PUT RECORD" [#1] Note und Point - der absolute Sector und das Byte innerhalb des Sectors müssen angegeben werden/ werden zurück gegeben.\\ [#2] Note und Point - das Byteoffset innerhalb der geöffneten Datei müssen angegeben werden/ werden zurück gegeben.\\ [#3] Real.DOS is based on SpartaDOS 3.3\\