!!! Yet another target compiler

[{TableOfContents }]

Yet Another Target Compiler by Eric S. Johansson

January 6, 1987
Yet Another Target Compiler                                     Page 2


This paper describes an alternative method for generating  stand-alone
applications  in forth.  Important aspects of this new code generation
method include

* freedom  from  the  ambiguities  and  restrictions  of   meta compilers.
* using the same application source code for local  and  target code generation
* expanding  the  usefulness  of  forth  as   an   applicationslanguage.
* providing an easy way to connect forth generated code to code generated with other languages.
* reduces problems with forward references

!  Problems With Code Generation For Target Or Different Systems

Forth is a language strongly  bound  to  its  local  environment. This  has  the  advantage of making the compiler very simple.  It also has  the  disadvantage  of  making  it  VERY   difficult   to   create applications for any environment other than the local one.

To date, making forth compile to a target environment  has  takenone  of  two paths:  using a meta compiler or using the target machine to create an executable image.

Before looking at compiling for target environments, let's review how forth generates code in local environments.

! Normal Forth Compiler Behavior Synopsis

The behavior of a forth compiler has been described in sufficient detail  elsewhere  so the following description is there to relate the original behavior to the new behavior.

Forth generates code in three different  ways.   They  are  colon definitions, immediate words and defining words.

The simplest form  of  code  generation  is  a  colon  definition consisting  of  non-immediate  words.   In  this  case  there exists a
one-to-one correspondence between words in a forth definition and  the code  generated.   Every  forth  word gets converted into an execution
token and placed into the forth workspace or dictionary.  An execution token is equivalent to an op-code for a forth cpu.

Things get a little more complicated  when  immediate  words  are present  in a colon definition.  Immediate words generate code that no longer has a one-to-one correspondence to the word used in  the  colon definition.   A  common  example  of  immediate  definitions  are  the
conditional words (if..else..then, begin..until, etc.).

* "if" compiles a branch-if-0 token  into  the  dictionary  and compiles space for the forward branch offset.
* "else" compiles a branch-unconditional token  and  associated offset  space  into  the dictionary.  Then "else" changes the branch offset generated by the proper "if" to point to  after the "else" compiled branch.
* "then" doesn't compile any code.  It makes  the  most  recent branch offset point to the current dictionary location.

Things get even stranger with defining words.  They  provide  the compile  time  actions  and run time actions for words they create.  A classic example of a defining word is the constant definition.

The first part  of  of  the  constant  definition  executes  when defining  a  constant.  Defining a constant creates a dictionary entry consisting of the constant name and the value of  the  constant.   The second  part  of  the  constant  definition  executes when the program
references constant.  It places the value of a constant on the stack.

Forth  compilers  localize  code  generation  complexity  to  the definition   implementing  the  function.   The  nature  of  the  code generation complexity determines which method of  code  generation  isappropriate for the application.

!! Meta Compilers

A meta compiler is a  single  pass  compiler  written  in  forth, producing  code  for the target environment.  Major problems with meta compilers revolve around the requirement for two sets  of  applicationsource  code,  one  set  for  local  compiling  and the other for meta
compiling.  Which source code to use depends on which environment  theapplication  is  compiled  for,  local or target.  Two sources for one
application can cause many headaches in  application  development  and maintenance.

Several immediate and defining  words  create  problems  in  meta compiling.   These words include but are not limited to:  program flow control constructs, "compile", "~[compile]" "create", "."" (dot-quote), and  "does>" .  Since immediate and defining words refer to and modify the local environment, problems arises when  compiling  for  a  target environment.

The usual solution changes words referring to a local environment to  refer to a target environment and this fix introduces ambiguities. As an example of these ambiguities let's look at constants.

When a normal constant is created, the constant is placed in  the local  environment.   Placing  a  constant  into  a target environment changes the compile time definition of a constant.  Now there are  two ways of defining constants; one for local environments and another for
target environments.  And the programmer is left with a mess  figuring out how to refer to constants in the target environment for use in the
local environments and the reverse.

The problems and ambiguities  escalate  when  creating  immediate words.   The  first  generation  is  not too tough to create.  It uses words from the local environment and generates  code  for  the  target environment.  A second generation word is a little tougher.

Second  generation  immediate  words  use  a   first   generation immediate  word  inside  of second generation word.  A redefinition of the first generation word must occur before the second generation word can  use  it.   It  must be redefined as a normal forth immediate word
(i.e.  executes in local environment and modifies local  environment). Another ambiguous mess is left for a programmer to manually deal with.
A programmer can try resolving ambiguities of which immediate word was used  or try maintaining two copies of an application; one written for
the local environment and another written for the target environment.

Unfortunately there are as many hacks  for  getting  around  meta compilation problems as there are forth programmers.

!! Development On Target Machines

The numerous problems and  ambiguities  that  arise  during  meta compilation triggered the search for other solutions.  Another popular method of creating applications on target machines  uses  that  target machine as a development environment.

Creating an executable image on a target machine  eliminates  the source  code  control  problems  associated  with meta compilation but introduces a few problems of its own.  One  problem  involves  how  to create  code for a different machine other than the one we are running on (i.e.  generating 68000 code  on  an  8086).   Another  problem  is hardware  support on the target machine.  The target hardware needs to support at least terminal i/o and hopefully a disk.   Since  the  code image generated in the target is taken as-is and preserved, the entire development system is required to provide the needed run time  support for   all  applications.   Not  very  practical  for  most  production environments.

What options does that leave a programmer.  Either the programmer puts  up with maintaining two very different source code files for one application or recreates the development environment for every  target machine worked with.  Either way is not very suitable for a production environment.

!! Multi-pass Target Compiler

Forth applications and  systems  development  need  to  take  the output of the forth compiler, unbind it from the local environment and then bind it to the target environment.  Why should it be so hard?

Most of the problems with meta compilation seem to  be  a  direct result  of  forth  not  being  a simple incremental compiler.  A forth definition can  change  its  contents  anytime  until  the  definition completes  compiling.   Immediate  words  and defining words make this behavior possible.

Making forth a multi-pass compiler  solves  problems  created  by immediate  and  defining  words  in  a  single  pass compiler.  Target compilation becomes much simpler.  The first pass compiles  code  into the  dictionary  and  keeps  track of the data it compiles, the second pass unbinds the output of pass 1 from the local environment, and  the third pass binds the output of pass 2 to the target environment.

! Problems Fixed And Why -

Now target code is almost as easy to  create  and  use  as  local code.  But questions arise:  Why does it (a multi-pass compiler) work? How does it eliminate the ambiguities and restrictions present in meta compilers?   How  do forward references get handled?  How is it easier to  connect  forth  generated  code  to  code  generated  with   other languages?

This form of a target compiler works because we compile code  for and in the local environment.  Locally defined words are used in local definitions, local immediate words compile into local definitions, and local defining words create local definitions.

The difference is this compiler produces two  outputs  for  every compiled  definition.  The two outputs are normal forth compiled code, and intermediate level code suitable for  conversion  into  executable code for a target machine.

The intermediate level code output has a few characteristics that make  it  reasonably  special  and  useful for creating target machine executable code.

* The output contains nothing but  executable  forth  execution tokens  and  addresses.   All of the words that cause special code generation have executed and done their work.
* Addresses are properly identified.  Offsets from symbols  are calculated  and  displayed  as  part  of the address symbolic representation.
* Non address data is properly identified and displayed.
* Output matches pass 3 syntax

Problems  with   meta-compilation   (source   code   maintenance, immediate words, and defining words) go away.  They vanish because the code for the target system is based on the code compiled  for  and  by the current system.

Forward references become easier to deal with.  Simply  put,  all forward  referenced words are compiled into the dictionary before they are needed.  The target compiler is turned on and the  application  is compiled including the forward referenced code in its proper place.

        : moo           <---    define forward reference before 
          . . .                 compiling application program
        ;                       outside of the target compiling stage

        far             <---    turn on target compiler.  start of
                                active pass 2 section

        : woof
          . . . moo .   <---    "forward" reference
        : moo           <---    code woof intended to reference
          . . .                 within the target compiling stage

        near            <---    end of active pass 2 section

Handling forward references  this  way  creates  the  definitions before  they are needed and allows use of immediate and defining words before defining them within the context of the application code.

When  pass  2  produces  symbolic  output,  it  creates  symbolic references  to  symbols defined inside or outside of the active pass 2 section.  The real code for forward referenced words is defined  later and   the   proper  labels  are  created.   Forward  reference  symbol resolution is delayed until pass 3.  If an assembler or  similar  toolis  used  for  pass 3, forward references should be no problem because the tool handles it for you.  If pass 3  is  user  created  in  forth,forward referenced symbols need to be dealt with.

Linkage to code created by other  programming  languages  becomeseasier  when  pass 3 is an assembler.  Linkage routines can be created in  assembler  and  translate  forth's  calling  sequence  to  anotherlanguages  calling sequence and back.  The linkage routines are joined
with the application during pass 3.

! Interactions Between The Three Passes -

Traditionally, in a multi-pass compiler, a compiler pass finishes executing  before  handing control to the next pass.  Because forth is an incremental compiler, the three passes interact  in  the  following fashion.

* The first pass occurs when  compilation  occurs.   As  stated previously, it is basically normal forth compilation activity with additional work of logging data types.
* The second pass occurs whenever a definition is completed.
* The third pass occurs when all definitions are  compiled  and production of an executable target image is desired.

The first two passes are tightly coupled and  control  is  passed between  the first pass code and the second pass code.  The third pass is independent of the first two passes.  It will run  much  after  the first  two passes have been completed.  The third pass is analogous to
a linking loader.

Deciding when to start the second pass and generate  intermediate code  is critical.  Start second pass at the wrong time and data might be lost.  The second  pass  must  be  started  when  a  definition  is complete.

Forth definitions are complete when next definition  starts.   At that  time,  all changes to the internal structure of a definition are finished.   and  the  second  pass  is  run  on  the  just   completed definition.

When the second pass is done, control  is  returned  to  the  the first pass and next definition is compiled.

!! Pass 1 Description -

The first pass of a multi-pass forth  compiler  is  no  different from a normal forth compiler except for tracking compiled data and its data type.

Forth normally ignores data types.  It knows about 8 bit, 16 bit, and  32 bit integers.  But it ignores the type of data associated with its storage allocations.  Is that storage a pointer, character string, or literal number?  Currently forth can not tell.

It is relatively easy to change forth to record data types.   The changes  to  the compiler are minimal and are described under compiler changes.  Most of the time forth  correctly  records  data  types  but there  are  a  few  situations  where  it  won't.   At those times the programmer must explicitly state the type of data compiled.

!! Pass 2 Description -

The second pass of the compiler "knows" things  about  the  forth
environment  it  is  working  in.  It knows how the compiler generates
code (indirect, direct,  token,  or  subroutine  threaded  code),  the
dictionary  header  structure,  the  target machine structure, and the
third pass syntax.

The second pass front end knows about how the compiler  generates
code  and  the dictionary header structure.  This knowledge allows the
front end to drive the back end properly.

The second pass  back  end  is  told  the  current  form  of  the
definition by the front end and "knows" how to convert the information
to the correct form for the third pass.  The output of the back end is
a symbolic or intermediate code description of a definition.

The front end changes if  the  local  environment  changes.   For
example,  the  current  pass 2 front end knows about indirect threaded
code on a 6502 processor and fig-forth style headers.  If any of these
local environment attributes are changed, the front end must change to

The back end changes if  the  target  environment  changes.   For
example,  the  current  pass  2 back end knows about indirect threaded
code and fig-forth style headers and the third pass  syntax.   If  the
target  environment  changes,  the back end must change to accommodate

!! Pass 3 Description -

The third pass converts the output of the  second  pass  into  an
executable  image.   The  third pass can be either a linker or a macro
assembler with the proper macros.

If an assembler exists without macro capability, the second  pass
back end can be modified to do the macro expansion for the third pass.

!! Data Types And The Code They Generate -

The data types logged are 8 bit and 16 bit  integers,  addresses,
execution tokens, and multi-byte storage allocations.

Integers are recovered and printed  as  numbers.   Addresses  are
transformed   into   symbols   and   offsets.   Execution  tokens  are
transformed  into  symbols.   Multi-byte   storage   allocations   are
transformed into a list of 8-bit integers.

Data types  that  are  not  explicitly  logged  are  strings  and
integers  other  than  8  and  16 bit integers (i.e.  double, quad, or
longer  integers).   Strings   are   considered   multi-byte   storage
Yet Another Target Compiler                                     Page 9

allocations.   Longer  integers  are  either  recorded  as  multi-byte
storage or as multi-integer storage.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 10


The changes to a forth compiler can be  broken  up  into  several
distinct modules.  Each one is described in detail below.

!! Forth Compiler Modifications

The following definitions are created or modified for the  target

-  , changed to log 16-bit integers.

-  c, changed to log 8-bit integers.

-  a, places addresses into dictionary and logs addresses.

-  e, places execution tokens into dictionary and logs tokens

-  address_literal creates an embedded address constant.

-  compile, interpret, and ~[compile] change to use e,

-  back changes to use a,

-  ' changes to use address_literal

-  create is renamed to (create)

-  define an execution vector named create

The changes can be made to the original compiler in  one  of  two
ways.   Change  the  source code and recompile a new kernel or compile
all the changes on top of the original compiler.   The  second  method
can  be  made  to work in almost any forth system as long as enough is
known about the internals of the base compiler.  The first  method  is
practical  only  when the source code of the compiler is available and
can be used to regenerate  a  forth  system.   Examples  of  this  are
fig-forth and F83.

2.1.1  Logging Data Types -

The data type logging function has two halves.  A recording  half
and  a  playback half.  The recording half, "mark_it" records the data
types produced by the compiler.  The playback  half,  "get_next_mark",
returns the data type and the address that data type refers to.

"mark_it" is used  by  ",",  "c,",  "a,"  "e,"  and  "allot"  for
recording  every  data  type in a data type log.  "allot" also records
the amount of storage allocated.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 11

Recording data types uses the word "mark_it".  A typical  use  of
"mark_it" follows:

: (i,)
integer_mark mark_it

"integer_mark" is a constant used as an integer data  type  marker  in
the  data  type log.  "mark_it" places each data type mark in a buffer
called  "data_type_log".   "(,)"  compiles  the   integer   into   the

The other data type marks are:  "byte_mark"  for  logging  bytes,
"address_mark"  for  logging  addresses,  "execute_mark"  for  marking
execution tokens and "storage_mark" for logging  storage  allocations.
All data type marks are single word elements except for "storage_mark"
which is a two word element.  The second  element  is  the  amount  of
storage allocated in bytes.

!! Target Compiler Setup And Control

Basic compiler control is provided.  The target compiler  can  be
started,  finished  and  turned on and off.  Dictionary headers can be
left in or turned off.

start_target_compiler and "start_target_compiler setup the target
compiler.   "start_target_compiler  takes  a  filename  pointer  as an
argument and opens that file for target compiler output.

End_target_compiler shuts down the target compiler.  It  finishes
output and closes any open files.

Near and far control the output  of  the  target  compiler.   Far
turns  on target compiling and near turns it off.  Target compiling is
a "far" environment.  Local compilation is a "near" environment.

Heads and tails control header production.  Heads turns on header
production.   Tails turns off header production leaving the definition
code only (the tail end).

!! Converting Definition To Symbolic Code

!!! Definitions And Data Types Logged -

As stated earlier, every definition creates a list of data  types
associated  with that definition.  This section shows the relationship
of data types logged and the code compiled.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 12

What follows is an example of a simple definition.  It multiplies
by  two  by  adding  the  input  to itself.  The picture describes the
compiled code generated by an ITC  type  of  forth  compiler  and  the
contents of data type log after compilation is complete.

The data types used in this example are  storage  ("s"),  address
("a")and execution ("e") tokens.

Storage tokens are generated every time any memory  is  allocated
to  the  forth dictionary.  Allot is the source of all storage tokens.
Storage token is currently the only token that is a multi-byte  token.
The  token  is followed by a byte count giving the size of the storage

Address tokens are  associated  with  compiled  addresses.   This
example  has  addresses  in  the  link  field  and  code  field  only.
Addresses can also be  generated  as  part  of  branches,  or  address

Execution tokens are generated for forth "instructions".  In many
implementations  of  forth,  execution  tokens are the same as address
tokens.  Maintaining a difference between address and execution tokens
keeps the target compiler flexible enough to work with almost any type
of forth compiler.

Tokens not used in this example are  the  byte  and  the  integer
tokens.    They   represent  byte  and  integer  storage  allocations.
Representing different sized integers explicitly enhances  the  code's
ability to be independent of byte order.  Example Of A Simple Definition And Logged Data Types -

: 2*   dup +  ;

definition       data type log

+-------!!!     +--!!!
header --> |    2     |     | s 3 |
+-------!!!     ~     ~
|    2     |     .     .
|    *     |     ~     ~
+-------!!!     +--!!!
link   --> | ptr to   |     | a   |
field      | prev dfn |     | s 2 |
+-------!!!     +--!!!
code   --> | ptr to   |     | a   |
field      | : code   |     | s 2 |
+-------!!!     +--!!!
body of--> | dup      |     | e   |
dfn        | token    |     | s 2 |
+-------!!!     +--!!!
| +        |     | e   |
| token    |     | s 2 |
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 13

+-------!!!     +--!!!
| ;s       |     | e   |
|token     |     | s 2 |
+-------!!!     +--!!!

The definition breaks into two separate parts, the header and the
"executable" code.

!!! Intermediate Level Code Generation -

Deciding when to convert the code compiled by the first pass into
a  form  usable  by the third pass is critical.  Too early or late and
result is useless for target code production.  The right time is  when
the  previous  definition  is  complete  and  the next has not started
compiling.  This point in the compilation process is  when  create  is

All defining words call create to define their dictionary header.
Executing  pass two code before calling create will catch all forms of
code definition.

Pass two code starts out "knowing"  the  starting  address  of  a
definition  and  the data types compiled by that definition.  Starting
at the beginning of the definition and the data type log, the pass two
code  looks  at the data type and converts the data to the proper form
for pass 3 consumption.

Actual code output from pass 2  is  extremely  dependent  on  the
syntax  of  pass 3 therefor, any specifics of code output are based on
the current implementation (6502 itc fig-forth).

Integers generate signed hex numbers, bytes generate unsigned hex
numbers.   For  example,  a  literal  constant generates the following
+------!!!   +--!!!
... 01F ...  -- generates -->   | literal |   | e   |
| token   |   | s 2 |
+------!!!   +--!!!
|   00    |   | i   |
|   1f    |   | s 2 |
+------!!!   +--!!!

which generates for pass 3,

@resolve.exec zliteral,0
.word $1f

The code consists of a macro  invocation  of  the  forth  literal
"instruction" followed by the integer value.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 14

Control flow constructs generate forth  branch  instructions  and
branch addresses.  The "if" statement generates the following code.

... if ...  -- generates -->    +------!!!     +--!!!
| 0branch |     | e   |
| token   |     | s 2 |
+------!!!     +--!!!
| branch  |     | a   |
| address |     | s 2 |
+------!!!     +--!!!

which generates for pass 3.

@resolve.exec z0branch,0
@resolve.addr <dfn containing if>, <dfn start-branch addr>

The address following the  branch  token  references  an  address
within the current definition.

The il code generator is broken into two parts.  The front end is
the machine independent part and the back end is the machine dependent
part.  Intermediate Level Code Generator Front End -

The il code generator front end is  machine  independent  to  the
extent that it is independent of the type of cpu it is running on.  It
is dependent on the type of forth machine it is running  on.   The  il
code  generator  front  end needs to know about the dictionary format,
and code threading method of the forth  compiler  it  is  running  on.
This  knowledge  is required by the front end so it can drive the back
end properly.  The current implementation knows about 6502  itc.   The
routine   that   controls   the   production   of   the   il  code  is

Each data type mark has its own  routine  to  process  that  data

Execution   tokens   are   converted   back   to    symbols    by
"expand_execution_token".   Addresses  are  converted  to  symbols  by
"expand_address".  Integers, bytes, and allocated storage are  handled
by "expand_integer", "expand_byte", and "expand_storage".  Intermediate Level Code Generator Back End -

The il code generator back end is a collection of  routines  that
converts  numbers  and  strings  into the pass 3 required syntax.  The
current pass 3 is MAC/65, a macro assembler sold by Optimized  Systems
Software for the Atari 8-bit line of PC's.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 15

The requirements placed upon the il code generator back  end  are
as follows:

Bytes are printed as ".byte" statements and integers are  printed
as  ".word" statements.  Labels and symbols are restricted to starting
with an alpha character, "@" or "?" and the rest of the characters are
alphanumeric,  "@",  ".",  or  "?".   Maximum  symbol  length  is  127

There was no problem in creating routines that printed bytes  and
integers  in  the proper format.  Problems arose when printing symbols
from name fields in the dictionary headers.

The form  of  symbols  in  MAC/65  is  fairly  unrestricted  when
compared to most assemblers but it is very restricted when compared to
forth symbols.  Converting forth symbols to MAC/65 symbols required  a
couple  of  things.   First, every symbol is prefaced with a "z" as an
indication of a compiler generated symbol.   It  also  simplifies  the
handling  of  forth  symbols  that  start  with  a  number.  Second, a
translation  of  non-permitted  characters  to  strings  of  permitted
characters is performed.

When printing a forth symbol as a MAC/65 symbol, every  character
in  the  symbol  is translated to a "legal" character or characters by
passing the characters through a filter.  To simplify the  translation
of  non-permitted characters to strings of permitted characters, every
"illegal" character gets its own routine.  The  filter  tests  to  the
existence  of translatable characters and passes the characters to the
proper routines otherwise it just prints the character unchanged.

Other routines in the il code generator back end deal with header
format for the target machine and header production control.

A large attempt was made to keep the il code generator  back  end
reasonably independent of MAC/65 or any assembler.  Macros Used In Pass 3 -

To make pass 3 processing easier with MAC/65, a series of  macros
were created.  These macros take care of many aspects of forth headers
and forth code creation.  The macros are described briefly below:

-  @mark.link marks a location for the next use of @leave.link.

-  @leave.link uses the location marked by @mark.link to  create
a dictionary link field.

-  @fudge.dict adjusts the dictionary to prevent ITC forth on  a
6502  processor  from  having  a  CFA  that  straddles a page
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 16

-  @resolve.cfa creates a CFA for a definition.

-  @resolve.addr creates an pointer in memory.

-  @resolve.exec creates an execution token in memory.

Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 17


The target compiler takes text files as input and  produces  text
files  as  output.  The tool used for pass 3 processing may or may not
use text files for input.  MAC/65 does  not  use  text  files  without
processing  them  into  tokenized  form.   This  requirement  for file
conversion adds a couple of steps  to  the  process  of  producing  an
executable image on an Atari 8-bit computer.

Producing an  application  for  a  target  machine  is  not  very
difficult.  The process follows the steps outlined below.

1.  An application is developed in the local forth environment.

2.  After it works locally, the target compiler is loaded and the
application is compiled with the target compiler.

3.  The target compiler produces a file containing  the  il  code
form of the application.

4.  The il code,  a  forth  kernel,  and  any  external  language
linkages are run through the pass 3 tool (an assembler and if
needed a linker)

5.  if an error  listing  indicates  any  missing  routines,  the
missing  routines  are added to the kernel (if assembler) and
repeat step 4 or to the application  (if  forth)  and  repeat
step 2.

6.  when a  clean  pass  3  is  achieved,  the  executable  image
produced   should  work  exactly  as  it  did  in  the  local
(original) environment.

Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 18


By just looking  at  the  output  of  the  target  compiler,  the
conclusion  could be drawn that this is a fancy decompiler.  The major
differences between the target  compiler  and  a  decompiler  are  the

-  A  decompiler  prints  out  just  the  names  of  the   forth

-  A  decompiler  requires  special  case   handling   for   all
multi-byte forth "instructions" and defining words

-  This target compiler knows about all data types compiled  and
can convert them to symbols.

-  This target compiler "learns" about all  new  defining  words
can  output  the  code  they  generate without changes to the
target compiler.

Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 19


Like all language, forth is not immune  to  programmers  creating
"tricks"  to  take  advantage  of  special  cases or situations.  This
target compiler handles most of the  tricks  found  in  forth  but  it
misses on a few.  Most of the not supported tricks are:

-  Negative allocation to permit  overwriting  of  variables  or
constants storage

-  Naming relocatable addresses as constants.  (This is  ok  for
non-relocatable addresses).

-  Address  calculations  using  ~[...]  literal.   (They  should
change to ~[...] address.literal).

All of the tricks are either bad or lazy  programming  practices.
They   can   be  remedied  easily  and  changed  into  something  more

Another area where the target compiler will not work properly all
the  time  is  in  the  area  of  vocabularies.  Currently, the target
compiler restricts the application to one vocabulary.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 20


This glossary describes  externally  visible  words  provided  by  the
target  compiler.  All other words are internal to the target compiler
and should not be depended on by other applications.

start_target_compiler ( --- )

Start up the target compiler.  Headers are  produced  and  target
compiler output is directed to the console device.

"start_target_compiler ( fn adr --- )

input:  fn adr; address of os specific legal filename

Start up the target compiler.  Headers are  produced  and  target
compiler  output  is  directed  to  the  file  specified  by the input

end_target_compiler ( --- )

Clean up target  compiling.   Print  any  remaining  intermediate
level code and close file if open.

near ( --- )

Stop compiling for far (target) environment and only  compile  in
near (local) environment.

far ( --- )

Resume compiling for far (target) and near (local) environment.

heads ( --- )

Turn on header production for target compiled definitions.

tails ( --- )

Turn off  header  production  for  target  compiled  definitions.
Produce only the "tail" end (the code part of a definition.

a, ( addr --- )

Allocate space for an address in  dictionary  and  place  address
found on top of stack in that allocation.

e, ( execution token --- )

Allocate space for an execution token  in  dictionary  and  place
execution token found on top of stack in that allocation.
Yet Another Target Compiler                                    Page 21


John J.   Cassady,  "METAFORTH,  A  metacompiler  for  fig-forth"
Mountain View Press, (1980)

Henry Laxen, "Meta Compiling 1", Forth Dimensions, (Vol 4, Number
6), PP 19-22.

Henry Laxen, "Meta Compiling 2", Forth Dimensions, (Vol 5, Number
2), PP 23-24.

Henry Laxen, 'Meta Compiling 3", Forth Dimensions, (Vol 5, Number
3), PP 31-32.

A.  P.  Haley, H.  P.  Oakford, and C.  L.   Stephens  "In  Sitsu
Development  -  The  ideal complement to Cross Target Compilers", 1985
FORMAL Conferences Proceedings, (October 1985), PP 391-398.

Randy  M.   Dumse,  "The  R65F11  and  F68K   Single-Chip   Forth
Computers",  The Journal of Forth Application and Research, (Volume 2,
Number 1, 1984), PP 11-21.

; mac/65 macro set for yatc
; @mark.link and @leave.link are used by the assembler to build the
; linked list that makes up the forth dictonary structure
.macro  @mark.link
@linktmp .= @nfa
@nfa .= *

.macro @leave.link
.word @linktmp

@linktmp .= 0
@nfa .= 0

; @fudge.dict looks at the size of the header and moves the start iff
; the cfa will cross a page boundary
; NOTE: this is needed iff compiling for 6502 itc
; usage: @fudge.dict <n>    where n is the size of the name

.macro @fudge.dict
.if ~[*+%1+3]&$ff=$FF

; @resolve.cfa creates a cfa for itc implementations  this will be a
; nop for stc, dtc and ttc implementations.
; usage: @resolve.cfa <sym>

.macro @resolve.cfa
.IF *&$FF=$FF
.word %1

; @resolve.addr places an address and offset into the dictonary
; usage: @resolve.addr <sym>, <offset>

.macro @resolve.addr
.word %1 + %2

; @resolve.exec places an execution address and offset into the
; dictonary.  this generates the proper code sequence for any code
; threading technique.
; usage: @resolve.exec <sym>, <offset>

.macro @resolve.exec
.word %1 + %2




( ." D:STACK.4TH     LOAD " CR )
(  " D:STACK.4TH     LOAD )

 ." D:FSM.4TH       LOAD " CR
  " D:FSM.4TH       LOAD





 ." D:CG65XXI.4TH   LOAD " CR
  " D:CG65XXI.4TH   LOAD


 ." D:MOD4TH.4TH    LOAD " CR
  " D:MOD4TH.4TH    LOAD


( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( vector.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )

( vector definition words )
: vector_undefined
  ." undefined vector " 

: vector
( define a vector word )
( : name vector_undefined ; )
( use : to create the header )
  ~[compile] :

( place the undefined vector into the dictionary )
  compile vector_undefined

( now, finish off the "definition" with a ; )
  ~[compile] ;

: make ( --- adr ) 
( make vector definition become definition )
  ~[compile] ' 

: (become) ( vector ptr, action pfa --- )
  cfa swap !

: become ( vector ptr --- )
  ~[compile] ' 

: ~[make] ( --- adr )
; immediate

: ~[become] ( vector adr --- )
  ~[compile] '
  compile (become)
; immediate
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( fsm.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )

( finite state machine tool )
( . )
( history )
(  1 nov 86 esj created )

: causes ( state value --- )
( compiles the state table information )
( test for execution compiler state.  will not work if compiled )
( into definition )

( compile in the state value )

( get the address of the action routine  and convert it to )
( executable form )
  ~[compile] '  cfa , 
; immediate

: initial_action  ( --- )
( define the initial action of the fsm )
( initial actions execute when the fsm is entered )
 0 ~[compile] causes

: otherwise_action  ( --- )
( define the otherwise action of the fsm )
( execute if we do not match to any state )
 -1 ~[compile] causes

: state_machine  ( --- )
( build a state machine table )
(   move state table address out of the way and do initial action )
(   and get state to evaluate from initial action ) 
    dup >r 2 + @  execute 

(   now that we have the state value to act on, go fine it and do it!)
    begin ( stk = state ) 
(     update state table pointer )
      r> 4 + >r 

(     get state value for comparison )
      r @ ( stk=state,state1) 

(     now, test for state value match or end of table. )
      over over = swap -1 = or  ( stk = state, f1|f2 )

(   get rid of state flag and execute action )
    drop r> 2+ @ execute 
; immediate

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( genfile.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( file io for forth intermediate generator )
( . )
( history )
( 28 dec 86 esj close file iff file iocb is not 1..7 i.e legal iocb# )
(  7 nov 86 esj created )

0 variable link_iocb

: ?legal_iocb ( iocb# --- f )
( check to see if iocb is in the range of 1..7.  tf = yes | ff = no )

  1 - dup 0< swap 6 > or lnot

: open_code_file ( fn adr --- )
( open code destination file )
( input: fn adr; addr of file name )
( if any file problems, the link is terminated via abort )
  8 open 1 = lnot
  if ( bad open )
    ." check your filename and try again "  abort

  link_iocb !

: close_code_file ( --- )
( close code destination file )

  link_iocb @ ?legal_iocb
  if ( legal )
    link_iocb @ close ( file ) drop ( error code )
  0 link_iocb !  ( restore code out iocb to 0 )

: swap_iocb ( --- )
( swap contents of out.iocb and link_iocb )

  link_iocb @ out.iocb @
  link_iocb ! out.iocb !

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( genstore.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( constants and storage for the forth intermediate code generator )
( . )
( history )
( 27 nov 86 esj added execution_mark
( 25 oct 86 esj split from main file )

40      constant immed.bit
04      constant storage_data_type_size
06      constant most_data_type_size
14      constant header_data_type_size
ascii A constant address_mark
ascii I constant integer_mark
ascii C constant byte_mark
ascii S constant storage_mark
ascii L constant label_mark
ascii E constant execution_mark
0400    constant data_type_log_size

( current_field contains the pointer to a data element definition. )
( current_address contains the pointer to a data element within )
( a definition. )

0 variable current_field
0 variable current_address
0 variable first_time
0 variable data_type_log  data_type_log_size allot
here constant data_type_log_end

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( logdata.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( log data type code)
( . )
( history )
( 28 dec 86 esj vector mark_it
( 20 nov 86 esj add get_next_mark
( 25 oct 86 esj split from main routine )

: reset_data_type_log ( --- )
( setup relocation buffer to start condition )
  data_type_log dup !

: ?empty_data_type_log ( --- f )
( test for empty data type log )
( output: f; tf = empty, ff = not empty )
  data_type_log dup @ =

vector mark_it

: (mark_it)  ( mark --- )
( enter a chunk of data into the relocation buffer )
( input: mark; token placed into the relocation buffer )
( output: none )

( index next free relocation buffer location )
  2 data_type_log +!

( test for end of relocation buffer )
  data_type_log @ data_type_log_end u<
(   not at end, place mark into dictionary )
    ( debug )
   ( data_type_log @ space . dup emit )
    data_type_log @ !

(   warn of data type log overflow )
    ." overflow data type log at "
    data_type_log @ 0 d. cr

: ?done ( --- f )
( test for linker done. tf = done)
  data_type_log @ 
  current_field  @
  2dup =  
  >r u< r> or

: get_next_mark ( --- dfn addr, size, mark )
( return an address and its data type )
( input: none )
( output: dfn addr;  pointer to data of data type specified by mark )
(         size;      size of data represented by mark )
(         mark;      data type mark )
( current_field points to the current data type. return the data type )
( pointed to by current_field )
( current_address points inside of definition. location current_address )

( points to should be same data type as current_field indicated data )
( type mark. )

( setup return values )
  current_address @
  current_field @ @

( move to next data type and matching address )
  dup storage_mark =
  if ( storage mark, offset to current address follows )
    2 current_field +!
    current_field @ @  dup current_address +!
    2 current_field +!

  else ( standard size data type mark )
    6 current_field +!
    2 current_address +!
    2 ( size argument )
  swap ( put size in its proper place )

: init_code_out_ptrs ( --- )
( setup pointers for intermediate code generator )
  data_type_log 2+ current_field !
  latest  current_address !

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( findname.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )

: look_up ( adr --- adr, nfa, f )
( look_up searches the current vocabulary for close match )
( to the address passed in.  will not give proper match when )
( vocabularys are mixed within a definition)
(   get nfa of start of search )
    context @ @
    true ( dummy flag )
(     stk = adr within dfn, nfa of definition, f ~[either dummy or prev] )
(     drop flag because flag is for exit testing )

(     test for "match" )
      2dup swap u<

(     test for end of dictionary list)
(       make the stack look like not found condition )

(       stk = adr1, adr2, f )
        swap pfa lfa @

(       stk = adr1, f, adr3 )
        dup 0= 

(       stk = adr1, f, adr3, eov f)
        rot swap over or

(       stk = adr1, adr3, f, f or f )

(   stk = adr, found nfa, f tf=found | ff=not found )


( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( cg65xxi.4th )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( mac65 code version )
( routines that generate the intermediate code text. )
( when generating code for different linking methods, different macro )
( assemblers or a native forth linker, hopefuly these are the only )
( routines that need to be changed )
( . ) 
( history ) 
( 28 dec 86 esj limited range of .byte to 0..ff )
( 28 nov 86 esj removed the machine independent parts )
( 27 nov 86 esj added handling execution mark. )
( 23 nov 86 esj changed code output for mac65 syntax )
( 20 nov 86 esj eliminate need for next_data_type_field )
(  1 nov 86 esj sync data typing table and current address pointer)
( 25 oct 86 esj split from main file )


: .asm_hex ( n --- )
( print a byte as mac65 hex format )
( input: n; integer 0..ffff )

( save current base and convert to hex )
  base @ swap  hex
( do formated output )
  0 ( convert n to unsigned double )
  <# #s ascii $ hold #> type

  base !

: .byte ( n --- )
( print n as .byte statement )
( input: n; integer 0..ff )

  ."  .byte "
  0ff and ( limit data to 0..ff range )

: .word ( n --- )
( print n as .word statement )
( input: n; integer 0..ffff )

  ."  .word "  .asm_hex

( the following definitions translate non-alpha characters )
( into alpha char stings. )

: .store 
  drop ( char )
  ." store"

: .quote
  drop ( char )
  ." quote"

: .crosshatch
  drop ( char )
  ." crhatch"

: .dollar
  drop ( char )
  ." dollar"

: .percent
  drop ( char )
  ." percent"

: .ampersand
  drop ( char )
  ." ampersand"

: .tick
  drop ( char )
  ." tick"

: .at
  drop ( char )
  ." at"

: .oparens
  drop ( char )
  ." oprn"

: .cparens
  drop ( char )
  ." cprn"

: .minussign
  drop ( char )
  ." msgn"

: .equalssign
  drop ( char )
  ." eqsgn"

: .lessthan
  drop ( char )
  ." lthn"

: .greaterthan
  drop ( char )
  ." grthn"

: .underline
  drop ( char )
  ." uline"

: .plus
  drop ( char )
  ." plus"

: .star
  drop ( char )
  ." star"

: .slash
  drop ( char )
  ." slash"

: .cbracket
  drop ( char )
  ." cbrckt"

: .obracket
  drop ( char )
  ." obrckt"

: .semi
  drop ( char )
  ." semi"

: .colon
  drop ( char )
  ." colon"

: .dot
  drop ( char )
  ." dot"

: .comma
  drop ( char )
  ." comma"

: .qmark
  drop ( char )
  ." qmark"

state_machine emit_limited ( char --- )
( convert all char that may choke an assembler to ok char )
 initial_action  dup ( char )

  ascii ! causes .store
  ascii " causes .quote
  ascii # causes .crosshatch
  ascii $ causes .dollar
  ascii % causes .percent
  ascii & causes .ampersand
  ascii ' causes .tick
  ascii @ causes .at
  ascii ( causes .oparens
  ascii ) causes .cparens
  ascii - causes .minussign
  ascii = causes .equalssign
  ascii < causes .lessthan
  ascii > causes .greaterthan
  ascii _ causes .underline
  ascii + causes .plus
  ascii * causes .star
  ascii / causes .slash
  ascii ] causes .cbracket
  ascii ~[ causes .obracket
  ascii ; causes .semi
  ascii : causes .colon
  ascii . causes .dot
  ascii , causes .comma
  ascii ? causes .qmark

  otherwise_action emit

: (common.nfa) ( nfa --- end adr, start adr)
( convert nfa to do loop arguments for all .nfa versions )
( input: nfa; pointer to name field of definition )
( output: end adr; last address of name field )
(         start adr; first address of name field )

( get size of name, and mask out header fields from size )
  count 1f and

( stk = str addr, size | convert to do loop bounds )
  over + swap

: .nfa_as_bytes ( nfa --- ) 
( print the name field as a .byte string )
( input: nfa; printed name field address )

  cr ."  .byte "
  dup c@ .asm_hex
(   place , between fields )
    ." , "

(   get char, mask to 7 bits, and print it. )
    i c@ 7f and .asm_hex


( turn on the 80 bit for the last char.  note: this method is )
( a mac/65 "feature" )
  ." +$80"

: .nfa ( nfa --- ) 
( print the name field without the 80 bit showing )
( input: nfa; printed name field address )


(   get char, mask to 7 bits, and print it. )
    i c@ 7f and emit

: .nfa_limited ( nfa --- ) 
( print the name field without the 80 bit showing or any characters )
( that are not palatable to many assemblers )
( input: nfa; printed name field address )

  ." z" ( many assemblers must have an alpha first char )

(   get char, mask to 7 bits, and print it. )
    i c@ 7f and emit_limited

: generate_resolve_addr ( adr, nfa --- )
( generate the resolve code, label, and offset, if needed. )
( input: adr; an absolute adr ref to be converted to a symbolic adr ref)
(        nfa; name field address of definition that contains adr )
( output: a line in the form of              )
(        @resolve.addr <sym>, <offset> )
( on a new line, print name of address resolver in linker )
  cr  ."  @resolve.addr "

  dup .nfa_limited 
  ." ,"  pfa cfa - .asm_hex

: generate_resolve_exec ( adr, nfa --- )
( generate the resolve code, label, and offset, if needed. )
( input: adr; an absolute adr ref to be converted to a symbolic adr ref)
(        nfa; name field address of definition that contains adr )
( output: a line in the form of              )
(        @resolve.exec <sym>, <offset> )
( on a new line, print name of address resolver in linker )
  cr  ."  @resolve.exec "

( print execution token as symbol )
  dup .nfa_limited

( calculate and print offset )
  ." ,"  pfa cfa - .asm_hex

: fudge_dictionary ( count --- )
( input: count; size of name field )
( NOTE: this is ONLY NEEDED if 6502 itc because of the 6502 jmp indirect bug.)

( print the macro that corrects the dictionary if the cfa could end)
( up on an xxFF boundary )
  1f and ."   @fudge.dict " .asm_hex

( consume dfn offset field ~[6502 only])
  get_next_mark drop drop drop

( header print control )

vector .header

: (.header) ( adr ---  )
( print the header field. can be turned off for headerless code )
( input: adr; pointer to start of name field )
( output:  )
( mac65 version: we could create a macro to build headers BUT mac65)
( doesn't allow " in strings ~[silly people] SO, we gotta build the)
( header and all associated lables for ourselves.  All is not lost.)
( we will still use macros for as many things as possible )


( get size of header for dictonary adjustment )
  dup c@ fudge_dictionary

( mark link address )
  cr  ."  @mark.link "

( leave the header trail )

( leave link field )
  cr ."  @leave.link"

( consume the proper amount of data and their marks to leave )
( us at the cfa. )
  get_next_mark drop drop drop ( consume lfa )

: (noheads) ( adr --- )
( dummy for not dumping headers )
( input: adr; pointer to start of name field )
( method: consume data type marks like (.header but don't dump )
( any header data. )

  drop ( input )
  0 fudge_dictionary ( make 0 length fudge field )
  get_next_mark drop drop drop ( consume lfa field )

( now hopefully, we are at the cfa mark )

: heads ( --- )
( turn on headers )
  ~[make] .header ~[become] (.header)

: tails ( --- )
( turn off headers )
  ~[make] .header ~[become] (noheads)

( end of header control )

: .cfa ( cfa --- )
( print cfa label for definition at cfa given )
( input: cfa; )
( output: a line with a cfa label.  lable form is z.<dfn name> )
  @  look_up
  drop ( flag because we will "always" find it )
  cr ."  @resolve.cfa  z." .nfa_limited  drop

: .label ( --- )
( make a label for the current definition. )
  cr  latest .nfa_limited

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( Code Generator COMMON section )
( this code is the ~[hopefully] machine independent part of)
( code generation.  this code knows about itc forth implementations.)
( . ) 
( history ) 
( 28 nov esj split codeout.4th into machine dependent/independent parts)

: expand_address ( adr, size ---  )
( expand address into symbolic label )
( input: adr; pointer to contents of a definition )
(        size; size of address field. currently ignored )

  drop ( size )

( is it a branch offset? assume all branches are within 1 byte )
  dup @ 
  100 over +  200 u<
  if ( branch )
    +   2 - ( adjust branch offset )

  else ( not branch, get rid of 2ed on stack )
    swap drop

  look_up ( and find what definition it belongs to )
  if ( found )

  else ( not found )
    2drop ( not found address )
    ." not_found "


: expand_execution_token ( adr, size ---  )
( expand execution token into symbolic label )
( input: adr; pointer to contents of a definition )
(        size; size of token. currently ignored )

  drop ( size )

( assumption: all executable tokens have a 0 offset from start of )
( definition therefor use the following code segment )
  @ dup 2+ nfa true ( we "always" find it. )

( if executable tokens have a variable offset from definition )
( start, use the following code segment ) 
(  @ look_up ( and find what definition it belongs to )
  if ( found )

  else ( not found )
    2drop ( not found address )
    ." not_found "


: expand_integer ( adr, size ---  )
( produce integer intermediate code output )
( input: size; size of the integer compiled at address )
(        adr; pointer to contents of a definition )
( note: size is currently ignored. it will be used in the future to)
( handle different sized integers )
  drop ( size)

( produce new line, get integer, and print it with line terminator )
  @ .word

: expand_byte ( adr, size ---  )
( produce byte intermediate code output )
( input: size; size of the integer compiled at address )
(        adr; pointer to contents of a definition )
( note: size is currently ignored. it will be used in the future to)
( handle different sized integers )
  drop ( size)

( produce new line, get byte, and print rage ( adr, size --- )
( produce the storage code output )
( input: size; size of storage area )
(        adr; pointer to contents of a definition )
( marked storage allocation is a special case. a storage marker )
( is generated every time the compiler allots some space.  the )
( storage marker generated after a "," or "c," or "a," is hidden. )

( do nothing if storage allocation is 0 in length )
  -dup ( if not 0 )
(   loop count not 0, loop through all of the bytes and output them )
    over + swap  ( build loop indexes )
      i  c@ .byte

: bad_data_type ( data mark, adr --- data mark)
  drop ( dfn ptr )
  cr  ." not found -> "   dup emit 

state_machine datatype_switch
( dispatch to proper action for each data mark )
  initial_action       task ( do nothing )

  address_mark   causes expand_address
  integer_mark   causes expand_integer
  byte_mark      causes expand_byte
  storage_mark   causes expand_storage
  execution_mark causes expand_execution_token
  otherwise_action     bad_data_type

: generate_intermediate_code ( --- )
( this is the definition that produces intermediate code output )
( note: produce code iff there is some to be dumped.  the test is )
( if data_type_log is empty or not )
  ?empty_data_type_log lnot
(   redirect io to the output file )


(   print header, cfa, and label fields )
    get_next_mark drop drop  .header
    get_next_mark drop drop  .cfa

(   start converting a forth definition back into symbolic references )

(     stk =  definition pointer, data type mark )



(   turn io back to normal output )

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( MOD4TH.4TH )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( modify a, , and c, to keep data type information when compiling )
( . )
( history )
( 27 nov 86 esj add (e,)
( 25 oct 86 esj split from main program )

: (a,) ( n --- )
( comma with an address data type mark)
( input: address value )

  address_mark mark_it

: (e,) ( n --- )
( comma with an execution data type mark)
( input: execution token )

  execution_mark mark_it

: (i,) ( n --- )
( comma with an integer data type mark)
( input: integer value )

  integer_mark mark_it

: (b,) ( byte --- )
( c comma with an byte data type mark)
( input: byte value )

  byte_mark mark_it
  (c table )
( input: n; number of bytes to allocate in dictionary )

  storage_mark mark_it
  dup          mark_it
  dp ( code that is replaced when allot is hot patched )

( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( ----------------------------------------------------------------- )
( forth target compiler.  This program modifies several aspects ) 
( of a forth compiler. The end goal is to generate an intermediate )
( source code form suitable for a macro assembler or other )
( executable image generating tool)
( . )
( history )
( 15 jly 86 esj created v1.0 )
( 18 jly 86 esj added link_end and documentation )
(  7 sep 86 esj added limit checking for relocation buf size)
( 21 oct 86 esj reorged and split into separate files )
(  3 nov 86 esj seperated file io into own file )
( 28 dec 86 esj improved compiler control )


: common_pass_2 ( --- )
( common work for all pass 2 definitions.  this is all that is )
( done when the target compiler is first turned on.  Otherwise it )
( is the final work for compleating pass 2 )

: do_pass_2 ( --- )
( second pass code generator )
( method: generate intermediate code )

(  cr ." rel buf @ "  )
(  data_type_log @ 0 d. )
(  here 0 d.  cr )


: first_pass_2 ( --- )
( pass 2 code executed first time through pass 2 )
  ~[make] create  ~[become] do_pass_2

: far ( --- )
( turn on the pass 2 code generator )
  ~[make] create  ~[become] first_pass_2
  ~[make] mark_it ~[become] (mark_it)

: near ( --- )
( turn off the pass 2 code generator )
( method: flush the currently active definition then reset ) 
( create and mark_it to do-nothing states )

  generate_intermediate_code cr
  ~[make] create  ~[become] (create)
  ~[make] mark_it ~[become] drop

: end_target_compiler
( turn off linker code and dump the last definition )
  near  close_code_file

: start_target_compiler ( --- )
( method: turn on pass 2 code generator, reset data )
( type logging, sets initial entry state, and turn on headers )

  far heads

: "start_target_compiler ( fn adr --- )
( input: fn adr; address of legal filename )
( method: open output file, turn on pass 2 code generator, reset data )
( type logging, sets initial entry flag using start_target_compiler )
( whenever possible )

( starts generating a link output file)

( do everything else )

." setup world "
( init the relocation buffer so the world starts clean )

( setup compiling locally )

make a,     become (a,)
make e,     become (e,)
make ,      become (i,)
make c,     become (b,)
make allot  become (allot)

( abbrevs )
:  stc  start_target_compiler ;
:  etc  end_target_compiler   ;
: "stc "start_target_compiler ;

( notes: )
( near stops the target compiler output and only compiles locally. )
( far lets the target compiler pick up from where it was stopped by )
( near and compile for far away places )
( start_target_compiler and  "start_target_compiler do just )
( that, they start up the target compiler.  the difference is )
( "start_t_c opens a file for code output. )
( end_target_compiler finishes the target compilation process by )

( closing files dumping final code segments and similar things. )
