Altirra (C) Avery 'Phaeron' Lee#
Altirra is without any doubt the(!) standard for Atari emulators as of 2018. Phaeron did such an outstanding and marvelous job with this emulator.
; link to the original site from Avery Lee; Thank you so much Avery, your work is epic! There is no alternative to your software. Please go ahead with your great work! The community really needs you. You belong, without any doubt, to the irreplaceables!
- Altirra and Wine discussion on AtariAge
; WineBottler - Run Windows-based Programs on a Mac ; Thank you so much, especially for your free software. Mac users really appreciate your contribution to the community. Please go ahead with your outstanding work! :-)
For PCs: please use the link in the reference for downloading Altirra native for your system#
Please un7z the file and put the app into the applications folder and don't alter the name. If Avery brings out a new version, just open the app-package (mouse right click on the app) and simply go to:
and just replace
Altirra.exe (for the 32 bit version) or Altirra64.exe (for the 64 bit version)
with the new version from Avery. That's all. :-)
Have fun.
Wine-Settings for Altirra 3.0.0 with respect to Avery Lee in the minimum requirred size possible; double click ready for macOS
- Avery Lee ; mega thanks for his emulator, it is epic! :-)
- for WineBottler; without your software Mac users would be out of the game!
- skr and luckybuck from AtariAge to bottle the emulator for macOS and making the settings to minimize cpu usage and size of storage