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From ABBUC ; thank you so much ABBUC! :-)
.ACT "Action!" source code file.
.APC "APAC" image. (80x96x256 noncompressed).
.AP2 "APAC-2" image. (80x192x256 noncompressed).
.AR? (AR0 through AR9) An "autorun" file loaded by MyDOS during boot, renamed from "EXE", "COM" or "OBJ."
.ARC "ARC" archive. A set of files compressed into one file. Typcial Atari 8-bit compression format.
.ASC "ASCII" text file.
.ASM Assembly language source code file.
.ATA "AtASCII" (Atari ASCII) text file.
.ATR An Atari disk image used by Atari computer and disk drive emulators. (Like PC Xformer, Rainbow, Atari800, XL-It!, SIO2PC and APE.)
.BAS "Atari BASIC" tokenized source code file. "LOAD" from within BASIC.
.BAT "Batch" file - list of commands to be executed by a DOS (ie SpartaDOS).
.BLU ".blurb" file (description of another file). C -T- "C" source code file.
.CFG A preferences (configuration) file used by some program
.CNF A preferences (configuration) file used by some program.
.COM Binary executable (a program / application).
.CTB Compiled TurboBASIC XL program. Load with TurboBASIC XL "Runtime."
.DAT A data file used by some program.
.DC3 "Disk Communicator" disk image (disk data saved as a file).
.DCM "Disk Communicator" disk image (disk data saved as a file).
.DOC Text file (ASCII or ATASCII).
.DGS "Degas" image. (??x??x??).
.DIG "Parrot" digital audio file.
.DSK "Disk Communicator" disk image (disk data saved as a file).
.EXE Binary executable (a program / application).
.FRM "Frame" animation file.
.FON Atari screen font file.
.FNT Atari screen font file.
.FTH "Forth" source code file.
.GIF A "GIF"(tm) graphics file. (??x??x2-256 compressed).
.GRA "APAC" image. (80x96x256 noncompressed).
.GR7 "Graphics 7" image. (160x96x4 noncompressed).
.GR8 "Graphics 8" image. (320x192x2 noncompressed).
.GR9 "Graphics 9" image. (80x192x16 noncompressed).
.G15 "Graphics 15" image. (160x192x4 noncompressed).
.HIP "Hard Interlaced Picture" image. (160x240x30).
.HLP Text or other file used as a help file by some program.
.ILC "APAC Interlaced" image. (80x192x256 noncompressed).
.LHA "LHA" archive. A set of files compressed into one file. Typical Atari ST and Amiga compression format.
.LST An Atari BASIC source file. "ENTER" from within BASIC.
.M65 "Mac65" tokenized source code file.
.NLQ Daisy Dot III "Near Letter Quality" font file.
.OBJ Binary executable (a program / application) or an "object" file.
.PIC A An image file. Usually "Koala" style (160x192x4 compressed).
.PRF A preferences file used by some program
.PRO An "APE" disk image which contains copy protection information.
.PZM "Pryzm" image. (80x192x256 noncompressed).
.QIK "Quick" source code file.
.RLE "Run-Length-Encoded" image. (??x??x?? compressed).
.SFX Self-Extracting archive. (A program which decompresses itself into a set of smaller programs - you only load this once.)
.SND Mac System 7 or NeXT digital audio file.
.SYS A system file, usually used by a DOS.
.TBS TurboBASIC XL tokenized source code file. "LOAD" from within TurboBASIC XL.
.TUR TurboBASIC XL tokenized source code file. "LOAD" from within TurboBASIC XL.
.TXT Text file (ASCII or AtASCII).
.UUE "UUencoded" binary file (converted to text-only format.)
.WAV "WAVE" digital audio file.
.XMO ??? Some binary file. (Bad naming convention by CompuServe.)
.ZIP "ZIP" archive. A set of files compressed into one file.